Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 4 The Ring of Emperor Weishan

There is nothing to say about the process of apprenticeship. Salomon is very grateful to Mr. Ye for not disliking him for facing foreigners. In the next few years, because of the education plan arranged by the Supreme Master, Salomon’s daily schedule is Karma Taj - Hong Kong Temple - Boxing Gym - Hong Kong Temple - Karma Taj, you have to get up at dawn every day.

And Salomon gets along best with the guardians of the Hong Kong Temple, the reason is very simple, it is still a matter of taste. In their opinion, "ghosts" don't know how to eat beef offal, but Salomon can eat a big bowl... There are no bad people who can eat it.

Salomon also admired himself very much for being able to return to the routine of his student days. Ever since he started working, he always closed his eyes after get off work, and then it was dawn.

It's nice to be young.

But for a body with a single-digit age, such a burden is still a bit heavy, but fortunately, the power of the saint is slowly taking effect, and Salomon has grown taller, stronger and more responsive than children of the same age fast. During this period of time, the ancient master did not lose Salomon's cultural education, and various language courses took turns, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Greek, Old English, Celtic, etc., these Both with the language that must be learned to read Grimoires, Salomon endured the pressure that he shouldn't have at his age.

Salomon had seen the memories brought by the stigmata. When those archmages became apprentices, they also copied scrolls and taught classes. But which mage tower still teaches melee combat? He didn't plan to learn from the magic warriors in the inner sea world, fighting with a knife in one hand and magic in the other.

In addition, Baron Mordo gave Salomon the nationality... For this reason, he had to avoid the British child rights protection agency, because they tried to find an adoptive family for Salomon, and they also wanted to send him to school. An old lady was contacted to adopt him.

But Salomon didn't want to do this. After finally entering the magic world, he sent me to primary school again?

But fortunately, the supreme mage also adhered to the principle that enough is enough. After Salomon had five years of close combat education, when Salomon was ten years old, all the brothers who were a few years older than him in the boxing gym fought But when he died, the supreme mage began to arrange for Salomon to learn the magic of Kama Taj Visandi - Salomon had been waiting for this day for a long time, and he was not satisfied with only using tricks.

"I don't know if you should take the test." In the quiet room, the Ancient One mage said, "But you also know the way Kama Taj obtains magic power...but you are different, you are born with magic power."

Ancient One did not want Salomon to fall into the contract of Visandi like her. This kind of suzerain provides magic power for the caster. Although the mode where the spellcaster works for the suzerain can quickly improve the combat ability of Kama Taj mages, But in the case of a step closer, it is subject to the suzerain.

But this is understandable, because even Visandi cannot master human desires. They are very worried about the emergence of a magician who can bring disaster to the earth, so they can only cut off the possibility of Kama Taj being powerful from the source. But Gu Yi took a small advantage because she was the first person to sign a contract with Emperor Weishan. Emperor Weishan was not too demanding in the contract, and she also had a huge room for development.

Therefore, the Ancient One specially prepared something for Salomon—she was holding a silver ring inlaid with sapphires, and this ring immediately attracted his attention, not because of the gemstone, but because The magic on it... like Sauron's Ring...

"But the problem is, even your innate magical power can't compare to Weishandi's endless energy... I can bear the first backlash of Weishandi's magical power for you, but besides this ring, there are two other Only two rings can be added together to fully control the magic power of Emperor Weishan." The ancient master pushed the ring in front of Salomon, "But after that, you must face the test alone."

"I will do it, teacher." Salomon bowed his head and saluted the supreme mage. Just as he lowered his head, there was a mark on Master Gu Yi's forehead, but it disappeared quickly.

"Let's get started, take this Tianneng First Ring." The supreme mage said. Salomon nodded, and carefully picked up the ring with the tips of his thumb and forefinger.

Nothing strange, no burning, everything seemed normal. Immediately afterwards, Salomon put the ring on his right index finger. The ring, which was originally not suitable for children, automatically narrowed the aperture and firmly bound Salomon's index finger.

Mage Ancient One didn't breathe a sigh of relief, she quickly stretched out her hand, unfolded the mirror space, and covered all of Kama Taj on the mountainside.

"Thief!" A loud noise came from the sky, and a huge tiger's head appeared in the void. The tiger's eyes shone with dazzling light. Create cracks.

"Thief! Where is it!"

The mark on the forehead of the ancient mage was completely revealed, but no one could see it except Salomon. Under the protection of the supreme mage, none of the mages in Karma Taj has discovered the anger of Wei Shandi.


Salomon was a little anxious. He didn't know what price the Ancient One would pay for this. Although the Ancient One adopted him for his own purpose, the Supreme Master was his teacher after all. The ancient master did not respond, and Salomon saw the sweat dripping from the supreme master, so he could only sit down, sit cross-legged and enter meditation according to the basic teaching of Kama Taj.

He imagined that there were ten rings of different colors in a dark space. Salomon did not arrange the positions of the ten rings, but arranged them in a certain order from low to high.

He imagined the first ring, which was also the lowest ring, and he imagined that this ring was emitting light, which was self-hypnosis, and also to unfold the stigmata.

In his imagination, the ring gradually exudes light in four colors of orange, olive, reddish-brown and black (of course, black means no color), while in the outside world, a magic power rises from his body, Finally condensed on the ring.

The supreme mage gradually discovered that his pressure began to decrease. This was not because Weissandi had extinguished his anger, but because Salomon was gradually taming the magic power in the ring. The unique magic power brought by the stigmata was constantly resisting The high temperature brought by Weissandi's magic power, if not for the stigmata, Salomon would be roasted soon.

Hogarth looked around, but he didn't find the thief who stole the magic power of Visandi, and he became more and more irritable. Even though he became the Trinity Weissandi, he is still a big cat in essence, a big magic cat. He has full patience. When he found that the magic fluctuation in the ring gradually disappeared, he gave up the pursuit.

Anyway, there are still two rings, and sooner or later the thief will show up.

The Supreme Mage opened his eyes tiredly, watching Salomon wake up from meditation.

"How is it?" Ancient One asked.

"I don't know, but... when I opened the first stigmata, the magic power in the ring was tamed." In fact, Salomon was also a little confused. Burning sensation, and he was also ready for the memory shock that came with it - but it didn't happen, this time he could browse those memories very gently, chew and absorb them slowly, and his own magic power It also suppressed Weishandi's ring.

"It seems that I guessed correctly, Salomon," said the Supreme Wizard. "You do have the Ten Commandments."

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