Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 349 Barbarism is synonymous with battle (Second update! 96/1000 monthly ticket)

Chapter 349 Barbarism is synonymous with battle (Second update! 961000 monthly pass)

The holy sword sliced ​​through the air and the body of the Dark Elf King, and the smell of scorched flesh and ozone filled his nostrils. Every time Salomon made a huge wound, the crimson ether would fill it in the blink of an eye, forming new blood and flesh. No matter how the dark elf king dodges, Salomon can make the judgment of the holy sword come to him.

Step forward and swing the sword, block the enemy's attack, and turn the sword body to stab the throat.

Swing your sword, step outside, and chop off your opponent's palm.

Swing horizontally, step back sideways, and slash the back of the enemy's neck.

Meyer's swordsmanship was used smoothly from his hands. After the liquid weapon ether particle was blocked by the golden flame, he completely gave up the role of a shield and turned to swift swordsmanship in hopes of ending the enemy. The arrogant Malekith laughed wildly in the dark, even though Salomon was swinging the sword faster and faster, even though the temperature of the sword was getting higher and higher, even though the golden flame leaking from Salomon's body was getting stronger and stronger, even though he didn't have the speed and strength to fight back, Salomon's attack was still weak in his eyes.

Although Malekith is confident that he can kill the enemy in front of him, he still wants to solve it as soon as possible. Because every time he repairs his body, it means that it will take a little more effort to infect the Nine Realms, and every night he solves it means that he may miss the good opportunity for the intersection of celestial bodies. He is immortal, and when he comes into contact with the true ether as the fifth overhead element, his soul merges with this ether particle. As long as his spirit exists, as long as he is not separated from the ether particles, the ether particles will be transformed into the other four elements to make up for his body, just like the alchemist's creation process Holmes Kurus repairs his wounds, and what is consumed is only the life swallowed by the ether particles.

In the blink of an eye, Salomon was shrouded in silver mist and disappeared in place. He appeared behind the Dark Elf King in an instant. His long sword pierced through the thick crimson curtain, and the blade cut Malekith's arm bone in the middle. The splashed stump was swallowed by the dark red beast beside the Dark Elf King, and then transformed into another substance to repair his arm. The holy sword sliced ​​open his body from the waist, and the high temperature carbonized the huge incision, but in the next moment, the ether particles filled the missing tissues and organs like blood vessels and bones, and the countless souls and lives that had been swallowed up over the long years were ground to pieces, releasing a miracle unimaginable by the world.

Infinity stones mean infinity, and there is nothing more powerful in the universe than that.

The ether is his soul, his life, his weapon.

Although the greedy ether has not been completely tamed, this is irrelevant. As long as I have ether, the original darkness will surely come to this universe. Malekith greeted the mystic's attack with a smile, for the ordeal was the path he had to take to climb the ladder, and he had to face it, as he had done in the past.

Salomon is like a hammer, constantly forging his soul on the anvil of the ether. Malekith's vitality is gradually weakening, but his soul is becoming stronger and stronger. He is being accepted by the ether—no, he is becoming the ether, the whispering will hidden deep in the gem. His intellect, his spirit, and his soul were all crushed and filled into the miraculous engine called the Infinity Stone.

The knight holding the holy sword roared, and the dragon wing thruster led Salomon to force Malekith into the past, and descended into the blood-red ocean with golden flames. A tragic and bloody fight unfolded in the ether ocean and the golden flames. Because the distance between them was too close, the ether particles began to pry Salomon's armor, instinctively sucking his blood and life—but this instinctive behavior caused extremely serious consequences. After the blood flowed out of Salomon's body, it was ignited by the golden flame like gasoline, triggering one after another short-lived small explosions between Salomon and Malekith.

Salomon dropped his shield and thrust his sword into Malekith's shoulder. He turned the sword and dug out a huge piercing wound. This kind of wound was far more painful than the sharp stabs and slashes before. Malekith couldn't help but let out a wail. The gushing blood was either evaporated by the golden flame or swallowed by ether particles. The dark elf king punched Salomon's helmet so hard that the mystic's head was tilted to one side. But in the blink of an eye, Salomon turned around with anger, raised his fist and slammed the dark elf's pale and vicious face.

The aether repaired Malekith's collapsed nose, filled his shattered teeth and cheekbones, and Salomon punched him again. Even during the fist-to-flesh fight, Salomon never forgot to twist the long sword, tearing Malekith's chest apart again and again.

Repair, rip, repair, and rip. The dark elf king's armor was in tatters, and his thin and pale body was covered with disgusting crimson wounds. These wounds were still wriggling, stretching out tiny tentacles, trying to absorb the life from the mystic.

The lips hidden behind the helmet spat out a spell, and the sharp iron claws covered with lightning and flames grabbed Malekith's neck, and the sharp fingertips pierced the skin and inserted into the muscles and blood vessels. He crushed the damn throat with all his strength, and pulled out the bloody organs and viscera. At the same time, he also kicked Malekith's knee with his heel, forcing the damned alien to kneel.

Brutal and bloody are the descriptions of this battle. The mystic endured the severe pain when the dark elf's fist hit his armor, and the powerlessness when the ether particles sucked life. He squeezed Malekith's chin and forced him to kneel on the ground waiting for the beheading of the holy sword. However, before he could make a move, the ether particles formed a huge warhammer and collided with the holy sword held high. The two powerful forces exploded at the moment of contact, completely separating Malekith and Salomon.

The golden flame on the mystic's body suddenly went out, the stigmata lost its fuel, and his emotions slowly recovered.

Salomon quickly got up from the black gravel. Unexpectedly, Malekith did not pursue, and he did not find any trace of the enemy. His hand that originally held Malekith only had half of his face and bloody mandible that had been forcibly torn off. He didn't know which world of the Nine Kingdoms he was in now, and he didn't know what happened just now, but out of caution and anxiety about the state that had never appeared before, he temporarily closed the stigmata.

When the tense nerves were relaxed, the excessive secretion of lactic acid made him unable to lift his hands.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat motionless on the ground. Although he didn't know what happened just now, but that huge energy had been exhausted by him when he regained his humanity. He felt his lungs were burning, and the dusty air here was filtered by the armor, and he needed to pant hard to get enough oxygen.

He felt that if he didn't sit down and take a breath, then he wouldn't have the strength to deal with the next battle at all.

"Damn it, dark elves are all gay black pussies wearing high heels and sequined tops." Salomon complained, while rummaging through the dimension bag with trembling fingers to find the potion he needed. But even though he hadn't taken the medicine, his physical strength was recovering quickly, and he stood up again after a while, taking small awkward and sore steps to retrieve the shield. Not only was he unaware of his abnormal recovery ability, he was even used to it. If it weren't for this kind of physical strength, it would be impossible for him to do some happy things with the witch.

During the short break, Salomon seriously thought about the reason for the previous situation. He didn't think Weissandi would be so generous and give him strength without paying any price. There must be some inhuman thing doing things—he recalled hearing the hymns and roars when he lost his humanity, and he almost knew who was making things difficult for him.

There must be something going on between the upper plane and the lower plane!

This thought annoyed Salomon very much. He doesn't like these extradimensional creatures interfering with his thinking, not at all!

He shook his head, ready to find a way back. This is not difficult at all, the three-ring prophecy spell [Analysis Portal] can bring him back to Earth.

The premise is that no one comes to trouble him before finding the portal.

Melee is so difficult to write, everyone uses magic, just roll the dice and calculate AC and DC!

Thanks to Provence for the sad 5000 point reward!

Thanks to book friend 20200425205215496 for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to book friend 150503145923890 for the 100-point reward!

Thanks for the reward of 1500 points from Ben~Yu!

Thanks for the 100-point reward that I won’t tell you!

Thank you for the 300 point reward of Lianyunmose!

Thanks for the reward of 1500 points from Mingzhiguitu!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from Feiduyunxiao!

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