Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 313 Old Acquaintance (Second)

"They are obviously ghosts, how do they know that the orange peel duck in this shop is the best?" Master Xiao Wang was full of doubts. He was very puzzled by the source of Salomon's news and the news itself, but this did not prevent him and Salomon from going faster and faster.

The question can be asked later, if the tangerine duck is gone, it is really gone.

The deacons of the Hong Kong Temple often patronize that old store, and Master Xiao Wang knows that it is not far from the delicacy being sold out.

"There's a Tang man among them!" The mystic curled his lips, and he said this in Cantonese. The machine seemed to be trying to curry favor with him, and sent a photo of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team. This team can be regarded as an old acquaintance. The one who placed the order at that store was Coulson's team, or rather, Agent Melinda May. She seemed to want her teammates to taste the food of her hometown.

The artificial intelligence created by Mr. Finch says it estimates how much that store will be able to deliver, and it can reorder orders and even create traffic jams to ensure Salomon gets enough food first. After some hesitation, the mystic decided to give up the convenience of technology. "No." He shook his head, "Don't even think about it, I won't let you interfere in my life, little guy."

"Seriously, who are you talking to? There are no spirits around here..."

"Nice to meet you, Salomon." Agent Coulson smiled very happily. Although they had just experienced a mission that was not perfect, he was still very happy to meet his acquaintances after the dangers. Except for Grant Ward and Melinda May, the rest of their team had a very weak impression of Salomon. The enchantment spell only erased the memory of their visit to the apartment, and as they saw Salomon more often, the effect of the spell would become less and less effective until they remembered that experience.

"I seem to have seen him." Skye and Simmons bit their ears, "but I just can't remember."

"Me too...he looks familiar." Simmons rolled his eyes, "He may be on the list."

"Then what is his superpower?"

"I don't know either……"

Agent Melinda May glanced at them, but did not tell them Salomon's identity. It was a secret, not something that two low-level agents, Skye and Simmons, could know. In fact, even Agent Grant Ward didn't know Salomon's true identity. He only talked about the strange things he encountered after he went to that apartment-what he thought was strange high-tech.

"I didn't know you were here. I thought you were in New York." Coulson glanced at the little mage Wang beside Salomon, and calmly recorded his appearance.

"Is there no need for help?" Agent Coulson raised his eyebrows and asked. He didn't know about the Hong Kong Temple at all, he only thought that Salomon came here to deal with magical disasters-this question was completely judged by his experience. Although he didn't think much about Salem, when Salomon appeared in cities other than London and New York, Coulson inevitably felt a little uneasy until Salomon gave other answers.

"I'm here to eat, Agent Coulson." Salomon said helplessly, he only hoped that Agent Coulson would not be idle and bored to find out why he was in Hong Kong. Suddenly, he regretted not accepting the machine's suggestion, at least this way he wouldn't have a face-to-face meeting with Agent Coulson and avoided a little trouble. "You are recovering well." The mystic changed the subject, "Are there any sequelae?"

"No, I don't know what material the doctor used to repair my heart, but in general, my heart is stronger than before." Coulson laughed, "If you don't mind, come eat with us. Agent May recommended this place to us. She said that although the decoration here is terrible, it is the best restaurant in Hong Kong. I have only eaten in the past... How does that thing read, Chenpi Duck?"

While others were ordering, Skye pulled a plastic chair and sat opposite Salomon. She is very interested in the S.H.I.E.L.D. watch list now, because a few hours ago, she performed a mission about the watch list-a special person who can release flames. Based on her vague impression of Salomon, she thought that Salomon might also be on that list.

Skye originally wanted to come over to create a sense of oppression on Salomon, but after seeing the shopkeeper take out a rag and wipe it in a zigzag pattern on the greasy tabletop, she gave up this plan. "Did I see you somewhere?" She looked around nervously, and after making sure that Agent Melinda May hadn't noticed her, she lowered her voice and asked Salomon eagerly.

Master Xiao Wang glanced at Skye's Eurasian face, then at Salomon. He shook his head with contempt and made a sound of disgust. Similarly, Salomon also looked disgusted at Skye. He rolled his eyes and did not answer Skye's question.

"Oh shit!" The mystic's attitude made Skye very angry, "Sorry, this is not a bar chat, you look too... well, you have a good figure, but you are too young, and you are not of legal drinking age. I'm not interested in you, I'm just doing a survey! Yes, this is a S.H.I.E.L.D. survey!"

"Skye!" Simmons quickly tugged on Lasky's sleeve, because Melinda May and Coulson had already finished ordering food.

"Don't be noisy... How much do you know about the list? Tell me, maybe I can help you get some less bad surveillance..."

Salomon and Master Wang rolled their eyes, ignoring Skye's nonsense. She wanted to continue talking, but was caught by Agent Coulson. "You are in contact with a special target." Agent Coulson dragged the chair and pulled Sky away from Salomon's table. "You can't talk without an application."

Skye didn't show any panic, she just curled her lips, expressing her disdain for Agent Coulson's strictness. Agent Melinda May glared at Skye, but this time she shrank back in a panic like a frightened mouse. Under Agent Melinda May's sharp eyes, she honestly sat with Fitz, Simmons' science team, and Agent Grant Ward.

She was teaching the other three to use chopsticks.

"Would you mind telling me what you've been doing lately, Salomon?" Agent Coulson still maintained that kind smile, and just as he was about to put his hand on the table, Agent Melinda May grabbed his sleeve. "Okay," he continued as he took out a tissue and wiped the table, "I know your latest class schedule. Don't worry, I just want to know if there is anything we can help with. Our previous cooperation...should be pretty good, right? Agent Ward told me that you agreed to my proposal."

"You haven't encountered a magical event. If you did, I would definitely show up. But it's not because I agreed with your suggestion, but because it's our job."

"I don't mind offering to help..."

"You and Nick Fury have hated..."

While talking, Salomon noticed that Skye looked back at him frequently, and he also looked down at the vibrating mobile phone.

She's hacking your cell phone network signal.

Hacking has been prevented.

Reverse hacking the target hard drive.

The intrusion was successful.

Salomon snapped his fingers, and the laptop in Skye's backpack erupted in a choking cloud of smoke and sparks.

Ask for a ticket!

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