Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 281 Sola Honglin Druid Order (Second Change)

Yorkshire is located in the northeast of England. It is known as the "County of God". The last King George VI of England once said that the history of York is the history of England. Salomon's initial impression of Yorkshire came from "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights", as well as Yorkshire pudding and gingerbread, but he has never been to Yorkshire, let alone seen the white roses and purple heather in Yorkshire.

Even in Yorkshire, Salomon didn't have time for the flowers and the wandering woolly sheep of the North Yorkshire countryside. In fact, he came in a hurry. After sending Maya Hansen under the building of the equipment dealer, he hurried to the place where the druids teach Sola Red Forest Order [Note 1]. According to Balthazar, the order's lineage is so lost that the entire order is now composed of young men.

Salomon has power over them, because this order originally originated from Camelot's court and is a small part of Merlin's wizarding order. For Salomon, who is currently very short of manpower, he doesn't mind whether the inheritance of this druid order is complete. What he needs are researchers who understand magic. Those wizards in this order who have both scientific knowledge and magical knowledge are the talents Salomon needs most.

He also specially put on the sacred robe to meet these people. Salomon hoped that these people are not nerds who don't know anything about the magical world and Karma Taj's status. It's best if they can recognize his identity, so that they can save some effort in speaking. However, he was disappointed the first time he saw these people—these people actually carved Solomon-style magic circles and sealing techniques on the floor, and he didn't see any of the traditional Druid Ogham characters!

It seems that Balthazar's "inheritance loss" is already a nice way of saying it. This is simply a group of people who have completely lost their druid spells.

"My Mariana Stern." A young blonde girl with thick glasses came out to greet Salomon. She felt the magical aura surrounding the mystic, so she hurried down to greet him. "I'm the High Priest of Sola's Red Forest Sect. May I ask what you want? We have exorcism, tarot divination, and water mirror divination. What kind of business do you want to book? Also, I would like to ask a question, are you a magician?"

"Are you the High Priest?" Salomon looked at the High Priest in front of him, his brows furrowed, "Then where is your mistletoe staff?"

"We are not a traditional druid order." Mariana Stern pushed her glasses in a panic, her fluffy blond hair tied up at random fluttered restlessly, "but we also know about druid spells. Sola's Red Forest Order has been working for British affairs..."

"Okay, okay." The mystic nodded, and the thing he was most worried about happened. The inheritance of this druid order has really been lost. The high priest has not recognized the meaning of the Kama Taj brooch on Salomon's body until now. This group of people is probably a group of wizards who have been studying Kabalamitch in the middle ages after losing their inheritance. They don't know anything about other things that happened in the magic world.

"That's right, High Priest." Salomon said, "I'm forming an organization for secular magic events to strengthen Kama Taj's power in the secular society—if you don't know Kama Taj, I will explain it to you—the reason why I came to you is because this druid order originated from Camelot, and I am Camelot's heir."

"Uh..." Mariana Stern didn't know what to say for a moment, she didn't have any confidence in what the spellcaster in front of her said.

"If you don't mind." Salomon gestured, and the air was filled with the smell of ozone produced by high-concentration magic friction. He stood generously on the marble floor depicting the Star of David. When the magic circle was about to be triggered, Salomon's fingers would always move just right, interrupting the High Priest's plan to stand on the material world square and try to manipulate the Raymond Gaydon magic circle to elevate his status to fight back against him.

The star of David, that is, [adonai] is written on the periphery of the hexagram, which is the source quality [kingdom] in Kabbalah, and is the name of God closest to matter. The position where he stands symbolizes the appearance and completion of the universe. The Lord of Earth rules the visible universe. The elements of the world, out of which all things are formed.

The bottom is the same as the top, and the top is the same as the bottom; in this way, the miracle of the One is fulfilled.

Here lies the source of all perfection in the world; its power is most perfect on earth.

All things are the One, and were created from the One by differentiation.

Ascended from the earth, descended from the sky, and gained the power of the above and below.

This is how the world was created, and miracles can be achieved accordingly.

This is the knowledge he has learned since he was a child, and these wizards are not his opponents at all. After he seized the highest position, the matter in this mansion was out of the control of the high priest. All the doors and windows in the hall of the mansion in the North Yorkshire countryside were slammed shut, and the sound caught the attention of other members of the order, who ran to the hall to look at the high priest and the young man standing in front of her.

"I recruited you to let you do the same thing as before." He stretched out his hand, and the golden light gathered in his hand. "Your inheritance is lost, and I can help you complete it with the knowledge provided by Merlin's disciples. But the premise is that you must return to the banner of Camelot, which is King Arthur's banner. You can refuse me, but you cannot refuse the holy sword."

The members of Sola's Red Forest Sect only saw the dazzling golden light shine on the hands of the mystic, and an incomparably gorgeous long sword appeared in his hands. The sword was still emitting golden light spots of magic power, and they suddenly felt that the concentration of magic power around them was several levels higher than usual.

"Hey, who are you?" A well-built young man pointed at Salomon with his chin. "We never thought that someone from Camelot would come to us."

"Shut up, Gerald!"

"As I said, I am the heir of Kama Taj, the heir of the Holy Sword." The mystic repeated impatiently, "You can choose to join or not."

"We need time to discuss." The high priest hesitated after Salomon took the highest position, because Salomon was the person with the strongest magic power and the most knowledge she had ever seen, and the price offered by this person was credible. "Suppose...that's a hypothesis. Suppose we reject it?"

"Then it's time for me to take back Camelot's power."

"We need time."

"Not for long." The mystic repeated, "I don't have time, and neither do you."

"This is your base?" Gerald, a burly young man, looked around the ruins of the Immortal City. Compared to other members of the sect, he was much bolder. The high priest, Mariana Stern, followed the mystic with some worry, not daring to touch any of the machines here.

"Are we the only ones here?" asked Karim, a black girl in the congregation.

"No, there's also a biologist."

"What about Karma Taj?"

"You are not qualified to go yet." Salomon invited them to enter an undamaged building, "You can freely enter and exit your mansion and here through the teleportation circle I set up. But the premise is that you must sign a contract first."

[Note 1] From "X-Men - Supreme Sword"

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