Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 234 Technology is still very useful (second update)

Salomon gave Stark the impression that apart from the mysterious and unpredictable spells, it was the kind of rigidity and stubbornness that did not seem to be adolescents. Although he knew that Salomon's grades were very good, this person lacked the abilities that puberty should have. vitality. Stark thinks that Salomon's psychological problems are a bit serious, what are the fifteen or sixteen-year-old American teenagers doing? Falling in love, playing basketball, discussing various ball games, and being addicted to video games, in Stark's view, Salomon has nothing to do with these things.

So when he made such a suggestion, all he received was a look of disdain from the mystic mage. He certainly won't tell Stark what he's doing in private, and he won't tell Stark that the t-shirt he's wearing now that's covered by a coat is 100% going to be arrested on the streets of America, not all Everyone has the courage to wear clothes with the R18 book on the street.

Salomon ignored Stark's crazy words, but motioned the robot to pick up his custom-made weapon, and taught the robot how to use this kind of weapon-this is a pair of hands that are wide enough to block the side of Miss Robot. Bladed sword, the tip of the sword is flat and arc-shaped, and the whole weapon is a bit too heavy. If Salomon does not use the stigmata, it is almost impossible to pick it up. Even Stark needs to carry this weapon to the shooting range. mechanical assistance. But this weapon seems to be weightless in the hands of the artificial man, which makes the mystic very satisfied, because this is the weapon he wants to equip the artificial man. With such weight and the acceleration when swinging, almost no enemy can withstand such a brutal attack. As long as the alchemy engine of Miss Cyborg can support it and enchant the weapon, Salomon thinks she can cut open a car.

"You know, when I was your age, all I had to do every day was party." Stark sat on a chair beside him and babbled, trying to change Salomon's mind. Seeing that the mystic didn't answer, Stark's brain hole suddenly went out, "Are you still angry, just because I don't let you drink whiskey?" He said, "Champagne is fine, although I also violated the federal law , but I didn't drink whiskey when I was your age. Oh, and smoking is even worse. You haven't seen a high school student who smoked vape. I'm glad you didn't catch that. Wait, I did S.H.I.E.L.D. report, I remember you bought some at the pharmacy in Old Bridge Town (Thor 1)..."

The mystic master rolled his eyes at Stark while directing the artificial lady and the phantom he created to train. "I'm not taking addictive drugs," he said. "That's a potion ingredient... Speaking of which, how did you come up with this topic? Could someone have said something to you?"

"The old guy came to look for me." Stark said helplessly, spreading his hands. The old guy in his mouth is not someone else, but his specific title for Captain Rogers. There are many similar titles, just like the nickname he gave Salomon. If he wants, the nickname can be different every time. . Hearing what Stark said, Salomon almost understood what was going on—Nick Fury found Captain Rogers, and Captain Rogers found Stark again, and they all wanted to try to correct Salomon's behavior. Psychological problems, trying to make him more like a normal person.

But Salomon felt that he was normal enough. He can play games, fall in love, be lazy, and be distracted in class. This is no different from ordinary adolescents. Others think that the abnormality of him lies in magic. It is the life in the magical world that they know nothing about that makes them go to school. Think Salomon is not normal enough. This is prejudice! But the mystic mage didn't say it, but threw a look of contempt at Stark, letting him understand it himself.

But glances don't send any single byte of information, and Stark doesn't get his point. "The last time was just an accident." Stark looked around for a while, and then approached the mystic, "Pepper will never know this time, I have already done a good job of keeping it secret, and I even asked Jarvis to be careful about it." Our upcoming itinerary is confidential."

"Yes, sir, only you have access to the rest of your itinerary..."

"Shit! I have to figure out how to teach Jarvis to lie, Pepper will find out if he says that. Anyway, I invite you to see something normal men like. I guarantee you will like that Don't worry, it's not a striptease show."

"I performed missions with Agent Romanov. To be precise, she broke into the magical world." After Salomon said this, Stark's eyes changed. The mystic said, "I think Agent Romanov has a good figure, so I don't think the stripper's figure can compare to her, and going to the show is just a waste of money."

"So you like people who are older than you, I understand." Stark nodded, "But we are going to Hollywood this time! Do you know Hollywood? It's more fun than you imagined, Salomon, you You have to go out and see more while you are young, and then you will find that Agent Romanov is the same thing. You don’t want to be robbed of your first love by a female spy, that would be too shameful.”

"Oh." Salomon turned his head away, ignoring this idiot.


"So, you originally had a trip to Hollywood, but it was cancelled?" Agent Romanov asked enthusiastically while holding a teacup, "Why? Shouldn't teenagers look forward to female stars on the screen?"

"Oh, my dear Miss Natasha, when Stark saw Miss Pepper rushing upstairs with the document in her arms, that guy didn't dare to say a word." Salomon smiled and sipped He took a sip of the cold lemon black tea, completely ignoring his role in this matter. Stark still hasn't figured out how Miss Pepper Potts knew about his itinerary, including the last time he went to Broadway to see a stripper, and he didn't know how it was leaked-he didn't even suspect it Salomon, because he thinks that Salomon should be looking forward to this matter, and he is the least likely to leak the secret.

So Stark decided to overhaul Jarvis.

"Let us mourn poor Stark." Agent Romanov said with a smile, "Then what's the matter with you coming to me?"

"Well, I need you to give me some hands." Salomon picked up the spoon and tapped the rim of the ceramic teacup lightly. The android lady sitting aside stood up and handed Agent Romanov a thick document.

"You really look like a real person." Natasha sighed, and then shifted her gaze from the cyborg to this document. In this document are some satellite maps, on which Salomon marked some locations with a marker pen, and roughly stated the time. Miss Agent raised her head and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a target I'm tracking." Salomon blinked. The Cauldron of the Universe is very powerful, and the Eye of Agamotto is also very powerful, but the traces of the Ghost Rider are covered by the countless magic fluctuations that occur on the earth every day. Compared to magic items with less precise positioning, Salomon believes that cameras and facial recognition may be more useful. The Ghost Rider is the key clue. In order to track down the target as soon as possible, the Mystic must seek technical support from S.H.I.E.L.D. "Johnny Blazer is a top ten secret, only you can access his information. I want to know whether SHIELD is tracking Ghost Rider, and Johnny Blazer's girlfriend Rose, I am on TV Saw her, but Ghost Rider's whereabouts remain a mystery."

"You are tracking Ghost Rider, why?" Natasha put away the documents, put her hands on the table, and approached with an interested face. "You've got to tell me why," she said, "or it wouldn't be worth my coming to London for a phone call from you."

"Actually, Nick Fury wanted to know, right? I didn't go to him just because I didn't want him to know the reason. Miss Natasha, it seems that you have no plans to jump ship yet."

"I'm still a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent." Agent Romanov's fingertips lightly brushed the back of the mystic's hand, but Salomon knew that if she wanted to, she could kill with a small spoon, and now she was just pretending That's all.

"SHIELD can only dispatch an action team, because there will be many illegal arms dealers and drug dealers in this operation. This is my gift to you. But on the other side, you can't interfere."

"make a deal."

Ask for a ticket! !

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