Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 415: The Price of Ideals (Second)

Salomon, who is familiar with "A Brief History of Human Torture", has a clear understanding of how to carry out punishment, especially the various instruments of torture during the witch trials. This is not only because he understands the spells used by witches to summon instruments of torture, or the witches’ little props that evolved from instruments of torture, but also because in the so-called “Age of Reason” (1600-1700 A.D.), while science has developed by leaps and bounds, punishment has also changed from simple duel judgments in the Middle Ages, divine judgments (immerse the defendant’s hands in boiling water or grab a red-hot iron block), Viking blood eagles, and fire torture into torture boots and shackles that use tools. Fingers, shackles and witch thorns.

The punishment that Salomon brought to Lorelei was more humiliating to some extent. He improved on the punishment in the "age of reason" and added some modern people's evil tastes, creating those punishments that Lorelai did not want to suffer the humiliation created by modern people. Torture for minor torture.

If Lorelai refuses to study, then she will directly suffer this punishment. The Asgardian's constitution means that many direct tortures cannot be effective, but it also means that she can withstand more humiliating punishment without fear of physical breakdown.

In contrast, Asgard's dungeons are much better than this, just solitary confinement, without any torture. Now Lorelai regrets why she didn't follow Sif back to Asgard. But the mood was fleeting, and with it came a certain kind of ambition.

For the mystic to ignore Lorelei's charms meant he denied the gift of the Daughter of the Rhine that has survived to this day. In the opinion of the two sisters, Amora and Lorelai, the more men who can resist their abilities, the better. After sound, touch and kiss are all ineffective, Lorelai doesn't mind dedicating herself to Salomon. But what she wants is to take control of Salomon and take the initiative in her own hands, not this kind of humiliation that completely dehumanizes her. This is what she is unwilling to accept, because it means that she will become Salomon's lust tool and slave.

Although Salomon didn't have the slightest idea, but Lorelei, who could not help but boast that he saw all the men in the world, thought he had. Therefore, Lorelei's heart is extremely entangled - she wants to get in touch with Salomon and try to control this man who dares to face Thunder, the father of the gods, but she doesn't want to be inferior to others and lose her personality.

So she made a condition to Salomon.

"No matter what your plan is, only you can possess my body." She said, "This is our game. If I succeed, then I will be your queen. If I lose, I only want to be your slave. It's fine for you to use me as a tool for lust, but you have to give me a chance to come back, or I'd rather be tortured, and you don't want to know anything from me."

Salomon smiled and agreed to Lorelai's conditions, and also signed a contract with her.

Lorelai was relieved by this contract, but she didn't know that it was also one of the steps Salomon took to destroy her spirit.

Torture before a mental breakdown cannot extract real information, and forced learning, a terrible torture that directly affects the mind, is an even more terrifying punishment. Especially when Salomon did not return the clothes to Lorelai, Lorelai had to complete endless studies under the hands of a spellcaster who had a very high attainment in the "Pink Book". This kind of torture that directly destroys the spirit instead of the body is far more terrifying than blades and needles.

And all of this is just to gain the experience and technology of building a large fleet in Asgard, which is what humans lack today. Perhaps time can allow humans to fill these gaps and catch up with those races that have been technologically advanced for tens of thousands of years, but time never waits for anyone. Those extraterrestrial creatures that are beyond human understanding will not stop and wait for human development. Those alien races that intend to conquer humans will not stop, waiting for the day when humans grow up to share the universe with them.

Salomon is willing to give everything for this, he has been taught that way since he was a child.

"I will become your queen." Lorelai said confidently, "You said that your ambition is more than that, then I will also share your glory and power. I will get the due reward for my efforts, which is what you promised me."

"There is only one seat, and you are not the only one who booked it." Salomon said with a chuckle.

Everyone, every god, even the All-Father has plans for this position.

Athena wanted to find a current Helen for him, but because of Salomon's insistence, she gave in temporarily and agreed to the existence of the witch; the father of the gods wanted to push Hela over to peacefully evolve Midgard; Bastet even wanted to push the royal family of Wakanda to Salomon, because the Queen of Sheba was black.

But right now I'm the one in charge. The age of peace is coming to an end, and my time is coming. As for who can share my power, it depends on the game between you.

Although it feels good to play with the royal family of Asgard in the palm of your hand, after all, the father of the gods has not passed away, and Salomon has to sit on a chair obediently, recovering his legs that are sore from shopping for a long time among salmon meat and chanterelles, waiting for his time to come.

"You have no problem wanting Lorelei, but I don't want you to quarrel with Hela because of a pet." The Father of the Gods didn't meet Salomon, and the mild-tempered Queen Frigga came forward to persuade Salomon. The Queen of Heaven, Frigg, regarded Lorelai as a "pet" rather than a human being. This was because the daughters of the Rhine River disturbed the court more than once and stole secrets.

"You can get feelings from her that Hela doesn't have. I understand this approach very well, but you don't deserve to make that old guy angry because of her." The diva Frigga obviously hasn't realized the hidden purpose behind Salomon's gentle mask, but just makes excuses for Salomon.

"I also said that the punishment he gave you was too severe, but I didn't expect you to block it. But it doesn't matter, as long as you don't favor that woman. Hela has a strong personality, you'd better take care of her temper, or she will kill Lorelai. Even if she kills Lorelai, you don't have to be angry. As long as Hela agrees, you can have as many women as you want—but I know you won't, you are just fascinated by that witch, I believe you will make your own judgment."

Salomon naturally agreed. If his purpose in spying on Asgard's technology is revealed, the relationship between Karma Taj and Asgard will come to an impasse. An analogy is that when the United States is eavesdropping on its European allies, it finds that European countries are also eavesdropping on the United States. It goes without saying what the consequences will be.

So Salomon could only forcefully endure this misunderstanding and the mocking eyes of the Supreme Mage. Of course the Venerable knew Salomon's real intention, but this did not prevent the Venerable from teasing his disciples.

"It doesn't matter if you have a child with that demon girl. Have you thought about how to respond to the witch?"

"Teacher, you know that this is not true."

"This is the price you have to pay for fulfilling your ideals." The Supreme Mage said with a smile, "You can't bear this bit of slander, can you?"

"I can bear it, because my purpose will gain more benefits." Salomon said, "The Asgardians will find Lorelei in the wilderness, but she will not have that name or look like that at that time. She will work for me and will receive reasonable compensation."

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