Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 311 Thousands of Demon Gods (Second Change)

The hot suet was bubbling, exuding an incomparable fat aroma, and Salomon's appetite was immediately aroused. Hecate didn't put on oven mitts, but directly reached into the oven, picked up the hot baking tray, and poured all the lamb and roasted vegetables into the platter on the table.

"Take this." She stuffed the pita bread into the hands of Salomon and Athena, giving them no room to refuse. Hecate put the baking tray into the sink, then turned around and took out a bottle of wine and three clay cups from the wine cabinet. Athena began to teach Salomon how to eat Greek grilled lamb chops - the way to eat is very simple, that is, put lamb, yogurt, lemon juice and shredded green onion into the pie while the pita bread is not cooled. Sweet wine can be paired with lamb patties, because the yoghurt in the pita bread is homemade by Hecate, which is unsweetened and very sour.

The two gods sat around a table covered with floral tablecloths and ate, and Salomon praised Hecate's craftsmanship from time to time. The Titan Goddess of Magic also seemed very satisfied with the mystic's praise, which made her more proud than her magic.

"I haven't used magic for a long time." Hecate's expression showed no doubt, as if she hadn't used magic to insulate the heat just now. "So don't ask me about magic anymore." She said, "If you're here for dinner, I don't mind entertaining you. I know what the Supreme Mage has arranged for you. It's up to you if you want me to stay on Earth in the future. I just like to stay on Earth. After all, my taste is very fixed, and Xandar's snails are terrible. If you don't mind, I can tell you how many unpalatable things there are in this universe—more than magic in this world."

Athena quietly rolled her eyes. Even Zeus has great respect for the goddess of magic, and there is nothing she can do about Hecate's terrible attitude. "Okay." The Goddess of Wisdom sighed, "We only drink, not magic. Salomon is not only capable of magic, he is also very good at fighting."

"Very good." Hecate nodded with satisfaction, poured a glass of sweet wine for Salomon and Athena each, "Men have to use weapons, magic is for women."

"I think you mean something, Hecate!"

No one asked questions while eating, and even the questioning Salomon enjoyed the food quietly, instead of croaking like a noisy crow, which was annoying. Salomon had his own understanding of Hecate's unreliable answer, and after careful consideration, he found that the answer was quite reasonable.

With all the inner and outer planes now occupied by magical entities, faith may be the price paid for the spellcasting of the Vanir gods. A lot of magic needs to call the power of the magic entity of the outer dimension, that is, the so-called demon god. Salomon can give an example: Fire spells should call Faltin, such as Faltin’s fire; The ring of Raggador and the shield of Seraphim commonly used by the mystic mages; the Ikonn (Ikonn) to be called by the magic involving illusion and mirror image.

In addition to the magical entities mentioned above, there is Munnopor, the living world with three humanoid aspects, surrounded by twelve moons, Cyttorak in the deep red universe, and the seventh throne that can directly invoke the power of hell.

Spellcasters can go to the split domain through the different dimension passage called "Path of Wandering". Salomon passed there when he first faced Dormammu - he was sent there by the supreme mage, and he didn't see clearly what it looked like there. The largest dimension of the Split Domain is called the Dark Dimension. In addition, there are Purple Dimensions, Fear Dimensions, Madness Domains, etc., and there are thousands of small dimensions, where many magical entities live, and spellcasters can also use their power to cast spells.

The most powerful magical entities (including Weissandi) even formed an alliance to completely monopolize all planes with magic power. Mystics know the names of all magical entities and the means to invoke their power. Although obtaining these powers can make his magic progress quickly, he doesn't need to do so at present, because obtaining magic that does not belong to him will cost an astonishing price, and the mystics of Kama Taj need to pay when they obtain the magic power of Visandi, and the magic power outside the contract is even more.

Strange belonged to the kind of mystic who hadn't learned how to renege on debts, and he was the only one who would foolishly abide by the deals with various magical entities. How to reasonably renege on debts without angering magical entities, how to minimize the cost of casting spells, how to guide the competition between magical entities to profit, when to borrow magic power, and when the interest is the least, these knowledge are the housekeeping skills of the supreme mage.

Salomon is the direct disciple of the Supreme Master, and he has already experimented with these methods on Dormammu.

Don't think that telling stories to Dormammu was a waste of effort, every time he told a story, Visandi became nervous, for fear that Salomon and Dormammu would reach a deal. In the end, even Oshutu, who was the harshest to him, reduced the price Salomon had to pay. Even Visandi, after confirming that Salomon had not completely fallen for Dormammu, turned a blind eye to the fact that Salomon was able to borrow the magic power of the dark dimension, without any symbolic punishment. Not to mention that when Salomon used the power of Yog-Sothoth, Weissandi not only showed no sign of it, but even helped to protect Salomon's soul from the influence of madness.

Reasonable repudiation is the skill, no matter what price the demon god wants, the mystic has a way to avoid it.

The one who can renege on his debts the most will become the supreme mage.

In addition, Salomon believes that Hecate did not finish his sentence, and the power of faith is definitely not all. The power of Vanaheim, where the Vanir gods live, cannot be ignored—or Vanaheim and Asgard are both means of carrying faith. Those places are the source of power of the Vanir and Asa gods.

This also explains why the Supreme Mage said that the Asa pantheon and the Warner pantheon will slowly lose their power after leaving their territory. There is also the reason why Hecate has not used magic for many years, because Olympus is not on the earth now. Among the gods of Olympus, I am afraid that only Athena, a carnal god who rarely uses magic, can squander power. The book written by Athena under the pseudonym Minerva is also one of the means of gathering faith, although her original intention is to correct the world's misinterpretation of Greek mythology.

In addition, Hecate's comment about Salomon's soul also made him a little uneasy. The reason is that he had doubts about himself over the years, as well as the relationship between the stigmata and him, which is a difficult philosophical question to answer.

Did he have stigmata on his hands, or did he grow on the stigmata? What is his relationship with the stigmata? What is the connection between his personal essence and the stigmata?

If Athena knew what he was thinking, she would probably hit his head hard and make him forget about these idiotic questions.

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