Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 402 Suppliers and investors (first update)

T'Challa failed to give an answer. Although he is the prince of Wakanda, he has not actually had any contact with the Black Panther God of Wakanda. Only the king of Wakanda can meet the panther god for the first time while taking the heart-shaped grass, T'Challa is not eligible yet. So when Salomon mentioned this issue, he seemed a little embarrassed.

With Wakanda's level of technology, it is impossible for T'Challa to be without pride, but he has to pretend to be an African prince from a poor country to the outside world. After finally meeting a conversation partner who doesn’t need to pretend (in fact, Salomon broke his disguise first, T’Challa is not surprised by this, if it is not special, it is not worth looking for in Wakanda), but he can’t answer any questions. T'Challa was also a young man who felt he had lost face with his newfound friends.

Some impetuous T'Challa invited Salomon to fly to Wakanda with him after today's ceremony, and he promised to send Salomon back the next day. It's just that Salomon didn't agree to this request, he still has things to do.

But he still promised to go to Wakanda if necessary, as long as the address given by T'Challa was correct.

T'Challa cast a puzzled look at Salomon. "Are you serious?" he asked. "You should know the real situation in Wakanda, right?"

"Generally understood."

Since Salomon knows the real situation of Wakanda, he must know that Wakanda has hidden the country with technology far beyond this world. Even if he knows the address, he cannot enter the real Wakanda. But T'Challa did not question it. He agreed with Salomon that before the end of the "zero" week, Salomon would visit Wakanda.

When the time comes, all doubts will be solved, and Wakanda will also offer another gift.

"Dwarves and gnomes can be our first batch of weapons and equipment suppliers, and Wakanda should be the second batch. Are you listening, Maya?" Salomon faced the full-length mirror and untied the stupid-looking white bow tie around his neck. The biggest role of this costume is to distinguish Oxford students from local residents in the past, so this costume incorporates the clothing characteristics of the British nobles in the sixteenth century. It's just that these features seem a bit complicated and troublesome now, and they don't conform to Salomon's aesthetic concept at all.

He returned to the Immortal City when the event was over, and when he returned to the office, he found Maya Hansen sleeping on his desk. He had to wake the geneticist before she smeared her saliva on alchemy textbooks.

"I'm listening." Maya Hansen yawned, then impatiently picked up the heavy book, and stood up unsteadily from the high-back chair. She also has funny red marks on her face, and the pattern of the cufflinks is clearly displayed. She reached out and rubbed her face, trying to wake herself up.

"I'm very busy, so I don't have the mind to deal with the supply of weapons. In addition, the artificial intelligence has already solved the production line, that is, those of Hammer Industries. It's just that the weapon production line must be modified, and you have to find someone to solve it yourself."

"I will." Salomon nodded. He intends to hand over the modification of the weapon production line to Stark. When the modification is completed and production is completed, Salomon will have to find another material supplier. The material supplier of the weapon is not a big problem, and Salomon does not require anything special for a gun used by a genetically modified soldier. The supply of armor is the big problem.

The dwarves and gnomes will cast a hundred sets of Uru metal armor for him at Odin's command. If his visit to Wakanda goes well, Wakanda should supply an alloy mixed with vibranium for casting armor. He believes that with Wakanda's technological level, he will be able to design what he wants. He also intends to sign a contract with Wakanda to share the facilities in the Immortal City in exchange for their assistance.

Wakanda will be the most important investor in his plan. Salomon also intends to reach an agreement with Wakanda to jointly develop other planets in the solar system and build a base capable of mass-producing weapons and equipment. He has already figured out what conditions to use to persuade the royal family of Wakanda. As long as the panther god Bast has no other requirements, Salomon believes that he can form a strategic alliance with Wakanda

As for Stark, don't think about it. He is a businessman, and the movement of such a large amount of money will definitely lead to investigation.

Maya obviously didn't hear what Salomon said before, otherwise she must have questioned why Wakanda can supply equipment. Pointing to the brass frog on the table, she asked contemptuously, "Are you in love with children's toys now? Why do you want to inlay the toy frog with gems?"

"This is not a children's toy, Maya. This is some kind of extremely powerful magic weapon." Salomon didn't look back, he was still facing the mirror, fighting with the troublesome clothes. His Holiness has already given the answer, the ability of these two brass frogs is to interact with time and space.

Properly used, these two brass frogs can even take the user on directed and precise time travel, and in some cases even create an alternate timeline. Compared with casting time-related magic, these two brass frogs can be said to be very powerful, and there is no need to pay any price for using this magic weapon.

Such a powerful spell can be cast without sacrificing sanity or viscera, without growing deformed limbs and abscesses.

This thing was hidden in King Solomon's treasury. Due to the scarcity of information and the age, even the venerable didn't know how to use it correctly.

Therefore, these two brass frogs can only be stored in Salomon's private treasury at present, waiting to be analyzed after finding out how to use them. Put together with the two brass frogs, there is the black kitten presented by Bastet. Now this cat curled up in the cat litter next to the desk and fell asleep after drinking a large pot of goat milk. If ordinary people hadn’t heard its purring, it would be impossible for ordinary people to find the existence of this kitten in a dark environment.

After tonight's social activities, Salomon will bring the kitten home to keep the Cheshire cat company.

As for the small calculations of artificial intelligence, Salomon didn't care about it. He had already installed a server matrix for that artificial intelligence, and that machine was going to serve him. Salomon was quite satisfied with the anonymous purchase of weapons production lines by that artificial intelligence—the artificial intelligence first fabricated all the information of an Italian with a mercenary status, including birth records, and then arranged this person to the Italian countryside. When the convoy and the accompanying CIA agents came to investigate, the identity of this fabricated person could not stand scrutiny, because the artificial intelligence had already hired an old man to prove that identity.

As long as the CIA does not go to the Middle East to conduct field investigations, then this identity is impeccable. In the future, how to transport the weapon production line to the Immortal City without revealing the location will continue to test the other capabilities of artificial intelligence. Salomon is quite relieved about this. Even if the CIA finds out about him, he still has the ability to eliminate all CIA action teams and hide all those who know the secret under three feet.

At present, the machine has not encountered too difficult things, and the mutually beneficial cooperation relationship can continue.

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