Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 306 Naples Bay (Part 1)

Standing above the cliffs of the Bay of Naples and looking forward, there are white boats floating on the indigo calm sea. Although it is not yet summer, the bright sunshine is just right to give the warm breeze to the crowd.

Salomon is standing on the balcony of a hotel in the town of Positano on the mountainside. Many buildings with Mediterranean characteristics and white walls are built on this cliff. The orange roofs are layered on top of the green cliffs. Holding on to the rough stone railing, he had a panoramic view of the semi-circular small bay. The life atmosphere of the crowded and noisy Santa Lucia fishing port on the lower left was like the steam rising from the sea, floating with excitement and noise. Even he could feel the inexplicable warmth.

The air here seems to be full of melodious string music and laziness. He saw seagulls, petrels and gray-black cormorants gathering on the shore, slowly shaking their webbed palms, and leisurely paddling between small boats. Facing the sea and looking to the left, the famous Mount Vesuvius is sleeping aside, and the thin clouds are carelessly circling around the top of the mountain, nostalgic.

This giant born from the edge of the Eurasian plate, the Indian Ocean plate and the African plate is the most dangerous volcano in Europe, but at the same time, the unique volcanic soil and suitable precipitation have given birth to lush vegetation, and the wine here is also the best in Naples.

For example, the glass of Taurasi red wine from Campania in his hand is full of red cherry, black spice, menthol and mineral flavors. Although he can't taste the last taste, it doesn't prevent him from drinking another glass. Bayonetta agreed with Salomon's taste, and she also poured herself a glass, and went to the balcony to enjoy the drowsy afternoon wind with Salomon—due to the geographical relationship, she quickly restored her past taste after retrieving her memory. In the past, Beunita grew up eating Italian food, and she has some research on wine, or in other words, almost all witches have research on these things.

There is only one exception, only Joan of Arc, she has never cared about what to eat and drink. When she was young, she only focused on improving her fighting skills, delved into the secrets of the witch clan, and stayed away from all the enjoyment. When she became an adult, she encountered a surprise attack from the sage clan, so she couldn't understand Salomon and Bayonetta's discussion about the quality of wine.

"Why are we here?" She finally asked something wrong, interrupting the increasingly sticky conversation between Salomon and Bayonetta just in time.

"Vacation, Joan of Arc." Salomon turned around and replied leaning on the railing. The network here is not very good, which is just right for Mr. Finch to live before he finishes working on the firewall. Prior to this, the mystic had received several calls from unknown numbers, but he still didn't get through because of the entanglement. He was worried that the machine would really find the design drawings he had designed for the artificial man. He didn't intend to power up any electrical appliances in the apartment until Stark and Mr. Finch finished their work - even if the AI ​​wanted to talk to him, it would have to be in the same position, and he didn't want to be raided by a robot while walking on the road.

According to Mr. Finch's confession, his machine had the act of escaping to the real world at the beginning of its design. Although this problem has been solved, no one can guarantee that the machine will not do this again.

Going to Italy for vacation was not a hot-headed decision. When Bellunita and Joan of Arc cleaned up the angels, they came all the way to Italy, across the middle of Europe. So, the mystic who came to deliver food decided to stay here for two days to see if it was because of an abnormality in the former site of the Ragnar Order on Sun Island that the number of angels increased significantly.

It's just that Bayunita refused Salomon's help, and this kind of small scene was nothing to her. In the past, when Salomon didn't show up, she worked like this, and she still does it now, so she persuaded the mystic to enjoy the rare vacation, and she would take care of Sun Island by herself.

Coming to the town of Positano does not mean that Salomon has completely escaped the sight of the machine. Before the holiday, he would be photographed by surveillance every day when he was going to school, and calls from unknown numbers were also made at that time, which made Salomon tireless. Taking a vacation doesn't mean that Salomon has given up everything else. The Sola Honglin Druid Order in the Immortal City needs Salomon's teaching. Few of the spells that the spellcasters learned before should be mastered by a druid. He needs to take part of the druid training materials he brought from Balthazar to train these people.

Even more troublesome was Maya Hansen's laboratory. She took a pistol and killed several people without telling Salomon—this was a small trouble caused by the cash.

Although the cash became clean after being cleaned by S.H.I.E.L.D., some of the banknotes still had marks on them. It was far more than Nick Fury and Salomon who spied on the money—Nick Fury was very good at hiding secrets, but it was a pity that his immediate boss was not the same as him. Through bits and pieces of clues, Alexander Pierce already knew that Salomon took the money. He didn’t even need to dispatch Hydra agents. The problem of veterans in the United States is very serious. You only need to spend money to find a few Marine Corps veterans to help.

"So... that's why you brought this woman here?" Joan of Arc pointed to the woman sitting across from her tasting red wine, and Maya Hansen just shrugged her shoulders in the face of Joan of Arc's question.

"And this!" Joan pointed to the woman standing at the door, wearing a black elastic vest and holding a pistol in her hand. Samun Shaw accepted the entrustment of the mystic. She needed to protect Maya Hansen's safety, so she could not drink while performing the task, so she did not participate in the discussion about red wine. She glanced back at Joan, and then turned to look at the corridor outside the door.

"Aren't we here for vacation? Why did you bring two other women over!" Joan of Arc angrily picked up the bottle and stuffed it into her mouth. After a burst of swallowing, Joan put down the half-drunk bottle. Bayonetta looked at the mystic with a playful look, and she wanted to see how Salomon would explain it.

"Just by the way, Joan."

Samun Xiao and Maya Hansen cast surprised glances at the mystic—"Ms. Hansen happened to be in Rome, because I put the teleportation circle there. Samun Xiao also stayed there after I finished my thesis, so I asked her to help and be Ms. Hansen's bodyguard when I was away." Salomon explained unconsciously. He didn't notice that the eyes of Beunita and Joan of Arc were getting more and more dangerous.

"Boss, you didn't ask me to protect you, did you?" Samun Xiao observed the atmosphere. After getting an affirmative answer, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great, I don't want to die with you."

"what are you saying……"

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