Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 386: You Still Have to Be a Professional (Part 1)

The Immortal City was temporarily quiet. Salomon waited until ROOT and Maya Hansen left together, then walked through the cleared space and the ruins temporarily piled up in the darkness, and entered the brightly lit office building. The affairs here are temporarily arranged, but he still needs to study the issue of the recruited Sola Honglin Druid Order.

They have learned all the druid teaching materials they found from Balthazar before. But in any case, the Sola Red Forest Druid Order did not show the natural gift of spells and abilities that Druids should receive.

Although this disappointed Salomon, it was also expected.

The magic of the main material plane is almost exhausted, and all the magic power belongs to the demon god of the outer dimension. In addition, Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, does not need, does not care about serving, and will not give power as a god of nature. Only Merlin, a spellcaster who has a good relationship with Avalon, can be recognized.

[In fact, there is also the kinship between Oshutu and Gaia, so the most powerful force in the world is nepotism]

It's no wonder that the ancestors of Sola's Red Forest Druid Order abandoned their original magic, and instead learned a series of magic such as Kapalamyche, Numerology, and Solomon's Sealing Technique. Even though Balthazar was the disciple of the greatest druid in the world, he didn't show much druid spells.

Apart from Merlin, there are very few people in this world who can become druids.

Salomon pushed away a curious sheep, several unrepentant turkeys, and even a big golden retriever dog that he found from nowhere.

Since the Sola Honglin Druid Order has not achieved the expected results no matter whether they are close to animals or plants, it is time for them to transform. Salomon will teach them in a series of occult sciences such as astrology, Kabbalah, Tarot, and almanac, but at the same time he will also limit the speed at which they acquire knowledge. The reason why he thought of this question was because if this continues, the Immortal City will be flooded with animal feces! He is not so free, he can open the portal every day and let the druids shovel shit!

Plants can be left for landscaping and dogs can be kept as pets for Maya Hansen. While sheep is best removed from fondue, turkey is best when stuffed with a buttery marinade and sent to the oven.

These tasks can be handed over to the corps of artificial humans who are gradually completing the production. Salomon looked at the rows of glass cultivation jars in front of him, each carefully designed and perfect body was slowly taking shape, and the runes engraved on the cultivation jars emitted a dim blue shimmer. Even without turning on the lights, Salomon can use these lights to inspect all the processes of muscle and skin formation, and fine-tune certain key parts. These artificial people don't have the kind of connection that his maid has with him. All intelligence is acquired, and all Salomon can do is manipulate their physical formation.

A quarter of the aether particles still possessed the properties of the Philosopher's Stone, enough to create a number of his personal guards. Soon, he will bring his maid over to train these artificial humans, and the speed of purchasing the weapons production line of the Hammer Group will also be accelerated.

It's just that the latter is something he can't solve by himself, and he plans to find a helper after today's class is over.


"Are you sure you don't need to sleep for a while?" Stark looked at Salomon with a tired face, and handed him half a glass of whiskey with ice cubes. He was wearing a tight black vest, black oil stains stuck to his fingers, and he looked like he had just repaired something, swimming out of a sea that smelled of motor oil and metal. The TV screen not far from the sofa is playing "Ghost Horse Elf", and Casper is bouncing around like no one else.

If you look outside, you can see the black sky and lights of the city in the distance, and the faint figure of the ghost horse elf is doing somersaults on the window.

"It's okay, I just learned too much magic." Salomon blinked, opening his eyes before the upper and lower lids glued together. The scrolls he reviewed were too many, but they were necessary. Whether it was tired eyes or cramped fingers stained with ink, it was the price he paid for learning magic, and there was nothing to complain about.

Stark sat heavily on the sofa, and the extremely elastic cushion bounced him up several times.

"You must at least learn to taste whiskey before you go to university. As far as I know, you are an orphan. Generally speaking, this kind of course is taught by your father. I will do my best to help you." Stark said with a certain pride, "What's the matter with me this time?"

"Design the weapon production line, and borrow Jarvis to develop power armor." Salomon focused his eyes on the front, and he carefully tilted the cup and poured the liquid containing flames into his mouth. Unsurprisingly, he was choked and coughed again, and he only felt that his throat had lost feeling.

Stark cast a puzzled look immediately after hearing Salomon's request. He just wanted to open his mouth to express his true thoughts, but was stopped by the constantly swinging palm extended by Salomon. Even though he was still coughing, Salomon had to let himself finish first.

If there is any company in the world that has the high-tech weapon technology reserves that Salomon can obtain, it must be the Stark Group. Salomon's goal of asking for help is very clear, he just wants Stark to help.

"All weapons and equipment must be assembled in the hands of my legion, you don't have to worry about me being an arms dealer." After finally calming down the convulsion, Salomon took a deep breath and shared his plan with Stark frankly. He knew that Stark didn't like to be concealed, and he had no intention of concealing it. To complete this plan, the joining of this technological genius is essential. Moreover, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. knows that Salomon owns an artificial legion, can Nick Fury still control his war with hell?

Salomon gave a detailed account of his plan, including the android guards and human-transformed warriors who will participate in the battle, as well as weapons and equipment such as large-caliber bolt guns and power armor. The more Stark listened, the more he felt incredible. "I didn't know you had such an idea and ability. Can magic even do genetic modification?" Stark curled his lips, and Salomon had no intention of correcting his misunderstanding. Maya Hansen is alive, which isn't the news everyone wants to hear.

"I've heard about the Devil's Son. I'm a consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I have the authority to understand certain things, but I didn't expect you to have such a big dispute with hell. Are you sure you don't want your teacher to lend a helping hand?"

"This is a private matter, Stark. The Venerable has the tasks of the Venerable, and I have not been so spoiled that I have to let the Venerable wipe my ass for everything." The mystic put the cup aside, and he stretched out a finger to turn the cup around, so that no one would see the shameful wine stains. Immediately afterwards, he said very seriously, "What's more, my original intention of building this army is to make up for the lack of mystics and increase Kama Taj's power in the main material plane. The battle with a hell devil is the best experiment. If feasible, I will strengthen this plan...I will use part of Asgard's technology and gold as a reward. If you agree, I will also pay the copyright fee, lest the company drive tanks to collect money."

"I still have some production lines that I haven't sold here. They are the production lines that are assembled for the Iron Armor weapon system. However, if you want to make small batches of experimental products, there is no problem." Stark moved his buttocks on the sofa, and touched the cup in his hand to Salomon's cup.

"Other production lines need you to find a way to solve it yourself. I believe you have this ability."

"Deal?" Salomon asked.

"Deal." Stark nodded. His face was completely devoid of the anguish of a loss-making deal. He looked very happy, as if he had taken advantage of something. "Hurry up and take out the alien technology you got! S.H.I.E.L.D. will not let me touch the dark elf ship. They even put a bolt in the safe for collection! Collections can't develop technology. I want to show Nick Fury, who is the one who has the ability!"

Ask for a ticket!

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