Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 432 Essence (first update! Please recommend tickets!)


The hot black tea with the sweet taste of honey and mellow aroma rolled into the throat, diluting the scorching acid accumulated in the stomach. The taster involuntarily let out a long sigh of relief, letting the rising steam from the cup envelop his vision, condensing into tiny water droplets on the long eyelashes, and the faint sunlight spreading from the window to the bedside, passing through the gap between the thick curtains, scattering into colorful light on the tiny condensation drops.

Dinah was almost overwhelmed by the scene in front of her, and the members of the sorority who were guarding here were also too excited. Not only because their master was safe and sound, but also because they witnessed the beauty of their noble master when he woke up in the morning. The sorority members felt a deep sense of contentment around their Master, and the ease with which they woke up made them tremble with excitement. But good obedience allows them to hide their expressions behind heavy helmets. They plan to show off to their peers after the mission is over, which will give them the limelight in the sorority.

Catherine must be gnashing her teeth with anger, Sevia thought happily. As a latecomer to the Tita team, Catherine is always eager to show her proficiency in skills. Sylvia always privately refers to her as a "bluffing puppy", always bumping headlong into obvious traps in the sisterhood communication game.

Sevia didn't dislike her, but she couldn't help teasing the brash sister. She planned to admire her master's beauty for a while longer, and she was wearing a helmet anyway, so even Lady Dinah couldn't see that she was trying to look into the room from the corner of her eye when she should be staring out of the window.

"How are you doing?"

"It's okay, I just need something to eat."

Sevia couldn't help frowning, because the voice interrupted her master's continued drinking tea. But she couldn't be angry with that woman, because that woman's skills and knowledge were very important to her master. Facing Maya Hansen's greeting, Salomon just gave a bland but reassuring response. Salomon didn't intend to reveal what he saw and learned. The knowledge was too complicated. If it wasn't for the hot black tea brought by Dinah, he might still be dizzy now.

It may also be due to low blood sugar. Dinah told him that he had several high fevers during his sleep and that she had to change the glucose solution and cool him down several times.

He still doesn't know how long he has been in a deep sleep, but Maya Hansen has changed into a completely different piece of clothing from before he fell asleep, and it must have been more than a day. At the same time, he was also very satisfied with Dinah's service - when he woke up, he found that he was receiving intravenous glucose in his hands, and his skin felt refreshed. Obviously, Dinah had wiped his body with a towel more than once.

"Dinah," he asked the waiting maid, "what happened while I was asleep?"

The maid told Salomon everything that happened during Salomon's slumber. Including the visit of the royal prince of Wakanda, the visit of Master Xiao Wang and Athena, and Harold Finch and Samun Shaw who were stopped at the door by the sisterhood.

"What are they doing here?" Salomon asked curiously. But Dinah was suddenly embarrassed because she couldn't answer her master's question. Sensing her emotions, Salomon had no choice but to comfort her softly in order to relieve the maid's embarrassment. He said that it must be a trivial matter between mortals, so don't worry too much, and it was not Dana's oversight.

But this seemingly warm scene is another scene in Maya Hansen's eyes. She witnessed that grotesque scene with her own eyes, and she witnessed Salomon's humanity from loss to restoration. Maya Hansen believed that Salomon must be different before and after sleeping.

"I know what you're thinking." Before Maya Hansen could finish her thoughts, Salomon spoke first. He is indeed a little different, but not because of that knowledge, but because of his progress in the stigmata. He asked Dinah to go to the study and took the Kapalamichi he had snatched from the monastery. He pointed to the parchment full of Hebrew and explained his changes to Dinah and Maya Hansen.

The tree of life has ten material points, which are called ten Sephiroth, and the singular is called Sephira, and there are twenty-two paths connecting the ten material points. Starting from the lowest kingdom of the material world, the higher one climbs, the closer to the spirit, and the farther away from the material, the more otherworldly. These ten particles correspond to his stigmata one by one, containing unimaginable power, and Salomon has made progress in the stigmata while sleeping, and his consciousness is also trying to cross the source of knowledge, from the mind to the spiritual level—his ultimate goal is to reach the top crown (Kether) and the three layers of Veils above it, which is called "the unmanifested". According to the idol theory, those three levels can also correspond to the upper three levels of the seven and three heavens, where God and the archangels are located.

It was a magical advancement, the crown of his magical career. But this is not so easy to achieve, it takes a lifetime to reach the "unmanifested" three layers of Veils. The three layers are Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur. The topmost layer is infinite light. If Master Xiao Wang or Venerable were here, others would know that the light that burst out when Salomon lost control of the stigmata for the first time came from there.

This is a description of the state of the soul, and what His Holiness will explore with the Eternal God is the unknown realm.

Of course, Salomon didn't intend to tell Maya Hansen too much about mysticism right now. Even though she already has a certain foundation in alchemy, she may not be as familiar with magic as the high priest of Sola Honglin Druid Order. She still needs to learn, and so does Salomon—he needs to transform that knowledge into a theory acceptable to humans, so he must start studying cell biology and virology, and match his own knowledge with it.

At the same time, Maya Hansen also needs to combine Salomon's knowledge with practical work.

"I have been tortured by the stigmata since I was born. This is a gift and a curse. It tortures my soul all the time. Whenever I open the stigmata, my spirit will suffer extreme pain, torture and confusion." Salomon told his pain in the most flat tone, and his expression did not fluctuate. I surrender to it. I have been practicing since birth, and His Holiness used to protect me with the holy shroud, and under that protection, I also learned how to face the knowledge of shocking the soul."

There was strong confidence in his tone, and the condensation on his eyelashes had dissipated, making his eyes look sincere. It seems like boiling water that melts ice, forming a lake on the soul that soaks the whole body. The warm lake water makes people unconsciously relax in the appropriate water temperature, the pores are open, and the comfort is drowsy.

Salomon influenced other people unconsciously, without realizing it at all. This is his biggest change, and a certain inner part of him is slowly revealed.

"That knowledge is nothing, Maya. I'm not easily changed." He said with a smile, "I promise."

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