Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 231 Disrespecting the Old (Part 1)

Salomon has given Captain Rogers a lot of face, because Captain Rogers himself came to him after accepting the entrustment of Nick Fury. Unlike Peggy Carter, Captain Rogers had no idea of ​​talking to Salomon. so urgent. Salomon didn't know how many conversation partners Nick Fury had found for him. He could easily conclude that Nick Fury was doing this kind of thing in revenge for his random opening of classified documents at Eton College.

Humph, that cheapskate! Put on the hanging ring and punch him next time.

But in the face of the somewhat embarrassed Captain Rogers, the mystic really couldn't get angry. It's really too much to ask a soldier who hasn't graduated from high school to be the conversation partner. This guy has no problem carrying out orders, but it's a little difficult for him to talk to others. Salomon believed that Captain Rogers had been tormented by nightmares after waking up from the ice, and his mental state was no better than Salomon's. Maybe he still felt a trance now. The mystic could only remove the extra-dimensional bacteria symbolically, but he couldn't do anything else.

As a result, the atmosphere came to a standstill. Captain Rogers originally wanted to ask Salomon why Peggy Carter met him, but Captain Rogers obviously hadn't practiced the social methods of modern people, and he was embarrassed to speak in such an atmosphere. You can only find a chance to ask after you make up your mind. "Uh...was your artificial intelligence developed with Stark?" Captain Rogers was trying to find a topic, "It's the one you brought to Agent Coulson's funeral. I thought it was a real person. Yesterday Stark Ke told me that it was your work..."

"That's not artificial intelligence. Alchemy artificial lifeforms are not connected to the Internet...Forget it, you say it is." Salomon sighed, and lowered his head again to slice the French toast on the plate. There was too much sugar, and the toast was a bit hard, but it was barely edible. The mystic made excuses to leave after finishing the beating and eating the French toast. "You have to give your artificial intelligence an identity certificate." Captain Rogers said, "Nick Fury promised to help with this."

"No need." Salomon shook his head and continued eating. Then the air fell into silence again. After the mystic master drank all the black tea in his cup and finished his toast, he buttoned up two suit buttons, put on his backpack, and left here with an excuse that he couldn't get any worse. Captain Rogers has no intention of keeping him. He knows that he cannot communicate with Salomon. He will suggest that Nick Fury find a more professional doctor, because he thinks that Salomon's anti-social personality may be a bit serious, which is different from that of ordinary American doctors. The youth gap is simply too great.

He may be dumb, but he can perceive something deep in other people's hearts. He feels that there seems to be a certain void in Salomon's heart. Now the void is temporarily filled, is it magic? Or something else? Captain Rogers didn't know what it was, and he didn't know what Salomon was longing for, but he thought that this mental state might be exactly the same as his.

They are all sick. Maybe he should see a psychiatrist too.

Naturally, Salomon would not know what other people thought. When he returned to the apartment, he saw that the android was holding a rag and was concentrating on wiping the furnishings in the room. The cyborgs discovered the mystic. "Master, welcome back." She walked into the hallway and said expressionlessly, "Do you want to eat first, take a bath first, or..."

Salomon quickly reached out his hand to stop the artificial man from saying, "Stop, stop, this is just a setting on my whim, and I don't want to implement it next time." However, he did not stop the artificial man from helping him take off his shoes move. The mystic master probed into the room and asked the artificial man, "Where did all the witches go?"

"Master, your adoptive mother drove to the apartment three hours ago and picked up Beunita and Joan of Arc. The specific reason was not explained, and I will definitely remember to ask next time." The artificial man raised his fist, Said very seriously. Salomon could only stop the artificial Dinah from being too serious. He didn't know if Dinah would resort to violence next time because she wanted to ask why. Iron.

"Why do you always have no expression." He stroked the skin on the artificial man's face, "Is there something wrong with the expression system? Although the design of this part of the bionic muscle is Jarvis, I think the weak artificial intelligence should not be so It’s easy to make mistakes.”

"The expression management system is running normally and does not need to be overhauled." The artificial man thought for a while, "I found out during the learning process that all robots on the Internet have no expressions, so I don't think I should show expressions. Master, I Did you do something wrong?"

"Where did you see that?" The mystic frowned.

""The Terminator", "Frank the Robot", "The Copy Wife", "The Machine Butler"..."

"Huh..." The mystic master let out a long breath. He still hasn't figured out what's going on in this artificial man's mind. An alchemy artificial life would go to a movie to learn how a robot should behave. He doesn't even know how to complain about the artificial man's thoughts. But this was barely reassuring to him, because Dinah had done nothing out of the ordinary. Although the life of the artificial man comes from him, the idea is different. Apart from the alchemy formula known by Salomon, the artificial man needs to learn everything by himself, so the camp may also be different from the creator-the only thing is For sure, that is, the artificial man is absolutely loyal to him, and no mind control spell can seize the control of the artificial man.

In order not to let the idea of ​​artificial man go astray, Salomon must determine the scope of Dinah's study. The reasons and results of Google's and Amazon's artificial intelligence getting out of control are right in front of us, and Salomon absolutely cannot let his alchemy artificial life form get out of control.

"Master, what are you thinking? Do you need a snack?" The artificial voice pulled Salomon's thoughts back, "I completed the to-do item today: learn to make cheesecake. This to-do item has been completed , There are already two cheesecakes stored in the refrigerator, Master, you can eat them."

"What about the alchemy ointment?" Salomon mentioned alchemy training, which was one of the main purposes of his artificial man.

"This is a flying ointment made according to the recipe you entered. The materials have been consumed at present. May I ask if you can go to Vandazar Fu to purchase again."

"Put it in the memo. I don't have time to go to the dimensional hub recently. You can take my secret imprint to purchase materials." Salomon covered his forehead helplessly, fell on the back of the sofa chair, and enjoyed the cloth cloth. The softness of the sofa. He closed his eyes and took out a seal from his pocket.

This seal is Salomon's secret seal, which cannot be faked by others. The seal has a circular logo that symbolizes the Trinity of Kama Taj Visandi, representing his origin and inheritance. The lying red dragon next to the circular logo represents his authority, and the sword and wand represent his power. . This imprint will become more and more complex as his identities continue to increase, until the coat of arms on the imprint becomes densely packed.

He really couldn't spare time to do such trivial things as purchasing alchemy materials. Recently, he has been busy up and down. While using the Cosmic Cauldron to monitor the Ghost Rider with Mordo, he also has to overhaul the body of the android in order to keep the android perfect. In addition, the ALevel exam, He really didn't have time for other things like extra-curricular science courses, gymnastics and magic training, and travels in dark dimensions. He even had to mediate the relationship between the witch and the man-made man when he was resting, otherwise Joan would shoot and kill the man-made man as soon as he got home—the witch’s sense of territory is as sensitive as a cat, and Salomon has to comfort her every day. The mood of the witches will do.

Tired, but full of life, Salomon enjoys this state. But if something unexpected happened (which is very common in the wizarding world), he would have to alter his schedule drastically, without which he couldn't live. But the work of changing the schedule can be given to Dinah, who is in charge of his life...

Before Salomon could relax, a letter flew in from the window, and he opened it in front of the mystic.

"You have to be busy, my dear disciple." The supreme mage's gloating voice came out of the envelope, "Also, I have already completed the modification of the spell transmission spell before you, and the snacks in your refrigerator are mine. gone."

Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month! ! ! !

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