Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 384 ROOT's Psychological Counseling (Part 1)

"You need me!" Root smiled happily, "She told me all about it."

The artificial intelligence created by Mr. Finch took her as an executor, and Root also dedicated his body and mind to the God lurking in the online world. Root refers to the machine as she (she), Salomon uses it (it), and the two have completely opposite views on artificial intelligence. Root's idea is undoubtedly extremely crazy in the eyes of normal people, and at the same time, it also made Salomon curious about the code written by Mr. Finch.

What kind of technology can create such an artificial intelligence that is almost equal to life? You know, even Jarvis of the Stark Group is far from this artificial intelligence in terms of intelligence, and Jarvis was created by the genius Tony Stark—it’s a bit unfair to say that, because Stark puts a lot of energy into mechanical creation—but anyway, when Google’s artificial intelligence was still used as NSDAP on the Internet, Jarvis already had his own judgment ability, and this level of intelligence has surpassed the artificial intelligence being developed by many countries in the world.

"My knowledge in computer science is quite shallow, and my ability is limited to the production of web pages at the level of public institutions in small towns." Salomon generously revealed his shortcomings. "I will suffer from stress hair loss when I see codes. The doctor said that this is a psychological problem. Compared with codes, I prefer to see magic runes. Hurry up, your god needs a few servers, and I have to install an alchemy body for it."

"I will agree to her order." Root followed Salomon forward on the road that had not been cleared. Although she was underground, she could still feel the cold, and the fine powder of building debris under her feet made her soles ache. They left in too much haste, and didn't have time to get the items stored in the mental hospital—"Although mental retardation is useful, not everyone will be affected." Salomon explained in detail, "There are always a few strong-willed people who can control the situation."

"Magic." Root pushed back the forehead hair that was dangling in front of her eyes, "It's something she can't analyze. Magic is not in her logical judgment, nor are aliens. She classifies such incidents as 'unknown threats', just like monsters under the bed, which will climb up from time to time and touch your ankles with cold hands. The same goes for you, Salomon."

"At least I don't hide under the bed and touch people's ankles, that's too bad."

"It's just a metaphor. You should have some literary qualities, and Eton College's curriculum has such content." Root changed the subject quickly, and before Salomon could refute her slander of his literary qualities, she jumped to the next topic, as quickly and simply as going down the stairs. "I'm curious, why can I receive her signal underground?" she asked, "As far as I know, your communication network here has not yet been established. Are we underground in New York?"

"Locating through the network is unreliable, but the network cable is indeed pulled from New York." Salomon supported her and helped her jump over the collapsed reinforced concrete wall to avoid scratching her ankle. This wall with exquisite colored mosaic tiles has been devastated. The pictures on it are so broken that they cannot be seen clearly. Only small colored streamers reflect the faint lights in the distance, flickering with the movement of the viewer. In a trance, Root felt that the sense of gravity disappeared, and the tiny colorful lights in front of her eyes seemed to be stars reflected in the ground, and she could fly to the deep, dark sky just by jumping down.

She stepped on the scattered stars curiously, she thought it was worth cutting her toes.

"This is the underground of Rome." Salomon said, "Not far from our head is the Vatican."

"Oh, you are such a gentleman. Judging from your educational experience, you must be one of the best." Root seemed to wake up from a dream. She jumped over the stars, and set foot on the road covered by darkness with Salomon.

"Some of the records in Eton College are paper-based, and the machine can't see them. But I can tell you that I am the whipping assistant of the teacher." Salomon briefly mentioned his educational experience, but it sounded like a bragging in a bar. "But I haven't whipped a few students. The principal doesn't dare to punish powerful students. What I hate most is the Saturday singing, that's too stupid."

Silence enveloped the next section of the road, and Salomon couldn't help chewing on what he just said. He feels that his social skills need to be improved, and this kind of silence in one-on-one conversations is quite embarrassing-but Root is actually listening to the information sent by the artificial intelligence, and has no time to pay attention to Salomon.

Root spoke again as they approached the electrified building.

Obviously, she got some key information from the artificial intelligence. The machine thought Root had to know something about Salomon before working with him. Don't get me wrong, artificial intelligence just thinks that Root is a good tool. Several captive turkeys swaggered past them, and one of them aggressively pecked at Salomon's boot.

The mystic explained that this was an animal raised by the druids who lived here, and this was their druid training. "When I first saw the portal, I didn't pay much attention to it. Now I probably know your ability. Now I have a general understanding of your ability." She said, "Is it the whole world? If possible, I want to buy some clothes."

She pulled up the baggy blue and white striped hospital gown, "My clothes were left in the mental hospital."

"No problem. Ms. Maya Hansen will take care of you. She is your new colleague. I believe you must know who she is. After you install those servers, I still need you to assist the man-made people in the network layout and pull a light broadband from the top of their heads." The mystic seemed a little embarrassed, "This is a private commission, and I will pay you a fee."

"I can't thank you enough," Root said. "Also, I have a piece of news for you. Actually, DHS is after you. They saw your face."

"It doesn't matter, there is a magic contract, and if they break the contract, they will be punished without any delay. In fact, someone has already violated the contract, I know." Salomon smiled sinisterly, "They will investigate my name, but they can't say it. And those people near my apartment... SHIELD is very efficient, and so is Hydra. What you can't get, others can't get. I think the agents of SHIELD are better."

Root also smiled.

Although the food in the mental hospital made her a little haggard, a beautiful and warm smile still bloomed on her face, and she seemed to want to use this smile to bribe Salomon. People who don't know her nature are likely to accept it readily, but Salomon knows that Root is a real lunatic, even crazier than him.

"It looks like you've joined those secret services, Salomon. Don't you feel bad, then, that people are killed every day at gunpoint near where you live?"

"You've once again overestimated my kindness, Ms. Root."

"How old were you when you first killed someone?" Root seemed to have sensed something. She showed a sly smile, and suddenly threw out a question that caught Salomon off guard.

"Why do you say this?"

"Don't want to say it?" Root raised her eyebrows provocatively. She seemed to think that Salomon was a red-headed match that could catch fire just by rubbing his ass.

"Why do you think I have the personality of an ordinary teenager, ma'am?" Salomon frowned. "Androgen does make people impulsive, but if I can't suppress this impulse, I won't be able to learn magic."

"Really? If you don't mind, I can provide you with psychotherapy. I'm a psychiatrist and I have a certificate."

"No, I'm sick, and I have proof."

Ask for a ticket!

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