Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 283 The Devil's Daughter (Second Change)

"Molu, do me a favor. Help me find out, has the Vatican sent priests to Portland recently? It's the kind of priests who perform exorcism." Salomon looked at the blurred image outside the car window through the rain curtain. But this does not prevent the mystic from seeing the person on the other side of the rain curtain, because he is not using his own eyes, but magic.

But his casting seems to have aroused the vigilance of the opponent.

"Yes? Help me find out what her name is. She's a woman with long dark hair. She looks cute, but her expression is a bit serious." After hanging up the phone, the mystic mage naturally picked up the donut in front of her, and opened her left eye, which had been closed before. When it rains, the food cools down quickly. Just when Salomon thought of a spell to heat the donuts, he remembered the subject's sensitivity to magic.

He cursed under his breath, and took a bite of a cold bagel.

"How long are we going to wait here?" Dave whined softly. Dave's resentment had built up ever since Salomon let him drive through the portal in his battered used car. "I still have classes to attend!" He seemed annoyed, and complained louder and louder, "I still have a girlfriend! Do you want me to call her and tell her that I'm going to San Francisco on a business trip after class?"

"Betty will understand you."

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"I went on a business trip to hunt angels. There are a lot of angels this time." The mystic didn't look back, but continued to observe the vague figure across the street. After all, the rain still caused interference. He could only see the general movement of that person clearly, and couldn't distinguish what the target and the priest were talking about through the words on their lips.

"You didn't tell me at all what we were looking for!" Dave said. "You should have told me. I don't like being hidden."

"Don't you know?" Salomon turned his head and looked at Dave in surprise. He didn't expect Balthazar not to tell his disciple such an important matter.

"I don't know! I'm studying hard in environmental science..."

"Then do you know about the three-headed poisonous dragon Marduk, and the fact that Marduk wanted to kill me?"

"Satan! I know, Balthazar told me."

"Very good." The mystic turned his gaze back again, "We are looking at the heirs of Marduk. But I can't get their specific information now, and the S.H.I.E.L.D.A. has not treated me well. I only know that the heirs of Marduk suffered misfortune in their childhood—it was a very, very bad thing. Their father seems to be possessed by the devil, and Damon—the heir of Marduk, has an inverted pentagram scar on his chest. Although the scar is incomplete, Marduk also has an inverted pentagram on his chest. The mark of the star."

"Oh!" Dave yelled in surprise, and then fell silent.

"Possession is the only way for creatures from the lower planes to affect the main material plane after the establishment of the planetary defense system, because it is almost impossible to be caught. Karma Taj cannot tell who is possessed through the planetary defense system. We can only know where the etheric plane was shaken and where magic was cast, but we have no way of knowing who cast the spell." Salomon said, "I am not trying to excuse Kama Taj's work.

"Then how do you know that person is the child of Satan?"

"There are photos, addresses, and the information provided by Mephisto, but there is no past. He is indeed a devil, he knows what I want to do. Let's drive, today's observation is here."

"It's over?" Dave was overjoyed, and then he realized that something was wrong, "Shouldn't you get out of the car and arrest him? Isn't that how you act? You're still wearing a robe! I remember that another demon was closely monitored by you."

"It's two." Salomon shattered Dave's fantasy. "I think this demon may be interested in killing his father, but I'm not sure, because they are too weak now. If so, then I will send him to hell, literally... Drive, Dave, we have to change our target. Damon is being targeted. He also has a younger sister, and our mission is only halfway through."

"Two demons, it seems that you are in serious trouble." Dave muttered and started the rattling second-hand car and left the parking space.

Salomon was very worried, because this second-hand car, worth only $200, might fall apart at any time. This car may be older than he and Dave combined. But fortunately, the car still reached the portal opened by Salomon in the alley.

"Hey, you haven't told me where the next destination is!"

"San Francisco. Also, remember to change the car after passing the portal. I want a Bugatti Veyron. Drive aggressively, you are white, and no one will come to trouble you in a big city."

"Anna Hellstrom." Salomon stopped the tall, short-haired lady who was about to enter the hotel. Her height is about the same as Salomon, but slightly shorter than Bayonetta, so Salomon didn't feel oppressed when facing her. The lady seemed very dissatisfied with Salomon's appearance. She squinted her eyes and carefully looked at the mystic in the holy relic robe - she vaguely sensed a threat from the clothes.

"Tell me? It's about your father."

Father kidnaps daughter! It was the only memory of her father left to the world, and Anna would never forget the sense of desperation she felt sitting in the car. After so many years, only her brother is still pursuing the past. Now Salomon's sudden appearance made her recall that period of the past again. Anna Helstrom dubiously agreed to Salomon's proposal, and they stood face to face on the sidewalk.

"It seems that your family relationship is not harmonious, Satana." The mystic directly called her by the name of the future. Although Anna Hellstrom's power has not yet been fully awakened, Salomon noticed that she was using her power intentionally when observing her in the car.

"I'm not Satana, who are you?" Anna Helstrom didn't understand what the mystic meant.

"You have magic in your blood, but you haven't fully awakened your power yet, and you can't fight your father." The mystic pointed to himself, "I need you, Anna Helstrom, or rather, Satana. I am your father's mortal enemy—not your father in the world, but the mortal enemy of your soul, the mortal enemy of the thing possessed by your biological father. Simply put, I want to train you. When I go to hell to fight your father, I need your help."

"How do I know that a guy who suddenly appears full of nonsense can be trusted?" Anna Helstrom said with a sneer, "I'm leaving, don't follow me, or you will taste my power."

After she turned around and took a few steps, she found that she seemed to be standing still, and the surrounding scene did not change a bit, but she herself was actually walking forward. She lowered her head in surprise, and found that the concrete blocks under her feet were slowly moving backwards like a treadmill conveyor belt, and the end point of the movement was the guy in red.

"Be patient. The reason why I didn't go to your brother is because an unknown person appeared next to your brother. I can't be sure if he is being targeted." Anna Helstrom stretched out his hand to him full of anger, and Salomon stretched out his finger with a hanging ring, easily negating the rough spell.

"Look," he said, "you don't use your power at all. You just want to, so you reach out and let the magic do the rest for you. But you can do more than that, Satana, I know your hatred, I know you want to kill that man. I can help you, we can help each other."

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