Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 434 Prison (Part 1)

As one of the "collections" of the goddess of wisdom, Athena is not generally strict with Salomon's external image, which is why she picks on the casually dressed mystic. From shampoo to nails, everything has to satisfy the goddess of wisdom. This apartment has Salomon's entire wardrobe, which is full of expensive clothes and accessories chosen by the goddess of wisdom for him, such as the golden laurel brooch and silver pocket watch chain custom-made by Athena.

The Goddess of Wisdom dresses up Salomon as she pleases like a little girl who dresses up a doll. Salomon changed into a sharp wide-striped suit at Athena's place, and then cast a spell to fix his hair back under the urging of the goddess.

"It's too fierce." Athena shook her head after putting on the glasses for Salomon, rejecting the outfit that took half an hour to choose. "I originally wanted you to be more elegant. Try a gray suit, or a looser black suit with a black tie?" She tugged at the gold laurel brooch on the tie. "It's too serious, you can't wear it when negotiating with people."

"I think my next itinerary should be negotiation rather than negotiation." Salomon kissed Athena's cheek, "I need others to fear me."

"Who told you that you can go? Do you think I will let you go after I let you here? Do you know that I am so worried about your health that I can only eat panda fast food? You have to make it up to me!" Athena waved her hand impatiently, as if she really couldn't eat food because she was worried about Salomon. But she still couldn't help laughing, "Let those mortals wait, let your maid wait here, you have to accompany me to eat something - I recently saw a Japanese-style barbecue restaurant in New York, and it happened that little Lorna was in class, so I had to go with me. Just the two of us, you can drink some wine."


"You went to a Japanese restaurant? I think I know where you've been."

"Like I said, I'm very private."

"I smell the charcoal fire on you, and the smell of teriyaki sauce. I think anyone can guess where you went." Harold Finch looked around with a stiff neck, looking for an opportunity to drive the car to turn left. After a while, he stretched his neck forward and turned the steering wheel to the left, "You may want to ask me where I'm taking you...I want to tell you the truth, Salomon, you've caused a lot of trouble. Now the New York gangsters are fighting for a new round, and you've got a hand in it. Many gangsters now think you've joined the battle. Although they don't know your name yet, it can't be kept secret for too long."

"Why do you say that?" Salomon, who was wearing a wide-striped suit, sat in the back seat, listlessly looking at his phone. Bayonetta and Joan of Arc are still on the deserted island, and after eating, Salomon has no interest in everything, including Harold Finch's extremely serious tone.

"Don't you know that all the gang leaders near where you live are dead?" Mr. Finch looked into Salomon's sleepy eyes through the rearview mirror, "Do you need to sober up?"

"How do I know, I don't care about the life and death of the gang leader." Salomon raised his eyes, and the eyes of the two met through the rearview mirror. Suddenly, Harold Finch felt a trance, as if what he saw were not human eyes. But this feeling quickly disappeared, and Salomon looked away, returning to the feeling of boredom.

He had known for a long time what the artificial legion had done to ensure his safety, and Salomon had no intention of blaming them. They are loyal and good girls, but they are a little too enthusiastic, and Salomon really doesn't care about the life and death of those gangster scumbags. A dead cat on the side of the road can touch him more than those scumbags.

The car had left New York City, approaching the small town of Ossining, forty kilometers north of New York City. In that small town, there is the famous Xingxing Prison where serious criminals are held. The prison's security force is more than three times that of ordinary prisons. All the guards have undergone strict training, and the nine-meter-high wall that is electrified all around cuts off the possibility of prison escape.

It is in that prison that Mr. Finch wants to bring Salomon to visit.

"I thought you wanted to see me because of that machine." Salomon said in a deep voice, "Don't you care about that machine? I handed over some industrial facilities to it, and it can now produce its own weapons and equipment."

Startled by the sudden news, Mr. Finch took a deep breath. "I believe it, that machine is still operating according to the underlying logic I set." He said, "Maybe you are trusted by that machine like Miss Groves, but compared to her, you don't understand the working principle of that machine. And this matter has nothing to do with that machine, your problem needs to be solved urgently."

"Where's Mr. Reese, isn't he your Batman?" He asked while looking at the phone, "Also, don't try to hack into my phone, Mr. Finch, you can close the program. I take privacy very seriously."

"I'm helping you out." Mr. Finch parked the car in the parking lot and turned off the engine. "Someone wants your life," he said. "You can't hide forever. You don't know who your enemy is."

"Since we have all arrived in Ossining, I don't mind going in with you to have a look. Don't use such a boring reason to meet me next time, Mr. Finch." After getting out of the car, Salomon turned his gaze to the dazzlingly bright sky. In the eyes of ordinary people, they were two small black spots that were barely visible under the sun, but Salomon knew that they were two members of the Sisterhood in full armor, and he also knew how hot the power armor was.

The two androids have been with him since Salomon and Athena came back from the yakiniku (he brought two boxes of yakitori for the girls). When Salomon got into Harold Finch's car, they were jumping on the top of tall buildings. They didn't turn on the steel wing module until they left the urban area and there were no tall buildings as footholds and shelters.

He adjusted his suit and followed Mr. Finch through the guards. It was inevitable that he was a little disappointed not to see Root or Samun Xiao, both of whom were key executors marked by artificial intelligence. Especially Root, or Ms. Groves. Salomon really cherishes her talent. The reason why he promised the artificial intelligence to protect Root's life is because he hoped to attract that woman.

But now she was imprisoned in the library by Harold Finch, and it was difficult to bring her out without using violent means.

The reason why artificial intelligence is quiet is because it has fallen into the ethical and moral trap that only human beings have. This calculation consumes a lot of its computing power - it regards Harold Finch as the creator, and it absolutely does not want Harold Finch to be violently hurt.

"Who do we want to see?" Salomon took his coat from the guard after being checked. "No one I know is in prison," he said, "and I don't think anyone in prison will know about me."

"I don't think he doesn't know your name. His name is Elijah."

Ask for a ticket!

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