Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 337 Dirty Adults (Second)

"I really didn't expect that my disciple would transfer Sol out by such a coincidence." The Supreme Mage took a sip of the strong wine with a gentle expression, which looked no different from drinking a sip of tea.

"Fortunately, you informed Heimdall, otherwise it would have been too coincidental." His Holiness put down his cup and said, "I thought he was aware of my thoughts, but that was the best choice at the time. I suspect that this matter could not have fooled Salomon. After all, I asked him to do such a thing, but he got the same result as before. I can imagine how many doubts he had."

"It doesn't matter, this scene is not for your disciples, but for Thor and Loki. You can tell him the answer to the riddle, as long as he can pretend enough." The father of the gods casually put Gungnir aside. There were only three people in the room, Odin, Queen Frigg, and the Supreme Mage. Neither Sif nor Jane Foster knew about the conspiracy brewing in the adjacent room. "Those two children...they have to learn to support Asgard after I 'death'." The expression on Odin's face often appears on the faces of parents who don't realize that their children's talent is not reading when they see the report card. "Only when they unite can Asgard continue to maintain its status as a cosmic empire. To be honest, it would be great if Sol in the parallel world and Sol in this world can get in touch. Now Sol can listen to the suggestion."

Queen Frigg happily poured wine to the Supreme Sorcerer and the Father of the Gods. She didn't care about the talk at all, even if the project involved her. She poured herself a glass too.

The gentle expression of the supreme mage couldn't hold back anymore.

"Your family education is too bad, Odin." The venerable complained, "Why should I help you educate your children. You have to know that both Sol and Loki are about the same age as me! Are you Asgardians so slow in their mental age development?"

"Only Thor can stop Hela, and you retired at that time." The father of the gods said impatiently, "We must let Thor awaken his true power, or the Nine Realms will face war again. Without Asgard, Midgard will face the threat from the material universe. Our mutual help has been going on for a long time. This is the agreement I reached with Agomotto. If necessary, guide Thor to perform a sacrifice to obtain the rune. Of course, now the supreme mage is you , you are qualified to decide whether to proceed with this matter. After all, death is just a state for us.”

"Continue." The Supreme Sorcerer waved his hand impatiently, "But we need to arrange the scene first. I also need to revise the memories of Sif and Jane Foster and add witnesses. This is a big deal, Frigg, why don't you express your opinion?"

The queen shrugged. "I'm looking forward to the child's expression when he sees me again." Frigga said with a smile, "And Loki. I'm sure there must be a soft place in his heart, maybe he will cry into tears."

Odin snorted disdainfully, causing Frigga to roll his eyes.

"Okay, the same, Odin." The words of the supreme mage attracted the attention of the father of the gods, "My disciple will also be entrusted to you to educate, and you should tell him some secrets in this world that even I don't know. Only in this way, this transaction is fair."

"What do you want me to tell him? The reason I founded Asgard?" asked the All-Father. "Do you want him to be a god? A real god!"

The Supreme Mage did not deny it.

"It's just an insurance policy," said His Holiness, "to prepare a way out for Salomon before he goes mad."


The wet towel that was clean was now dirty. Dany held up the towel and carefully wiped away the wet mud from Thor's long hair. And Thor sat on the chair, excitedly telling the boys at the table the story of how he quelled the rebellion of the Nine Realms. Thor's Hammer stayed obediently by the corner of the table, showing no sign of the anxious look before.

Salomon cleaned his clothes and cheeks by himself, and he also asked for a wet wipe to carefully clean Phoenix's beak and claws. The only survivor in the pond was staying in the plastic basin that Dani brought, enjoying the clean water and oxygen at Salomon's feet.

There were hot tea and biscuits on the table. Due to Salomon's preference, only sugar was added to the tea without milk. He didn't like to drink that kind of cloudy stuff.

Dani was right, her mother entered a state of excitement the moment she saw Sol, and she prepared both tea and biscuits. The avid fantasy fan produced a stack of books and photographs for Saul to sign, and Salomon was tragically ignored.

The mystic didn't mind the situation, rather it was exactly what he wanted. He took a sip of hot tea and let out a comfortable moan. "The quality of tea bought in the United States is really bad." He stopped the quill in his hand, "Ceylon black tea can only be drunk in England. The food in Asgard is too greasy, and I can't live without tea. Why didn't I prepare more before?"

"Nice drink." Sol also took a sip, "but I still want some beer. Thank you, ma'am, you are really kind."

Dany's mother smiled. After handing Sol the beer, she took a deep breath, pulled a chair and sat opposite Salomon, showing a reserved and artificial smile. She had the same messy red hair as Dany, and was just as sweet as Dany when she smiled.

It was only then that Salomon realized that he was actually the main event, and getting Saul's signature was just a rehearsal.

Are there magic schools in this world? What age can I enroll?

Are there many wizards in this world? Do you all go to magic school?

Is there a Dark Lord in this world? Is the story of King Arthur and Merlin true?

Do all wizards need to ride a broom? Is there Quidditch in this world?

Are wands available in London? What is the currency of the wizarding world like?

What are you writing, magic homework? Are your professors strict? Where do magic school students go to work after graduation?

A series of questions almost knocked Salomon off his chair. He didn't expect Dany's mother to be so enthusiastic. Obviously she was the one who helped bring the rainproof cloth to wrap the corpse of the cursed soldier. Isn't this woman afraid at all?

Especially about the knight in the Battle of New York. Dany's mother seemed to be holding on to this issue. She insisted that Salomon knew the knight—because there is magic in this world, where there is magic, there is Merlin, and where there is Merlin, there is King Arthur.

Wait, am I not that knight?

Salomon lowered his head in trouble, and continued to write something on the parchment in silence. Dany's mother was not angry because of Salomon's rude behavior, on the contrary, she became more interested in Salomon's living environment. Especially Salomon's face, she felt more and more familiar.

Gan, I almost forgot that I still have to go to work.

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