Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 428 All this! (first update)

Every mystic is a master of reneging on debts and paying on credit. Every time the bait thrown by the demon gods is eaten up by the powerful mystics, the sharp hooks will be thrown back. But such a trick doesn't work every time, and this deal is no different. Agamotto is full of curiosity about the knowledge of other universes. When facing Yog-Sothoth who refuses to pack the compressed files, he is the best shield Salomon found.

However, Salomon overestimated his ability to bear before the stigmata was opened. The experience of facing the ancient immortals could not be of any use at this time. He was forced to open the stigmata to improve his personality. His vision was elevated from the material world to the formation world, and from the formation world to the creation world.

The scene reflected into his eyes was no longer the dim stone chamber, but the twisted and intertwined realm of all outer dimensions. He saw the spirit and soul, and saw the light being projected into the main material plane in an orderly manner. His figure became more majestic, more beautiful, and more benevolent. There is no need to say much about this nobility, you just need to stand by his side to understand his identity, his mission and everything he represents.

Under the revelation of that unspeakable light, Maya Hansen saw everything.

That is the great mission of letting mankind take root and sprout in the entire galaxy, and it is an extremely heavy destiny. This mission will not end until all the stars are extinguished, until human beings can overlook the entire galaxy from the tower of race. And he will walk through every planet, every hell and even every abyss with warriors like gods, bringing death and glory to countless lives.

However, this situation only lasted for a while. At the end of the transaction, Yog-Sothoth took away what he had, would get in the future, and is taking now. Agamotto also got part of the knowledge that Salomon shared with him. Salomon also gradually closed the stigmata with his vague but extremely firm will.

Then he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and endured the torture of knowledge.

The knowledge traded is similar to part of the dark technology used by the Celestial Group to transform people on Earth, and the essence of this technology is a kind of tampering with life. Salomon has obtained this part of knowledge, he can imitate the means of the Celestial Group, even better, he can achieve it through science or magic.

The technology obtained by Salomon comes from the mother of genes, and the beautiful mathematical laws deeply hidden in human genes bloom to him like a magnificent rose. For him, human beings no longer have secrets at the microscopic level. The sacred double helix has the ultimate mystery, and the complex base pairs have very classic geometric problems, which contain the learning methods of human intelligence.

This is an unimaginably vast amount of knowledge.

Information has weight, and after this weight was transformed into information, after a little blocking by Agamotto, it was stuffed into the mystic's mind by the generous All-In-One, and he also withstood this test.

After the ball of light emitting dreamy bubbles and the one-eyed golden light disappeared, the golden light covering Salomon's body also gradually dissipated. Maya Hansen walked over cautiously, and she saw that Salomon still had his eyes closed tightly after the light dissipated, his face was pale and he was panting heavily, and his forehead was covered with beads of cold sweat.

Suddenly, viscous blood gushed out of Salomon's nose. He knelt down on the ground and continuously vomited clotted black pus and blood. He coughed heart-piercingly, spittle and bloody vomit poured out of his throat continuously, his body convulsed continuously, tears overflowed the corners of his eyes due to physiological reactions, but he was laughing loudly. Even though his breathing was thick with blood foam, even though his lungs that were about to burn were almost torn out of his chest in convulsions again and again, even though his body was torn apart by coughing enough to shake the entire stone chamber, Salomon still laughed maniacally.

He made a lot of money! Not a bad deal!

After a while, Salomon sat upright and sat on the ground, completely ignoring that the vomit and blood on the ground would stick to his expensive suit. The convulsions gradually stopped, and he also slowly stopped laughing, but the blood condensed on his face made him look like a ghost crawling out of a sea of ​​blood. Maya Hansen looked straight into his eyes with fear, but the female scientist did not see the expected madness. On the contrary, Salomon's eyes were extremely clear, and the moist eyes depicted the amazing word "beautiful".

"Listen to me, Maya." Salomon's voice returned to normal, as if the chorus of thousands of people was just an auditory hallucination. He called the female scientist's name very affectionately, but Maya Hansen only felt a burst of fear. She felt that the person she was facing had changed somewhat from the one before. But gradually, this feeling disappeared, and a smile appeared on Salomon's face little by little, like a snail climbing a fence in the garden after a summer rain, as if his humanity was being regained little by little.

"Are you listening to me, Maya?" Salomon tilted his head and asked the female scientist in an overly cute tone. He didn't seem to be affected at all. If it weren't for the foul-smelling blood under his body, the trembling fingers when he lifted it up, and the black blood clots on his face, this scene might have caused a lot of screams and loves from rich women.

"What's that?" Maya Hansen was a smart person, and she got the point right. She frowned, "You have to tell me the truth." She asked the mystic in the harshest tone she had ever used in her life, "What were those just now?"

"It's God, Maya." Salomon answered bluntly. He gave a general account of his transaction, including the price he paid. "It's nothing." He shrugged. "Every mystic will have such a day sooner or later, whether it is reason or body, there is always something to exchange for magic. I exchanged the skills and knowledge necessary for our career, and what I paid was only what I was destined to pay in ten thousand fates. You don't have to worry about me doing a loss-making business,"

"You don't trust me." The female scientist bluntly expressed her inner feelings, "You don't believe that I can do it."

"It's not like that." Salomon shook his head, "I have to be like this. Human beings' existing science can't achieve my goal, so I have to rely on the power of the dark gods. Only those meaningless gods who are like natural phenomena have the knowledge I need, and I will sort out that knowledge and give it to you. You don't have to worry about the consequences of that knowledge for you, because I have already paid a price that you can't pay."

Maya Hansen is choking on this answer. "Is it necessary to do this?" She took out the handkerchief in her pocket and wiped Salomon's face vigorously. Soon, the handkerchief was a little sticky with the blood on the ground, but she still refused to give up, and the strength in her hand was getting stronger and stronger, as if to clean up all the dirt on Salomon's face, "How much do you have to pay, Salomon?"

"All this." Salomon said calmly.

"does it worth?"

"We all have answers in our hearts, Maya. That's my calling, my role."

Watching everything that happened, the Supreme Mage sighed, withdrew his gaze, and continued to cast his gaze on the boundless outer dimension. There, Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, is ready to move, the malignant tumor from the universe is waking up from the future, the great phantom buried deep in the ground has found a spokesperson for the world, the pure and innocent dark witch of Camelot is walking slowly, the demon king of negation of the nine hells denies everything in reality, the angel flapping his beautiful wings pointed his flame sword at the main material plane, and even the wriggling serpent in the sea of ​​snakes left its crown on the earth.

The universe is about to face unprecedented challenges, and Salomon is essential.

In contrast, it is not a big deal for a witch who should return to the abyss to try to resurrect.

Ask for a ticket!

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