Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 289 The Essence of Weakness (Second)

Anna wasn't distracted by Salomon's nonsense, and she didn't care as much about her mentally ill mother as her brother.

"What's that?" she asked, looking at the twisted lump of flesh at the mystic's feet. Before that, the overly strong sulfur smell covered up the scorching smell. After the smoke slowly dispersed, Anna could smell the stench, and the source was the unknown object at Salomon's feet.

"A certain summoned creature, there is nothing left of it except this limb." Salomon ignored the disgusting touch after the piece of meat was crushed into a pool, he bent down and picked up the stump with his uninjured left hand. The mystic hooked the bones of the limb with his index finger, and lifted it in front of Anna, causing her to lean back. "It was specially summoned to buy time for itself to escape. This thing is not powerful, but it can attract more devils to the main material plane, so I must get rid of this creature."

"So, that devil has left?" Anna turned her head to look at her brother, doctor and nun who were currently surrounding her, "Will it come back?"

"Yes." The mystic looked at the corpse like twisting a handbag, and the sulfurous black blood and minced meat were slowly dripping, so he deliberately removed some of the stumps so as not to dirty his clothes and shoes. "The negotiation failed, so I can only do this. Your mother... I don't know if she can regain consciousness. This is not my responsibility."

"This is enough." Anna didn't force too much, she knew that it was not easy for Salomon to expel the devil, not to mention that the memories brought to her by this mother were not pleasant. "It seems that you have a lot of secrets." She pointed her fingertips at the chest of the mystic and said, "Shouldn't you tell me?"

"There's a lot I don't know right now, too. Oh, Mr. Hellstrom, you look annoyed."

"My mother, what is she... You never said what my mother might suffer!"

"Actually, I have already warned Ms. Hellstrom. But it's okay, I can repeat it to you." Salomon avoided Damon's hands trying to grab his collar, "It seems that what you need is another warning."

"I didn't ask you to come to make my mother demented!"

"She has been there for a long time. People who are possessed by the devil can rarely keep their souls. I don't think your mother is an exception... Well, it seems that you can't listen. Oh shit? You didn't run away, but came towards me?"

"Why not approach you..."

The mystic stretched out his leg and kicked Damon's stomach hard.

He kicked very hard, without taking into account that Damon's physical strength was still similar to that of ordinary humans. Damon fell backwards just as he rushed over. The nun and the doctor quickly supported him who was retching, only Anna was still watching with cold eyes, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"That's why I hate helping others so much, because there will always be people who think you should be perfect. However, this is impossible, no one can do this, otherwise no one would pray." The mystic endured the pain of the burn on his right hand, and carefully took out two pieces of parchment from the dimensional bag with his fingers, "Dr. I still have a transfer order from the Vatican, you can go back to Rome."

"Why?" The nun was very surprised. She had just been transferred to Ohio not long ago, and it was impossible for the Roman Church to call her back so soon—she was not the kind of nun of the old days. She had received very professional training and education, and had a degree in secular society. In the future, she would even be in charge of a monastery and a church orphanage, or, like Dr. Hastings, a church charity.

"Because the Church of Rome knows what to touch and what not to touch. I have to say, if you keep working on this matter, you will die as fast as an idiot girl in a horror movie. Go back to Rome for a new education. At least you have to learn the corruption methods of the Roman Church. It is still worth learning." The mystic signaled Anna to hand him the contract. "Sign the contract, and your mission is completed. The next thing is mine. Anna, you and Damon don't need it, you are not ordinary humans."

"What are you going to do?" Anna asked.

"Go and find it." Salomon said, "No matter what kind of relationship it has with me in the past, it must not mess with the main material plane. This is my responsibility—but since I have to take classes, this matter will be handed over to other mystics. Dr. Hastings, and Sister Rossetti, hurry up and sign, I'm in a hurry."

"Hiss—" Salomon cast the spell over and over again. Every time the positive energy spell touched the burn mark on his right hand, the mystic would tremble from the pain. Marduk's black magic is quite difficult to heal, and the hellfire and negative energy entrenched in the wound are very difficult to remove, but Salomon should be able to solve this problem as long as he casts the spell several times.

Before that, Anna, who left the Santa Teresa Mental Hospital with Salomon, noticed that Salomon always had his right hand behind his back. After getting into the car, she approached the co-pilot and grabbed Salomon's right hand. She looked a little clumsy, trying to bandage the burn in a scientific way, but the mystic was not enough to prevent her from pouring alcohol on the wound, which would kill her—not the pain of using alcohol to disinfect it, but because the sparks on the wound were still shining! Salomon didn't want his life to end when his car caught fire.

"This matter is over?" After Salomon took out the phone with two fingers and refused to answer the call, Anna stared at him with a very curious look, "Do you still want to kill that devil? I heard about the relationship between that devil and you."

"Of course." The mystic replied without hesitation. He adjusted his sitting posture so that the leather sofa on the passenger seat could roughly match the shape of his spine. "We are in an eternal relationship." The fingers of his left hand gently stroked the wound, and the burn shrunk a little. He said, "I am a mystic, and I have to kill devils when I see them. I have to kill werewolves and vampires as well. This is my obligation, and the job is limited by my contract. If you don't mind, please wait a moment until I heal this wound, or the pain will prevent me from casting spells."

Nick Fury dropped another phone. Salomon always doesn't answer the phone. Does he think that by doing so, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the king of secret agents, won't recognize the man on the broomstick as him? Who in this world can ride a broom? Nick Fury finally got a "non-existent" fund, and even saved money laundering, but he didn't expect to be caught by Salomon first.

Before that, because Salomon was not interested in secular currency, he generously showed the document to the mystic. He went to the school to find Salomon, but the school staff said that Salomon had already asked for leave. Nick Fury didn't think the mystic would hide from him, he just wanted to know what Salomon would use the money for - what he was most afraid of was that Salomon would organize his own secular forces to fight against S.H.I.E.L.D., or do something bad.

For example, organizing gangsters in the streets and alleys, using the portal to bring drugs from abroad to sell, compared to what Salomon might do, the whereabouts of that money is not so important.

As a result, the S.H.I.E.L.D. monitoring network was activated again, and Agent Maria Hill sent Nick Fury the location of the Mystic. "We're going on a business trip." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. put on his black windbreaker that never changes for thousands of years, and said to Agent Hill, "Prepare the Quin-jet fighter, we're going to perform regular visits."

"Agent Coulson can do this." Agent Hill said, "He just assembled his team, why not let them touch a relatively friendly target?"

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