Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 338 Lies (Part 1)

Thanks to Dany's mother's hospitality, Thor agrees to summon the Rainbow Bridge on the cobblestone path in the garden, where the avid fantasy fan says he can escape the community police and leave traces of the Rainbow Bridge there.

The scene of Salomon descending on the Rainbow Bridge has already attracted the attention of the community police, or the township police. No matter how old and dull the community service police are, they are now at the secret base of those children.

I'm afraid the township police will come to question him soon. The grown-ups in the town know where the bastards usually hang out, they just think their secrets go unnoticed. Anduin, Newton, and Dany all sighed maturely when they learned that they were about to lose their secret base, and something that made them even more sad happened - Salomon put a few pieces of parchment with short terms in front of them, and Dany's mother easily read the Latin on it.

This surprised Salomon. , because in the UK, only some private secondary schools have Latin and Greek courses, and public schools in small towns will never teach these things.

【Never disclose the scene of witnessing magic】

【Never disclose information about magic users】

These are the two most basic terms. The formal non-disclosure agreement was stricter and had more words, and Salomon didn't have time to finish it all, even if he used the automatic secretary quill. Four contracts were placed in front of them, including four quills. Salomon promised that as long as the contract was signed, the automatic writing quill he made would belong to them. This was regarded as their reward for providing hot tea and towels.

"What if I want to learn magic?" Dany asked boldly. "Can we go to Asgard together?"

"Miss, this is too greedy." The mystic said with a smile, "Asgard is being invaded by enemies now, and we can't spare you to protect you. Moreover, only Sol has the right to agree to you—" Sol shook his head. It is impossible for him to be stupid enough to agree to the request of several children under this situation. "——If you want to learn magic, that is, enter my school, then you can only wait for the answer from fate. If you are suitable for our school, our suzerain will naturally guide you to this road."

"Listen well." The mystic's smile disappeared, and he looked terribly serious. "In any case, it is quite difficult to take the initiative to pursue magic, which requires talent. I know you will think that you are unique, but in the world of magic, recognizing your talent is the most important thing. Pursuing something that doesn't belong to you will only lead to destruction."

Phoenix chimed in approval.

Salomon's words barely dispelled the unrealistic fantasies of several children. At this time, the tea was finished, and it was time to say goodbye. Sol and Salomon got up and left before the community service police arrived. The mystic is very optimistic about the situation in Asgard, because the Supreme Mage's spell has not been triggered, which means that this raid on the dark elves has not achieved any purpose.

He touched the magic weapon covered by the esoteric robe, and felt a little relieved. As long as the dark elf's target is not the Queen of Heaven, Malekith's method of reversing life and death is unnecessary. Before leaving, Dani's mother gave Salomon a newspaper with Phoenix on his shoulder. The mystic readily accepted. He was just trying to find out what had happened on Earth recently—with the approaching celestial body convergence, there must be some strange things happening on Earth, and Dany's mother might want him to see those things.

After saying goodbye, Thor called Heimdall, carrying the corpse of the cursed warrior. As the Rainbow Bridge falls from the sky and burns its way across the cobblestone pathways, Salomon and Sol vanish from the face of the earth, leaving behind only three despondent children and a woman overwhelmed with excitement.

For those who often ride the Rainbow Bridge, this means of transportation is very smooth. Salomon opened the newspaper calmly, intending to have some fun within this minute. It was a Daily Telegraph, but it wasn't complete, and Dany's mother circled one piece of news on purpose.

"Sad memory of Salomon Damonette at the age of 17." The paper also included photos of Salomon when he was a student. When he saw the obituary, Salomon happened to come out of the Rainbow Bridge. He almost turned his head and jumped in again, but the Rainbow Bridge that Heimdall had closed obviously had no intention of sending Salomon back.

"Follow me." His tone was heavy, which made Saul and Salomon have an ominous premonition. Salomon quickly put away the newspaper, intending to explore what happened later. He touched the magic weapon again anxiously - the magic of the supreme mage has not been triggered, it should be...

"The great queen Frigga has returned to the place of eternal peace, and no one can disturb her peace." Heimdall said, "The father of the gods was also injured."

This news hit Thor's head hard like a heavy hammer. He dropped the body, dizziness filled his mind, and he almost fell to the side. If Heimdall hadn't helped him, he might have fallen on the cold metal ground of Siminjog. Salomon opened his mouth in surprise when he heard the news——

"It's impossible!" he and Sol said in unison.

"That's the truth." Heimdall said with a sad expression. "Not long ago, we just repelled the attack of the dark elves...One of their spaceships rushed directly to the rear of Asgard to meet Malekith...Malekis still has helpers..."

"Who!" The grief turned into anger in an instant, and Thor shouted at the top of his lungs, "Who is helping those nasty creatures!"

"We don't know," Heimdall said. "It might be someone locked in the dungeon... We don't know. The scene was too chaotic. The All-Father shot down a dark elf spaceship, but he was injured."

Sol was in no mood to listen any longer, he couldn't wait to return to his mother. He walked out of Siminyog, turned Thor's hammer, and flew eagerly through the sky still filled with gunpowder smoke, towards Asgard. Only Heimdall and Salomon were left on the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall invited Salomon to wait again. He had arranged for a war horse, and Salomon could return to Asgard on that horse.

Or goats. You can choose anything you want.

"Is it true?" Salomon had calmed down by now. When he spoke, he put one hand on his chest, as if he wanted to distinguish the truth from the false with the help of Kama Taj's most important magic weapon. "Is what you said true, Heimdall." He asked, "Did Frigga really die?"

At this moment, Heimdall remained silent, staring at the mystic.

"Even if the Queen of Heaven dies, the magic of the Supreme Mage can also reverse time and restore her to the state before her death." The mystic mage unbuttoned the esoteric robe, revealing the Eye of Agamotto on his chest—it was staying with the silver key. As a magic item that has been attuned to Salomon, Salomon can naturally know whether the spell on this magic item has been triggered.

The answer was no, and he didn't believe that Malekith, who was targeting the ether particles, would reverse life and death on the queen Frigga and destroy the spell of the Supreme Sorcerer.

As the Supreme Master said, such a plan cannot be hidden from Salomon at all.

"What the hell is going on? What happened in Asgard when Thor and I left?"

"Don't you know?" Heimdall asked back, "Don't you already understand it very well? That eye can see more than me, and you should know the meaning of doing so. Whether it is a lie or the truth, we all need Thor. There is no doubt about it, and you know what to do."

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