Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 316: Exchange Letters (Part 1)

It will be some time before Miss Greaves is discharged from the hospital. Before that, Salomon tries to let artificial intelligence discover supernatural phenomena in the secular society. This is new territory for a machine, which previously could only foresee premeditated crimes. Whether it is a terrorist attack or a criminal plan against ordinary people, it will leave traces on the Internet, and artificial intelligence uses that information to make big data predictions.

But paranormal attacks are not planned, dark wizards don't send vital information over the internet, and dark magic creatures don't hunt with careful planning. Therefore, most supernatural attacks, or magical disasters, are emergencies, which cannot be predicted by machines. Therefore, artificial intelligence can only judge whether there is a supernatural attack by mining information about various devils and devil-worshiping religious groups. This is not accurate at all. Most of them are just organizations established by chubby teenagers on Twitter and Facebook. They have not carried out any activities other than promiscuity and drug use. The biggest hazards are syphilis, AIDS and osteoporosis, which are not considered supernatural attacks.

Real devils and devil cults will not do these things. Although they can communicate through the Internet, the various code words in the information cannot be understood by artificial intelligence. She still needs to learn, and Salomon has generously provided a wealth of information on this European cult-twenty inches of parchment piled up.

"Is that all there is?"

"No, this is the introduction and appendix." Salomon said, "Sorry, these are all paper documents, and the information age has not yet come when these things are written. You need to learn by yourself through the camera, and I can help you with two little fingers, so that you can turn the pages by yourself."

So the machine found another way, which is to find people who meet certain characteristics in the secular society. For example, where werewolves are located, disappearances and murders will occur whenever the moon is full; for example, vampires, most of them have no identification and will never appear under the sun. As for whether the vampire who has no figure in the mirror will appear in the camera, this is a very interesting question.

Artificial intelligence is screening some people through several characteristics, but Salomon believes that this will not get any results, because the machine is likely to recognize a dead house of the gnawing old man as a nocturnal vampire. That scene was funny, and Salomon didn't expect artificial intelligence to make achievements in this regard, but since she was willing to spare computing power to try, the mystic didn't mind seeing the results.


"If you ask my opinion on the Pope's change, my friend, I can only tell you that you are asking the wrong person. It makes no difference to me whether it is Ratzinger or Bergoglio. I do not underestimate their wisdom. To be honest, I am quite willing to listen to the wisdom of the Pope. I am very interested in their views on faith, but this does not mean that I will completely fall to Catholicism.

I don't know how you think of me, but in my opinion, stigmata cannot change a person's essence. Now I almost know the meaning of the stigmata, but if you want to crucify me and make me bear the sins of the world, it is undoubtedly a big joke. "

Salomon dipped the nib into the viscous ink, picked up the pen to drip off the excess ink, and then continued to write on the letter paper with his head down. Since this time it is a communication with church people, Salomonte used Copperplate ES font, which is strict and elegant, revealing a taste of metal engraving everywhere. In the past, ordinary people even needed to learn this typeface in a special school to learn this typeface-he used this typeface not out of respect but out of malice, and he was wantonly mocking the education level of the recipient.

The pen tip made a rustling sound on the parchment, and he wrote on the letter paper:

"But after thinking about it, I feel that what you care about is not my opinion on this matter. You seem to be asking me about my beliefs. Regarding the different ideas represented by the two popes, you want to know which one I support. This is not the first time. I can't understand why you care so much about my beliefs. I don't know if you have a special hobby for pain, but your motivation for asking me about this seems like some abused person who is thirsty for pain is looking forward to the whip.

Perhaps you are indeed a whipper, Father Mauru, but you have not yet discovered your true nature.

I don't mean to piss you off, so I won't mention the difference in the number of people killed by religion and politics, that doesn't make any sense, because that's a cycle that has been going on and on since the dawn of human religion. I didn't specifically refer to your beliefs. Religions all over the world are the same. Blood and soul are the best sacrifices to the gods, whether they are believers or pagans. Of course, you would say that it was the most extreme example in the past. Now it is a civilized society, and human beings will no longer do such cruel things to their own kind. In contrast, the victims of wars caused by scrambling for resources are the majority.

But wars will stop one day, differences will not.

Blood sacrifices in the name of faith are still taking place in some places. War creates ignorance, ignorance encourages ignorance, and the more ignorant a place, the stronger the faith. I know how you will refute, you believe that faith is a force for good, but it turns out that human beings will fight against those who disagree - I saw two fans who love the same star pull each other's hair on the street yesterday, so what about religious differences like ideological ulcers? You and I can all see what happens when people of different faiths take up arms.

I'm not going to mention the comical miracles told by shepherd boys, nuns, hysterics, fat housewives, not to mention the poor sanitation of the baths in Saint Bernard de Lourdes - I'm sure you know that, after all the sticky liquid does not cure the disease, but is the birthplace of all kinds of bacteria, where antibiotics are the best-selling drugs.

I prefer to explain miracles to you in a scientific way. Without the intervention of supernatural forces, it is normal for some natural phenomena to be regarded as miracles by ignorant rural girls, and this happened twice. The human brain is amazing, and when many people say something is true, it becomes true, as happened in Fatima in 1917.

A mass hysteria, an orgy of stupidity that only occurs in Fatima.

I can only reiterate once again, I have no faith, none of the kind you want.

I admit that it is very painful to have no faith, but I think it is a bit too terrible to believe in a holy book that has been written, translated and twisted by countless people, and to practice the moral principles of that book. You say, that's a parable, it's not taken at face value, and the situation is going to be very interesting.

In the end, should we understand it literally or symbolically, which way is the original meaning of God? This issue deserves a war. Don't be surprised, I'm sure you've studied history too, and you know there are even more ridiculous reasons to start wars.

Not having faith is a very painful thing. I have to learn to judge by myself. I cannot leave good and evil to the Lord to judge, because I am a human being. Compared with the pain of not having faith, I am more unwilling to hand over my will to a book, to be judged by someone else’s will that has been tampered with and distorted. I cannot bear such absurd things.

It's not about your beliefs, I'm like that about all religions - and that raises a question.

Molu, there are many religions in this world, why should your religion be treated specially? Why do people who don't believe in have their limbs stretched and burned on the stake?

Maybe it's my stigmata that strengthened your faith? Maybe you think that's what I am? Molu, I want to know what you think of me.

Another: I am about to leave for Outland, and the messenger will be taken care of by you for the time being. As for when I will come back, you can find out by watching TV. "

The carrier pigeon made of silver lightly pecked its wings reflecting the light. It couldn't wait to jump onto the freshly rolled parchment, watching the melted red wax dripping on the letter paper, watching the ring on the little finger print a hexagram pattern on the wax.

It grabbed the letter paper, flapped its wings, and the magic drove it to fly, waiting for the destination near the master's mouth.

At the same time, Father Molu, who was far away on the other side of the world, also picked up his pen. He was waiting for a reply, but before that he had one more document to write, which was for his heirs, a will.

He looked depressed and ill. He coughed twice and dropped the pen tip.

"I foresaw my death," he wrote, "but my death did not come. Faith prevented me from dying, because I met the object of my faith. I approached him without arousing resentment. Now we face the enemy of hell. If my blood does not awaken him, treat him as your god, and guide him, because he is a shepherd."

I finished writing before going to bed, and when you read this, I was commuting to write the next one.

Is it so rare that we can't count the votes?

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