Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 285 Good Baby Nun (Part 2)

His own forces have been initially formed. Although Salomon has not yet decided whether to call this organization "Chaldea" or "NERV", although all the research results have not yet been transformed into actual products, after the establishment of this organization, the mystic is finally slightly relieved and has some confidence to deal with the future.

Both Jane Foster and Athena were dissatisfied that Salomon had reduced the review time because he was busy with other affairs. So after he finished his work in the Immortal City, he immediately put his energy into reviewing, and returned to the classroom and cram school before his adoptive mother and tutor got angry. The perfect score in the test does not depend on intelligence, but stubbornness. Salomon is very clear that he has done too little to do the questions, and it is still difficult to get a full score based on his own intelligence. Athena expressed with confidence that as long as Salomon tries his best to take the test, no matter what kind of score he gets, it is acceptable.

Salomon didn't believe this kind of nonsense at all. However, with his A* grades in all subjects, he shouldn’t have a big problem getting into Oxford—Mayah Hansen, a Cambridge graduate, assured her that there was absolutely no compliment to the boss, because the boss who refused to buy a coffee machine didn’t need compliments.

The mystics really turned their attention to the study of science courses. It just so happened that Joan of Arc and Beunita recently accepted the commission from the London Temple of Karma Taj to go to Northern Europe to hunt and kill the upper-plane creatures that came to the border of the etheric plane more and more frequently. This allowed Salomon to pick up the book and review without distraction, and even the small things like feeding the cat were left to the artificial man.

He ignores anyone (only Nick Fury, in fact) and concentrates on his books.

The Cheshire Cat cursed a few times, and it wasn't until she was knocked on the head by the artificial lady that the fat cat calmed down a bit and stopped lying on Salomon's book.

"Are you really a student?" Anna Helstrom looked in surprise at the ink stain on the middle finger of Salomon's right hand, his eyes tired from reading, and all kinds of books in his arms. When she asked Salomon to meet, she never thought that Salomon would look like this. "You look like you could fall asleep at any moment," she said. "How about we change the time? Anyway, my mother and the devil are only going to be in the mental hospital. They're not going anywhere."

"I want to solve this problem as soon as possible." The mystic stared wide-eyed after taking a sip of strong tea, trying to wake himself up, "You should wait for me in San Francisco instead of running to the east coast. But it doesn't matter, the portal can reach any corner of the earth, as long as you have the coordinates."

"I want to go directly to my mother's ward instead of going to the psychiatric hospital in Portland. The attending physician won't let you see her. They...they know about my mother's anomalies. My brother works as a consultant in that psychiatric hospital. I don't want to see him." Anna Hellstrom took a sip of coffee, "I'm curious, why do you think I can help you? Even if I am a child of the devil, my power..."

"I said, you won't use your power at all. Ask, can you see the crimes committed by others?"

"Yes. But if you say this is my ability, I can't help you." She nodded, waiting for the explanation from the mystic.

"This is the instinct of the devil." Salomon began to explain to her the process of the devil salvaging souls on the River Styx. The devil can use his eyes to see the sins committed by everyone. "The souls of sinful people are very attractive to you," he said, "otherwise you wouldn't hunt those people. Those souls didn't go to hell, but were eaten by you. Although the absorption efficiency is extremely low, you are becoming stronger—this may be the reason why your father kidnapped you. Your talent is better than that of your elder brother. Or, compared to your elder brother, you have more devil elements in you. Your father carved an inverted pentagram on your elder brother's chest. He sacrificed and transferred his power to you."

"You know everything?" Satana narrowed her eyes, "Someone said something to you?"

"I have my own sources." The mystic narrowed his eyes again. He didn't plan to reveal too much information to her, at least for now. "In any case, if your father wants to use you, I need to disrupt his plan." Salomon said, "Your father is the craziest devil I have ever seen. Although he is not Satan, he dares to call himself Satan. He longs for the seventh throne, and that's why he wants my life. As for your proposal—to open the portal in your mother's ward, I agree. But I must tell you the risks involved. If the possessed devil resists too fiercely, your mother may die."

"This is different from what we said!"

"I have never promised that I will not fight back when the devil manipulates your mother to attack me." The mystic said slowly, "I can only try my best to ensure the safety of your mother's life, and I will use force when I have to. But don't worry, the reason why Marduk can only affect you by possessing himself instead of coming to the main material plane is because he can't come to the earth. Without blood sacrifices and rituals, it is difficult for a devil to let the real body reach the main material plane. It’s not too strong to resist, I’m just telling you the risks in advance.”

"If you think my plan is too risky, you can try it yourself." Salomon didn't seem to care at all whether Anna would allow him to carry out the exorcism, because all he needed was the power of Satana to point the most powerful weapon Marduk made at himself. If her mother's continued insanity made Satana hate Marduk even more, the mystic didn't mind maintaining the status quo.

"An advance statement." He said, "I don't have too much black magic related to hell here. The instinctive magic you get after awakening the devil's blood is much more powerful than the one I gave you, and you don't need to pay a price."

"Let's visit there through normal channels first." Anna did not immediately agree with Salomon's approach, "I need to discuss it with my brother."

"Of course, this is your family business. I hope you can show an accurate attitude." Salomon nodded. "In addition, I am very interested in the nun next to your brother... I found the nun's information through a Catholic acquaintance. God, she is simply a good baby of Jesus, but without divine magic, her piety is useless. You'd better move faster. The nun next to your brother is an unstable factor. The more pious the person, the less independent thinking she is. You can do some really bad things when you fall behind."

More than once, Molu had seen the consequences of pious people losing their faith. After learning the details, he specifically asked Salomon to act as soon as possible, and he didn't care about the fact that the mystic was busy reviewing. If the situation required, Father Molu would ask Ghost Rider to come, but that was the last resort, and the Catholic Church would not agree so easily—so Salomon was needed to secretly pick up Johnny Blazer, and Father Molu would be the internal response.

In order not to make the situation worse, the nun named Gaby was the reason Salomon agreed to meet Anna when he was busy with his review. The so-called "exorcism may endanger life" is just an excuse, and Salomon's purpose is to get in touch with the nun through Anna. Disguising the main target as a secondary target is a trick commonly encountered by antique dealers, and Anna saw Salomon's purpose at a glance. Although she didn't know what the purpose of the mystic master's contact with that nun was, she didn't care. All she wanted was to exorcise the demon.

"I see," she said. "Send me there, now."

The TV series of Hellstorm is too hip, the whole is a low-cost online drama, worse than DC's "Batwoman"... need to add some drama

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