Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 39 Come to an end

ps: This chapter is not suitable for the Small Animal Protection Association, the Holy Mother, the generosity of others, one-sided martial arts, Twilight Mary Su lovers and those who are not good at using brains. This list will be extended, depending on how stupid human beings can be degree.

Salomon poked his head out of the car to make sure the chatty driver wouldn't turn back.

The nearest vending machine is more than 200 meters away. This is a remote and dilapidated residential area. The residents are basically fishermen. Salomon's target lives here.

It was still daytime, and there were not many trees along the streets of the residential area, only some yellow and green grass. It was obvious that the people who lived here did not take care of the grass in leisure. Not only that, but tire rims, empty beer cans and dilapidated RVs piled up between each house with weeds as high as axles. When Salomon got out of the car, he even stepped on a thick bolt that was submerged in the grass, waiting to rust in this desolate sea.

When the warm spring breeze blew, a rusty swing in the messy courtyard swayed slightly, making a slight creaking sound, and a little rust-red dust fell down.

Salomon didn't see many people here, which made him very satisfied. After he saw the target go out, he sent the driver away. He wanted to make sure that the ensuing battle would not be witnessed.

When the Collins family disappeared from the town, the British Collins family quickly took over the fishing industry in the town, as fast as they had prepared for it. After Barnabas was petrified, the police here suddenly realized and began to investigate the accumulated homicide cases.

Perhaps it is because there are too many cases, and the public will inevitably consider the investigation to be dereliction of duty. Therefore, the local police did not take measures such as blocking the streets and interrogating the suspects. Instead, they wanted to gradually weaken the impact of these cases and conduct private investigations investigation.

But Salomon's killing of vampires and werewolves attracted some attention, so he contacted the taxi driver, and he, a local, would take him through the streets to avoid unnecessary sight . He kicked off the bolts under his feet, calmly following the werewolf not far ahead.

This is a typical fisherman, with gray temples and dark skin, wearing a crumpled dark checked shirt, his clothes are as wrinkled as his face. Wood habitually walked against the wall, and turned sideways when he came out of the house and went down the stairs.

Probably out of professional habits, when he was about to leave the block, Salomon's new face finally made him a little interested. Not to mention that Salomon's clothes are not worn by ordinary people, anyone with a little discernment can see how expensive the seven silver chains on Salomon's body are.

And Wood was the one with the eyes.

As soon as he was discovered, Salomon gave up following and walked up, but before he could speak, the werewolf spoke first.

He squinted his red eyes from the perennial sea breeze and looked up and down the young mystic, making a sound from his lungs soaked in smoke tar. "What does a young master come here for? There is nothing interesting here, and this is not the place you should come."

"I want to talk to you." Salomon pointed to a remote corner, "Come with me."

After speaking, he walked over on his own. The werewolf looked left and right, hesitated and followed. Salomon's vintage attire reminded him of wizards in fairy tales - after Angie disappeared, he stopped communicating with his former companions, or he would have found out that the town's werewolves were dwindling.

"Tell me something, boy." When he walked to the back of the house, he became a little impatient. "I still have to work, so I don't have time to play house."

"You can't go, Mr. Wood." After Salomon confirmed that there was no one around, "I'm sorry, I can't let any werewolf leave alive."

All it takes is one small sip, and the foul saliva will bury the curse of lycanthropy beneath the skin of a normal human. Wait for the full moon, and a new werewolf will appear, and then repeat, and the cycle continues.

This is something that cannot be tolerated.

"You're a wizard? Damn it! I knew that wizards are freaks!" He said angrily, "Listen, I've stopped contacting other werewolves a long time ago, OK? I didn't volunteer to work for Angie either. I What can I do! I was born a werewolf! So was my dad! So was my grandpa! If I don't work for her, I'll die!

And An Qi has been missing for thirty-one years! I managed to get away from them! Now, I am an ordinary fisherman! I went fishing to support my family, saved money for my kids to go to school, and I did nothing! "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wood. No matter what your reasons are, being a werewolf in this world is the original sin." Salomon said expressionlessly, "I can't guarantee that you won't bite, and I can't even guarantee that your children won't bite." Will bite."

The werewolf panicked, and he spread his hands and said, "Hey, hey, listen, I haven't bitten anyone, I really haven't. My kids aren't werewolves, I promise! I'd rather sell my soul to the devil than Will turn my children into werewolves."

Wood, who had worked under Angelique, knew the horror of wizards. The power and cruelty of that witch would frighten even werewolves.

According to their own parents, Angelique has lived for two hundred years, and during those two hundred years, she still remained young and strong. Wood felt that the wizard in front of him was the same. He looked young, but he had lived for many years.

"I'll check it out myself," Salomon said without being shaken by the werewolf's excuse, "but you have to die here. I'm not Angelique's kind of wild mage, I'm from Kama Taj, yours Existence violates the laws of the Supreme Mage."

"F*uck! F*ck! I didn't do anything!" he yelled as he stalked closer to Salomon.

Magic needs to be chanted, approaching wizards as quickly as possible, and interrupting their magic is the best way.

This was the method his parents conceived when they wanted to rebel against An Qi. Although he disappeared before he could betray An Qi, but now is the time when this method will come in handy.

"Bang!" The muffled sound of flesh and blood colliding suddenly sounded, and the werewolf's head was slapped hard on the grass, then bounced up again, and then was slapped hard again, pushing the grass out of a shallow pit.

The sudden blow made him dizzy, almost unconscious, and he was knocked to the ground before he could even transform. Salomon's fierce tiger climbing has already knocked him out of the concussion. Wood only saw that everything in front of him was shaking and becoming blurred. His ears were full of buzzing. Even though he was struggling to breathe, he still connected his hands. Not only that, but I can't lift it up.

"I will bear all the crimes." Salomon put away his posture, stepped forward, stepped on the werewolf's neck, and pinned the werewolf's jaw with his toes to prevent the werewolf from raising its head and biting his ankle.

The mystic leaned over and pressed his palm on the werewolf's temple. He said, "Farewell, Mr. Wood."

"Woo...cough cough..." But the werewolf didn't hear what Salomon was saying at all, and Salomon didn't wait for the werewolf's response. He took out a short dagger from his waist and pointed the sharp blade at Wood. side of the skull.

"Farewell, Mr. Wood," he said again. Immediately afterwards, his other palm hit the end of the dagger heavily, and the sharp blade sank into the werewolf's temple in an instant.

Salomon felt the werewolf under his feet twitch a few times, and then stopped moving. He pulled out the dagger, wiped the blade on Wood's clothes, and put it back into the scabbard at his waist.

This was the weakest werewolf he had ever hunted.

"Aren't you bored sitting like this?" The driver sat back in the car with a bottle of beer and a bottle of Coke. Obviously, he didn't stop at the vending machine. He handed the Coke to Salomon who was sitting in the co-pilot, "Here, this is ice."

Salomon pulled the tab and touched the can with the driver.

"Cheers! Huh - it's so fucking cool!" The driver downed half a bottle of beer and asked Salomon, "Where are you going next?"

"Whatever, the job is done." Salomon exhaled, and he closed his eyes and leaned back on the seat.

Just now, he killed more than one werewolf.

How could a werewolf child be an ordinary person.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket!

I still have to say that the lycanthropy disease of werewolves is absolutely incurable, not even the wishing technique. Even if someone is generous to others, it is still impossible for the protagonist to cure the werewolf with the wishing technique. Moreover, lycanthropy is extremely manic and unable to control itself. Anyone who has seen Harry Potter almost understands what kind of creature a werewolf is. After being bitten, a person must successfully pass a DC 12 constitution saving throw , the average person's constitution bonus is 0, which means that there is almost a three-fifths chance of becoming a werewolf, otherwise they will be cursed by werewolf lycanthropy.

Of course, this is still surviving the werewolf attack, and only those who have not been torn to pieces have such a chance.

Some people take the new crown as an example... The new crown has a chance of being cured anyway, but the veterinary disease does not.

If someone can't stand it, think that the protagonist is too cruel, and think that the werewolf is a strong ordinary person... Well, I can only say that I hope that the innocent people bitten by the werewolf can forgive the werewolf, after all, the knife is not cut on themselves. It won't hurt, and people standing on the shore can say anything, after all, they haven't been bitten, otherwise they will blame others for not killing all werewolves.

It can only be said that there are really many virgin whores who are keen on the generosity of others and ignore their safety to satisfy their virginity. The humanity of the protagonist is for human beings.

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