Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 430: Temporarily Not Seeing Visitors (Part 1)

"My lord is not suitable for seeing guests for the time being."

The day after Salomon fell asleep, the Wakandans received fragments of events in the Immortal City. The aftermath of that transaction cannot be confined in a small stone room, and Salomon's fatigue cannot be hidden from everyone. Although the full picture of the matter is still unclear, T'Challa flew directly from Wakanda to New York with the escort overnight.

They didn't see Salomon, but were stopped by dozens of armored androids on the top floor of the apartment. The atmosphere was tense for a while, Catherine even held her hand on the hilt of her waist, and the guards behind T'Challa also clenched their vibrating gold spears uneasily. The artificial people know about the covenant between Salomon and Wakanda, but they don't care. Only the safety of Salomon is what they care about, and the others are not worth mentioning.

During this period of time, the cyborg legion headed by Dinah raised their vigilance to the highest level. Salomon's sleeping room was not only guarded by four cyborgs who were good at melee combat, but also stood at the door of the bedroom and the door of the apartment.

Salomon bought the entire floor of the apartment, and Dinah quickly arranged the members of the android army in every room. If someone raided Salomon's apartment at this time, whether from the elevator, the stairs, or the top floor, the intruder would be met with crossfire from the Sisterhood. Even if Iron Man, one of the imaginary enemies of the sisterhood, breaks in through the window of the apartment, they will be blocked at the door of Salomon's room, and then other androids will rush to support as quickly as possible.

In addition, the top floors of the nearby buildings were also controlled by the legion of robots. The members of the sisterhood who were good at shooting aimed at every window in this high-end apartment with large-caliber sniper rifles. They also carried a ring of spell [Guided Shooting] scrolls copied by Salomon as a supplement. Those drug dealers who tried to sell goods to the high-end neighborhoods or were originally members of the high-end neighborhoods were bloodyly cleaned. The NYPD Patrol Service Bureau in charge of this area even unexpectedly felt the tranquility of this area. Only the homicide squad received a large number of reports and was forced to be busy.

Finch, who was far away in New York, immediately judged that the incident was definitely related to Salomon after retrieving the case records, because the center of the crime center was the apartment where Salomon lived-artificial people cleaned the apartment with the center of the circle. Finch was driving here, and his companions included Root and Samuel Shaw who had been locked up in the library by him before.

"We are not malicious." T'Challa opened his hands, signaling peace. "Wakanda has absolutely no other ideas," he said. "We just want to know what happened to Salomon Damonet. He is a valuable partner of Wakanda and we need him to start the project of the Mars Foundry. Ladies, whatever, please tell me some truths. I assure you that the royal family of Wakanda cares about the health of your masters."

The artificial people whispered for a while. They wear helmets, and all calls are made through the communication line inside the helmet. T'Challa, who is close at hand, can't hear anything-Wakanda has the ability to hack into this call line established by Princess Shu Rui, but T'Challa has no intention of doing this. He has no malice towards artificial people and does not want to cause misunderstanding.

Finally, an android in the front row took off his helmet, and Tita, who was the calmest, spoke on behalf of the sisters around her.

"My Lord left an order before he fell asleep and explained the reason." Tita held the helmet in her hand.

She has the same short white hair as other androids, but her complexion is light brown, which is a mutation in the training tank, so she was carefully checked by Salomon after she got out of the training tank. After confirming that it was a benign mutation, Salomonte chose a black lipstick for her, which made her look quite mysterious, and her mature and stable voice was also extremely magnetic, so she also had the same respect as Dinah in the sorority.

"My lord said that I need to sleep for a few days." She looked directly into T'Challa's eyes and said, "It's just because of too much mental exhaustion."

T'Challa knew that the artificial man in front of him still had a secret, and the vision that happened in the Immortal City was enough to show that things were not that simple, and the fact that the artificial man had spent a lot of time on precautionary measures was an explanation of this incident. "Why?" he asked, "I want to hear the truth, and I want to know when he will wake up."

"We never search for my lord's secret technique unless my lord allows it." Tita shook her head lightly, a few strands of pearl-white short hair sticking to her sweaty forehead, "We don't know when my lord will wake up. My lord has her own plans, and the Sisterhood can't interfere."

"Can I visit him?" T'Challa asked, "From the way you look, you're not going to say yes... so can I talk to Ms. Maya Hansen?" Tita didn't answer, she put on the helmet and looked at T'Challa through the tinted glass. The prince of Wakanda received the hint, and he didn't go on talking unwisely.

"If he wakes up, please make sure he calls me," he said. "We have a lot to talk about."

The artificial people watched the Wakandas board the stealth aircraft, and after confirming that the Wakandas had indeed left, they returned to where they should be. The sisterhood didn't take what happened just now to heart, but that didn't mean they were as calm as they appeared.

"Ms. Tita." Catherine couldn't help but moved closer to Tita, "Did Ms. Dinah reveal any news about our Lord? The sisters are very worried."

"There is nothing to worry about." Tita shook her head. "My Lord will not do anything that is not sure. Ms. Dinah has the most honorable position among us as my Lord's personal maid. She can represent the will of my Lord."

Catherine muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, then turned and returned to her seat. After Catherine left, Tita breathed a sigh of relief. These androids were only a few months old, and their knowledge was instilled directly, and the stable-looking Tita was just pretending to be calm. You know, when Salomon gave her that black lipstick, she almost jumped up in surprise. Now Tita is leading her team cautiously. She often feels that there is a cliff behind her, and every time she speaks, she feels like she is dancing beside the bottomless abyss.

Catherine's overly fanatical moral code made her feel uneasy. This situation was not limited to Catherine. Under the express prohibition of the master, those overly fanatical sisters quietly hid their artworks praising the master, but the planning drawings of the temple were still hung in the meeting hall of the sisterhood. Dinah once conveyed to her the thoughts of the master who is inseparable from the soul of the android legion-he hopes that the sisterhood can maintain reason, not fanaticism derived from the soul.

But in Tita's view, this is a somewhat unrealistic idea.

Their lives come from their master, their creator, the source of their extraordinary souls, how can this prevent them from worshiping him?

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