Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 382 Who is in control of this family (Part 1)

"Tsk." Salomon expelled a disdainful scolding sound from his mouth, which was drowned in the sizzling current from the airplane light tube, and was then carried to the starry night sky by the rising heat waves in the summer night. Tobias wanted to say a few words to Miss Huggins, but the only ones who greeted him were the apprentices holding [Vishandi's Sacred Sword].

The howling of the ghost when it touched the positive energy was like a faint ripple from the depths of the lake. Tobias tried to run away, but Salomon took the pistol he gave Agent Coulson and shot him. The bullet kicked up a piece of turf-covered dirt at Tobias' feet, and Tobias thought again of Salomon's appearance in the world of ghosts.

That was a more terrifying face than those withered ghosts in the depths of the etheric ocean. Tobias had just died not long ago, and he was not yet familiar with the feeling of wandering in the deep ether, but he knew that there were many scary things there. But when Salomon appeared, those things ran away as if they had encountered some natural enemy.

Tobias roared in defiance, but Salomon laughed disdainfully.

"Be quicker." In order to drive Tobias to attack the apprentice, Salomon decided to provoke him. "Hurry up! You don't know how hard it is for the person you like to see your catastrophically retarded and stupid face caused by inbreeding!" The mystic said in the most vicious tone, "You still have sins to atone for, you loud and big toddler waving a wrench. Not only in the world, but also in hell, there is punishment waiting for you. A soul like yours can't even be transformed into a little devil.

"No! I..."

"Hurry up!" Salomon's words made the agents shudder, "I can crush your soul, so that you can't even go to hell. As long as you attack them..."

"That's enough, Salomon." Master Xiao Wang frowned and interrupted his next words. "This time the target doesn't cooperate. We can take the apprentices to the ether plane to find the ghost. There is no need to target this idiot. To be honest, the target this time is too weak, which is meaningless to the apprentices. The ghost we faced in the first mission was stronger than this."

Salomon glanced at Mage Wang, the corners of his mouth twisted up, and finally gave up the plan. Master Xiao Wang's suggestion sounds very reasonable, there are many goals, there is no need to stare at this stupid man with goldfish eyes. "I just hope you're not pitying that idiot, Wang." Salomon said to the apprentices, "You protect Hannah Hudgens, and let him talk to Hannah Hudgens, let him tell the truth about the explosion of the particle accelerator."

Skye looked at Salomon expectantly, and Salomon smiled at him, and then continued to give orders to the apprentices. "And crush his soul. Now that the Lower Planes are at war, I don't want to see another jingle in the devil's possession."

"You think Tobias was tempted by the devil?" Master Xiao Wang said with interest, "How do you know for sure? Only the devil can see the imprint on the soul. Can you tell which devil his soul belongs to?"

"Reckless, chaotic, and reckless, they are probably Barr's subordinates, the most devil-like devil." Salomon returned the pistol to Agent Coulson. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were obviously also interested in Salomon's topic. He listened blatantly, but never interrupted.

"Since the one-eyed skeleton last time, I haven't been able to find any traces of Baal's possession." Salomon didn't care about the presence of ordinary people at all. He thought that Agent Coulson would not be able to find the target even if he understood. "Marduk's daughter didn't give any clues, and her seduced partner returned to normal after being depressed. As for Marduk's son, heh (this is Salomon's contemptuous laughter), he is now chasing the little nun to Rome, and it seems that he wants to become a priest .”

"It's ridiculous."

"Who says no, the devil's blood in his body won't agree. Given his bad family relationship, I have to find an opportunity to send him to hell and cause some trouble for his father." Salomon turned his head and urged the group of apprentices to end this matter quickly - Tobias's apology was useless, since Hannah Hudgens met him, the originally good working situation was like a broken car going downhill, rattling annoyingly, shaking people dizzy. Well now, this idiot killed someone else, and his apology is worthless - even the mystics who protected Miss Hudgens couldn't stand it anymore, even if they met such an idiot before they joined Kama Taj, they were guaranteed to give him a big slap in the face.

The judgment of Agamotto's crystal ball would not be a problem. As a ghost, Tobias was no better than when he was a human being. Even if he went to hell and was pulled out, it was nothing to those apprentices.

Only Hannah Hudgens, the poor lady sat on the floor crying.

"I leave this little pity to you." Salomon took the apprentices off the plane, "I hope I won't see you next time."

"Who the hell are you!" Hannah Hudgens opened her mouth numb from crying. She had never experienced the warm touch that Salomon brought her in the cell. She felt that she was very close to God at that time. "How can I find you!"

"Are you serious?" Salomon rolled his eyes, "Go home and praise God, you don't want to see me."


"Oh, my cute kitten, a pious lady was fascinated by a simple task." Bayonetta grabbed Salomon's tie and pressed him against the wall. The witch said in a teasing tone, "It seems that I can't let you go out anymore, or those shameless women will stick up and lick the honey on your body. I believe those women not only want to lick your chest, but also want to continue to lick it!"

"Honey, can we stop them from reading jokes? Phoenix, Cheshire Cat and Pegasus can understand human language." Salomon pointed to those guys on the sofa. Phoenix and the Cheshire cat are sitting on the couch watching TV, and a small Pegasus sculpture is lying on a plush toy in the shape of Pegasus. The non-human creatures in this family were sitting on the sofa watching TV in a row, but their heads were looking at Salomon and the witch next to the gate. The only one who didn't understand this was the dog that Samuel Xiao fostered here.

"Bear!" Joan whistled, and the German Shepherd immediately stood up from the kennel. It deftly avoided the Cheshire cat's claw attack, and then licked the gray shorthair cat overturned on the sofa, making the Cheshire cat meow in dissatisfaction. The Cheshire cat didn't like the dog, even if Joan had said that the dog would only stay at home for one day, the Cheshire cat didn't like it either. It's just that every sneak attack by the Cheshire cat will be dodged by it.

After doing this, Little Bear jumped to the other side of the sofa to accept Joan's touch.

"Now Little Bear knows about this too." Joan of Arc said proudly, "Don't forget, Umbrella Witch can communicate with animals. Hey, what are you doing! Theresa, why did you press him against the wall and kiss him! Just look at his expression, he doesn't know what he did wrong at all!"

"I promise, nothing happened!" Salomon wiped the lipstick on his mouth, "but I don't mind being kissed again."

"Then do you know what to do?"

"Of course."

"Hey, why are you going to the bedroom now!"

The Cheshire cat sits on the couch and covers his eyes with his paws. It knows that a family brawl is about to start again.

Ask for a ticket!

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