Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 45 The Destination of the Soul

Salomon booked a seat through room service, booked a taxi, and even brought Bayonetta an outfit while she showered. This is a pure white evening dress with a very slim skirt. Salomon asked Bayonetta for the exact size.

But fortunately, the Supreme Master gave Salomon enough funds for his activities. It seemed that His Holiness had already anticipated the current situation, so he increased Salomon's budget. Besides these fees, Salomon also had an extra bank card in his pocket, which His Holiness had secretly stuffed in, and there was so much money in it that he didn't even bother to count it.

Salomon thought his reservations at the restaurant looked superfluous, since Beunita looked as if she could live without eating at all. The fact is true, Beunita has been sunk at the bottom of the lake for 500 years, if it weren't for the huge magic power to keep her alive, Beunita would have starved to death long ago.

The mystic wondered whether Beunita's stomach could still function normally, and whether everything she ate was thrown into the lower plane through the portal.

It has been a few hours since I had dinner at Enzo's house, and the battle is still very exhausting. Salomon is already hungry and looking forward to tasting local specialties.

The witch's preparations took another hour, and the mystic was not at all impatient about it, because he was already psychologically prepared for the complaints about this aspect on the Internet.

The witch seemed to enjoy being taken care of very much. When she walked out of the room, she found that everything had been prepared. She was very satisfied with Salomon's arrangement, especially the style of the dress. She observed it repeatedly for a long time, and finally put it on under Salomon's unbearable urging, covering her eyes.

This woman doesn't wear clothes after taking a shower!

"The little guy will take care of others." Her ending sound rose tactfully, and she pulled Salomon out of the hotel, and took a taxi that had been waiting for a long time. "Come on, there is still a gourmet journey waiting for us."

Italian cuisine mostly uses seafood as the main ingredient. Seafood pasta is a must-try dish. If you don’t like noodles, you can also choose seafood risotto. After the starter, the waiter brought out a deep square plate filled with oysters, squid, shrimp and mushrooms, served with two slices of toast.

Olive oil, black olives, and tomatoes appear in almost all dishes. The cold dishes are mostly Italian special salami and air-dried ham, and there are even different types of wine that match various meals. Although no one here would care about the fact that minors cannot drink alcohol, Salomon still rejected Beunita's proposal to let him drink, and he ordered a glass of iced Coke and drank it.

The main dish is T-bone steak, which is full of thick steak and fried to only medium rare, bold but delicate. These steaks are measured in kilos, but nothing to Salomon and Bayonetta.

Italians are very particular about dinner, and this restaurant is always packed in the evening. But in order to allow guests to have a private dining environment, this restaurant does not choose to turn on the lights, but puts a lamp on the table. The diners are still surrounded by darkness and can only see the face of the person opposite.

Therefore, Bayunita's appearance did not attract much attention, which also gave the witch and Salomon an environment where they could talk, and some words would be easier to say at the dinner table.

"Boya, when are you going to tell me what I should know?" Bayonetta was digging into her dessert, a crunchy brioche, with a tiny silver spoon.

After eating so much, Salomon didn't see the slightest sign that the witch was full, and she seemed to be able to continue eating. She said, "Don't keep this matter from me like your teacher did. You shouldn't lie at a young age."

"No, if you want, I can tell you the story first." The mystic said, and he ordered another Coke. Drinking alcohol is not good for brain development. His mage must protect his brain well. He said, "After all, it will take a very long time to find the "Dark Divine Book", and I am not in a hurry."

"I'm curious about your answer." Bayunita looked at Salomon, "There must be an answer I need."

"Have you completely forgotten your past?" Salomon raised his head and asked, "Don't remember anything? Nothing left?"

"I just remember being a witch." Bayonetta said, "And hunting angels and summoning demons are all instinctive, as if I was born with those magics."

Salomon ate the last piece of beef, wiped his mouth, and told Bayonetta everything he had learned. It's just that for the sake of secrecy, he deliberately used a little trick to make his voice ring directly in the witch's ear. Others could only see him open his mouth, but they couldn't hear what he was saying.

"You mean, the power I possess, called the 'left eye', is the power to summon demons?" The witch was silent for a while after hearing Salomon's narration, "And the reason why the angels wanted to hunt me down was to take back the demons." 'Left Eye,' awaken their god?"

"Yes, and the 'right eye', that is, the part of the power that summons angels, is in Vigrid, and it is not without reason that there are a large number of angels haunting there.

But no one knows what Lumen Sage wants to do in Vigrid. On the surface, Vigrid's technological level is very high, but there is nothing special about it. I don't know the specific information, because I am not a professional intelligence businessman. "Salomon said, "But the number of angels is too much now, so the venerable will let me help you hunt angels." "

"It seems that the venerable is also using me as a tool," the witch said with a smile, "I am a weak woman who was hunted down by angels."

"Those angels killed by you will cry when they hear this, Beunita!" Salomon rolled his eyes. Anyone who believes in witches is a fool. Perhaps after Salomon undoes the stigmata, the power he can display can compete with Bayonetta, but the speed is far behind.

The mystic had seen Bayonetta pull the trigger many times in a single instant, and if he faced such an enemy unprepared, the only outcome would be death.

He said, "And His Holiness has sent me here, maybe I can't help much, but it also shows that Karma Taj is standing behind you."

"Tsk, Boya, you are such a bad boy." Beunita turned sideways, raised her slender legs, and said, "I'm afraid it's best for the big sister to die with the angel at the end, isn't it?"

The witch's words tore off the mask of warmth, but no one sitting at this table would care about such things.

"Beyoneta, you have to know that the venerable has made a rule that neither the upper plane nor the lower plane creatures can step into the earth. Humans don't need these. Now the earth still has the ability to summon these creatures on a large scale Yes, only the Witch and the Sage.

The power of the 'left eye' and 'right eye' will do more harm than good to the earth. Salomon sighed, and he continued, "And, do you think you don't have to pay for summoning demons?" I'm afraid your soul has already gone. I guess it belongs to the demon lord born from the part of the Chaos God Athil's body that fell into the abyss.

It is very likely that the witch family can summon demons only after signing a contract with that demon lord. But everything has a price. When you die, it is time for your soul to be dragged into the abyss. "

"Oh~ I'm so scared~" Bayoneta said with her arms in her arms, "Is there anything you can do about it, little guy?"

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