Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 362 Salomon's Day (Part 1)

This is the best age in life, not too childish and not too mature, with a slender body that can hold up a straight gray suit without looking too mature, and has well-defined muscles even when he takes off his shirt. You can choose to brush back your defiant mane, pick an indigo or crimson tie, and drive your parents' old car to find the girl you love and take her to prom.

For Salomon, this kind of thing is easier. For one thing, he went to an all-boys school, and there was no such thing as a dance partner, and his high school life had never been distracted by some tall, teenage girl. Secondly, he has a car of his own, a gentlemanly Aston Martin that can be matched with his handmade suit.

The only small problem is that this car has a British license plate, and it is also a private license plate. This kind of license plate is not so regulated in the United States. If the traffic police don't understand, I mean, they basically don't understand how much a private license costs in the UK, and the only end of driving such a car in the United States is being asked to stop and inspect. At that time, please make sure that the hands of the driver are in the place where the police can see, or they may shoot you at random. Of course, if you behave well enough, are polite enough, and are educated enough, you can even make a few small jokes with the American police.

why not? You're a young, rich taxpayer, and everyone in a capitalist country has to be polite to you.

But in the UK, none of these problems exist, and the only thing that bothers Salomon is the bad traffic.

The aliens came and went (I mean, the aliens got kicked out. Thankfully, that was the only good news), and the people of London had to live. Everyone, even the deaf old men, had a carer tell them about the alien invasion, and then they would dance and tell others that they had witnessed UFOs when they were young. At that time, the aliens were very kind, not at all like now when racism is rampant, and the aliens have become vicious. As a decent and decent London citizen (referring to the aborigines in London, not the rich people who moved here later), they will not believe in the so-called superheroes. Who knows if a group of freaks flying around in the sky will notice the people under their feet.

Just yesterday, a house caught fire, and the culprit turned out to be a small lizard covered in flames. Then there are a few children who claim to see the flower fairy, which makes some old guys feel relieved. They think that the children now have no childhood, don't know fairy tales, only know rock music and big things. Of course, there are also some young Londoners with fascinating habits, and that's where Salomon is going.

Hot apple pie and a scoop of luscious vanilla ice cream, paired with sweetened but milk-free hot black tea, the host here has one of the few hospitality habits that can be commended. Therefore, when Salomon opened the portal and drove the car from the highway into the courtyard, the butler's expression remained calm. He calmly took the car keys and helped Salomon park the car. His expression seemed to say that Salomon was the frizzy and impolite guy.

This is an invitation that Salomon must show the noble qualities he has learned.

In fact, there are many such invitations, but he only accepted those about scholars rather than business tycoons (especially Stark), and the initiator of this invitation, Salomon, must be treated with caution. This is not only because she has a title, but because the initiator is destined to come into contact with the mysterious world, and Salomon must stop her from revealing the truth before everything happens.

As long as she is willing to sign the contract. At that time, Salomon will be able to ignore her fuss.

And this very noisy object was as nervous as an adolescent in front of Salomon, and the mystic thought that it was the strength he had shown in the past that frightened her. However, this is not the case. Lara Croft is just too excited, because some historical mysteries are in front of him. However, things did not go so smoothly.

"I've heard of Sir Richard Crawford, and even you are the target of various small newspapers in London." After sitting down on the soft enough armchair, Salomon took out the contract, "I'm sorry, but this is a necessary procedure, Miss Crawford."

Fortunately, Lara Croft did not have the stupid thinking of white leftists. She easily accepted this non-strict contract. She thought it was the price for Salomon to answer the question—as the price, Salomon had to answer some historical puzzles for her, and some things that were not recorded in historical materials. Most importantly, she wanted a reasonable explanation for the unsolved mystery about King Arthur. Including the whereabouts of the Holy Sword and Salomon's identity, these requirements were also written into the contract, and she promised not to tell anyone or leave any records.

Lara Croft also mentioned that she was about to participate in an adventure to the Dragon's Triangle, and she asked Salomon about the situation there. This made Salomon a little embarrassed, because there was a cemetery of the Umbrella Witch. Although there was nothing related to magic, it was deadly enough for ordinary people. In the end, the mystic still didn't tell her the truth about the Dragon Triangle, because this was a turning point in Laura Crawford's life, and he couldn't interfere at will.

This was just one of the lighter things that Salomon had to do today. After saying goodbye, he drove to the Finnish countryside. There, he saw that the queen of heaven, Frigga, and the father of the gods, Odin, had put on the clothes of ordinary people and were walking on the stone road in the countryside that was about to be covered by green grass. In front of them were towering snow-capped mountains and thick lead-gray clouds piled up on the snow-capped peaks.

Salomon stopped the car far away, and he walked along the road they had walked. Odin is leaning on a seemingly ordinary cane, but anyone with special vision can see the dazzling magical aura on this cane. Odin was not very happy about Salomon's arrival. It seemed that after stepping down from the throne, the king's thinking disappeared completely. Salomon heard Odin dissatisfied and whispered that Salomon had disturbed his leisure time. Frigga patted him on the shoulder and asked him to pay attention to his identity.

"What identity? We are just an old couple living in the country now."

"Yes, but the neighbors tell me that you claim to be my grandfather."

"We have to find some reason for mortals..." Odin mumbled his lips and argued in a low voice. Queen Frigg smiled helplessly. She invited Salomon to take a walk with them. It would be best if she could keep an eye on Odin while she was collecting fungi and herbs, lest the old guy go hunting on the top of the snow mountain while she was not paying attention.

"Better, no wonder my neighbors will praise me how strong the 'grandfather' is. Do you seem to share with them? You should be fortunate that the alarm is not very popular here, and the bear meat is also delicious." Salomon sighed. He said to his back to his back to his back with a rare persuasion. Do not hang the bear skin outside, this is not something that ordinary elderly people can do. "

Ask for a ticket!

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