Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 404: Chapter 400: Rebuilding the Immortal City (Part 1)

“I’m glad I didn’t see plates in the lips and neck rings here, because it shows that African culture is always misunderstood by the outside world. It’s mainly white Anglo-Saxon bastards. In their eyes, Africans always have to wear lip plates and neck rings, and Chinese always have small eyes, long braids and small mustaches. If they know that Wakanda is so developed, then their attitude will definitely not be any better.”

Salomon and T'Challa discuss King of Wakanda's opening philosophy.

"They will wage a war for Zhenjin, a secret war." Salomon vowed, "Their agents will sneak into this country frequently, and then you will see many ridiculous things happen. At that time, you will find that those scum who belong to the lower classes in the whole society will suddenly wake up, and then they will first demand human rights, then women's rights, animal protection rights and even environmental protection rights, as if they were born saints. Their media will also exaggerate the situation in Wakanda, whether it is good or bad. Turned out to be a bad thing. If you want to see the CIA foreign operation guidebook I can find it for you, these tactics have been played out more than once."

"Wakanda has powerful enough technology to deal with external threats." T'Challa said confidently. "If those agents come, they can't go back. Hatut Zeraze's work is very good, and our people are not so stupid. If you know more about Wakanda, you will find that the people of Wakanda are wary of outsiders. And openness does not mean that Wakanda can come in and out freely. What my father wants is limited openness, exporting knowledge and culture."

"Yeah, that's what I want to see too." Salomon shrugged. "When I showed up, I saw everyone calling the police. I thought foreign spies shouldn't be able to infiltrate that easily. But their tricks are more than that, T'Challa, they use soft knives when hard knives don't work, and they're good at it."

T'Challa looked at Salomon suspiciously. After all, he hadn't been in European and American society for too long, and he was not very familiar with those methods.

"Let me give you an example. The high-tech wristbands that citizens are given at birth can monitor their physical conditions and communicate. They will say that this is a nuisance to citizens, that it is secretly collecting human body data for experiments, or that the government monitors citizens' information and hinders freedom of information."

Salomon pointed at the palace, "If you have a king, they will say that the royal power oppresses the rights of citizens, and the nobles disregard human life. The king of Wakanda is male, and they will say that men and women are not equal in Wakanda. If the king is not a woman, it means discrimination against women. Africa also has the habit of eating dog meat. They will say that Wakanda people are cruel and inhumane. If the society is stable, then the people are strictly controlled. .When our generation gets old, their tricks will work."

T'Challa had taken Salomon's words to heart, while his sister Suri was much more at ease. When Salomon and T'Challa went deep underground on the rail transit passing by rows of bright blue lampposts at a high speed, she used the communication system on the rail transit to communicate with T'Challa. But she didn't pay attention to the reminder from Salomon at all, but was still immersed in her own invention.

"If what you said is true, then we do need to take precautions." T'Challa nodded, "But I think you are still too pessimistic, and I also think Wakanda is capable of facing challenges."

"I hope so." Salomon nodded, he absolutely did not want his possible allies to fall because of this method.

"Perhaps you are interested in knowing what experiment I just conducted?" After getting out of the car, Suri greeted Salomon, and then hugged his elder brother. "But it seems that none of you are interested in knowing." Su Li said with a look of disgust, "Boys are always like this, as long as the weapon can be used, they don't care about technical details at all."

"That's not certain." Salomon shook Suri's hand, "I promise I'm very interested in these things."

All of the Wakanda royal family (only the Black Panther tribe) attended the dinner, and Salomon enjoyed a Wakanda-specific delicacy. He talked about other topics throughout, including his admiration for Suli's inventions and Wakanda's highly developed productivity, and the dinner was full of joy.

As for his real purpose, Salomon didn't say a word.

After the dinner, when Salomon and Wakanda King T'Chaka talked alone, his purpose was gradually revealed. The king handed over a box made of vibrating gold, and the box was successfully opened only after he passed the iris and DNA tests under Salomon's watchful eye.

A piece of yellowed parchment was sealed in a transparent vacuum glass box, and there were densely packed small characters written on the paper. "The elixir of life, something that Gilgamesh once had," said King T'Chaka. "My ancestors took it from King Solomon, and generations of panthers have been required to keep it and the two brass frogs. Now they are returned to their owners."

"Is this what Bastet asked you to do?" Salomon didn't pay attention to the formula. He looked up at the king and called the so-called Black Panther God by his name.

"Yes." The king nodded.

"Does the royal family of Wakanda have any intention of reaching more cooperation? It is for Wakanda's own consideration." Salomon said confidently, "It is about vibration gold, about resource extraction, about weapon development and manufacturing. I think I can give Wakanda a lot of things. Similarly, I also ask for something in return. I want to establish a cooperative relationship."

The king raised his eyebrows with interest. In fact, the conversation between Salomon and T'Challa was monitored throughout. Before the dinner, Suri also explained to his father what Salomon was interested in. King T'Chaka knows Salomon's attitude towards Wakanda. He can roughly guess what Salomon wants. He is just curious about what Salomon can use as a bargaining chip.

"I don't mind hearing what you have to say."

No one except the person involved knows the content of the conversation between Salomon and the king of Wakanda. But in the end, a pact named "The Wall Agreement" was signed, in the name of Wakanda's panther god and Salomon. Not long after this contract was signed, the Immortal City located underground in Rome welcomed a large number of scientific researchers and a large number of industrial equipment.

"As I said, I will find you a helper." Salomon patted Maya Hansen who threw himself into his arms excitedly. "Let me introduce to you, this is Suri, the royal princess of Wakanda. She is the smartest person in Wakanda. With Wakanda's assistance, the wreckage will be cleaned up, the tall buildings will be rebuilt, we can fully operate all the facilities of the Immortal City, and the equipment I want will also be developed with the help of the Wakanda people."

"You promised me to let me study your portal!" Suri interrupted the conversation between Salomon and Maya Hansen dissatisfied. She couldn't wait to see how the portal worked. If Salomon hadn't stopped her mischief, her fingers might have been cut off by the portal.

"Of course, of course, but you have to fulfill the conditions of the contract first. Design and produce the power armor I want first, the kind of neural connection. Then help our Ms. Hansen complete the research on genetic modification, and the portal will be yours. This is a personal reward, come on, Ms. Suli."

Ask for a ticket!

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