Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 347 Thrilling Art (Second)

The power of this set of armor was beyond Salomon's expectations, and he only learned to use the power of this set of silver armor after teaching with the Supreme Mage—for example, the thrusters behind the shoulders, the name given by the Supreme Mage is Dragon Wing. This pusher needs to consume the user's magic power. Except for the supreme mage and Salomon, who are born with powerful magic power, anyone will regard it as a flashy function.

Salomon couldn't imagine what kind of enemies the Supreme Sorcerer would face when wearing this armor, but he was sure that those enemies must be much stronger than these pale and slender aliens under his feet.

The dark elves have an extremely prosperous and bloody civilization. They are not big anime villains. The real enemies of the universe are terrifying and bloody.

According to the historical records of Asgard, the dark elves are crazy practitioners. They worship chaos and distortion. The original darkness is what they yearn for. They eat the blood of all living beings accompanied by the screams of slaves. It wasn't until the original darkness faded, and the last father of the gods, Bauer, led the iron-blooded Asgardian warriors to kill this race with his own hands, that this horrible act completely disappeared in the universe.

The propeller lived up to its name, propelling Salomon to glide in the air and stay for a short time like an open dragon's wings. He held in his arms a seemingly light but actually weighing two hundred catties artificial man. As for the assistant's heavy giant sword, he had already thrown it from the plane, and now it was stuck on the grass in the atrium, like a metallic gray tombstone.

A hammer hit the Dark Elf's flagship with a whistling sound. The warship that was originally perpendicular to the ground tilted at an angle after a deafening noise. The hull made a "click, click" sound that was bothersome.

But the Dark Elf's warship remained intact, its weight supported by surprising material science.

Salomon landed on the lawn with the artificial man, the propeller was turned off and deformed, and it was retracted into the armor. The android walked back. She picked up the giant sword and the large-caliber bolt gun Salomon raised, ready to attack any existence that might endanger the owner's life at any time.

A blue car drove crookedly into the atrium, and Thor stood majestically on the roof, followed by a large group of Asgardian soldiers and S.H.I.E.L.D. "Sorry, I'm late." Saul jumped off the roof of the car. He held out his hand, and Thor's hammer leaped out of the river and jumped back into his hand. Just after the shock, there were not many constructs that blocked the elevator. The dark elf soldiers broke through the encirclement from time to time, and then were strangled by the construct again. The soil near the elevator was soaked with the blood of the dark elves.

"It's not too late." Salomon nodded at the artificial man. Under the order that they could not defy, several relatively special constructs erupted with a burst of bright and dazzling lightning, and the smell of ozone and burnt odor rushed to their faces. The limbs of the dark elves who survived were also severely burned at this time, and they had already lost their fighting power.

Originally, Dr. Eric Shavig wanted to find a parking space, but at the insistence of Darcy and Jane Foster, he finally parked the car in a place that was less likely to be affected by the battle.

With all the constructs destroyed, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations team seemed to be ordered. They dispersed quickly and took control of the library of Greenwich University at gunpoint - there was a bunker to hide in there. Obviously, Agent Coulson had told them about the dark elves' weapon information, and they could only deal with the thrown weapons with a bunker.

Under the leadership of Fandral, Vostagg, and Sif, a hundred Asgardian heroic warriors rushed towards the Dark Elf flagship, and they quickly strangled with the scattered Dark Elf soldiers. But they didn't stop all the dark elf soldiers.

Malekith, the king of the dark elves, walked down the ladder slowly. He turned a blind eye to the casualties of his own people, and the dark elf soldiers didn't hesitate at all when facing death. What was even more frightening was the crimson substance floating around Malekith.

Ether particles, something that Salomon had hidden deep in the dimensional bag before. The thing kept rolling in Malekith's hands, black and red like rancid blood. Malekith's research on ether particles is the most profound in the universe, and ether particles are an out-and-out powerful weapon in his hands.

Fate gave Malekith a chance. For the Eternal God, this kind of dispute between mortals is extremely boring. Whether a universe is dark or not, past or present, does not affect the nature of eternity. Therefore, Salomon thought it was the will of the Eternal God, a joke of fate, otherwise Malekith would never be able to touch the ether particles.

Malekith's pale face smiled at Salomon and Thor, and the crimson ether continued to spread like a liquid and surge like a wave. Countless tiny sharp solids formed in the crimson sea waves, just like the star darts used by the dark elves in the past. Following Malekith's instruction, it crashed into the armors of Salomon and Thor at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The android caught Salomon who was blown away, and Thor crashed into a pillar in the library. The mystic with keen hearing was put down by the artificial man after being softly cushioned. He heard the complaints of S.H.I.E.L.D. operators in the library, complaining that there were too many obstacles in front of them, and they couldn't aim at the target at all.

The ether particles also seem to be constantly thirsting for life. In the short moment when Salomon and Sol were blown away, the crimson tentacles grabbed a heroic warrior, and within a few seconds, the ether particles spit out a mummy wearing armor. When Salomon was put down, ether particles crashed into the library. Salomon didn't think those special forces could resist this kind of attack.

Malekith is paying for his use of the Aether with other people!

Salomon instantly understood how the dark elves used ether particles.

In the past, when the dark elves still had a large number of slaves to squander, the ether particles used those lives to push the dark elves to the position of overlord. But now, Malekith can only use the ether particles cautiously, trying to avoid consumption before achieving his purpose.

Salomon's current magic could not expel the ether particles, and Phoenix appeared beside him in good time, the big golden-red bird clutching the shield given by Athena in its paws. The mystic took the shield and handed it to the artificial man. Now, the artificial man will block the attack from the front for him.

Sol's luck was not so good, he threw Thor's hammer at Malekith full of anger, but the ether particles constantly surrounding Malekith began to spread like a storm, and the hammer he threw missed the target at all.

Immediately afterwards, Malekith opened his arms, and the storm formed by ether particles spread rapidly around him, and the crimson whirlwind reached the sky. The man-made man raised his shield, and the sand, gravel and soil were rolled up in the increasingly violent storm, and banged on all objects with a bang. Salomon asked Phoenix to evacuate quickly, while he supported her behind the artificial man and kept pushing forward.

A dark figure emerges from the crimson storm. Thor raised an arm to block the sand and aether particles pouring into his eyes, and as the storm intensified, he even had to bend over to move forward. "Can you do anything..." After he yelled out a sentence, his mouth was filled with mud, and he spit several mouthfuls before he could continue. He bellowed, " me Malekith!"

The mystic nodded, and then it occurred to him that Thor might not be able to see clearly, so he magically amplified his voice.

"Okay," he said. Afterwards, Salomon drew out the holy sword, and the artificial man blocked the storm, giving him room to display it. The golden beam of light broke through the crimson storm and pierced the clouds, and the originally gloomy sky briefly became clear under the dazzling light. Following Salomon's movements, the golden beam of light slanted down, cutting the towering dark elf flagship like cutting white paper.

Then there was a violent explosion, and the reaction furnace of the Dark Elf flagship was melted by the incompletely liberated light of the holy sword. At first, Salomon thought he was deaf, and then suddenly, tinnitus and shock waves filled the brain. An explosive decompression follows, as the air begins to contract and the smoke is drawn toward the center. Whether it is a building or a creature, they are vulnerable to such an explosion. If Phoenix hadn't caught Salomon and the artificial man who were blown out in time, he might have smashed directly into the Greenwich Observatory.

As for Sol, no one knows where he flew to. Now the influence of the intersection of celestial bodies is beginning to show, and it is possible to reach other planets by taking a random step.

Dr. Eric Savage's blue car died tragically. It was smashed right by the fallen masonry dome that had been erected since 1890, along with many broken library books and the bodies of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It wasn't until the crimson storm dissipated that the soaring black puff of smoke told Salomon of his victory—the place where the Dark Elf's flagship had originally docked was now only a collapsed black wreckage, and there was a circular gap on the bank of the Thames River, into which the foaming and raging water was pouring. And the London financial district across the river bank does not have a complete piece of glass.

Malekith, who was also at the center of the explosion, was surrounded by a crimson barrier, and he floated in the air, harmless except for the thinned ether particles.

The update ends today. Being voluntary to work overtime: It means that if you don’t work overtime, you can only be squeezed out, and there is no salary or bonus for overtime.

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