Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 440 Mission Complete (Part 1)

"Which step is it now?" Salomon sat on the sofa drinking hot black tea and asked Dinah who was talking to him through the tablet computer. This is his usual style, especially now that it is already three o'clock in the afternoon. Whether there is a class or not, it is the afternoon tea time of Merton College. He just drinks tea in a different place.

He brought the cup to his nose, trying to overwhelm Daqian's sour vomit with the rich aroma of tea. Salomon opened the portal and sent Daxi back when no one was watching, but Daxi, who was not a good drinker, fell asleep on the sofa as soon as she came back to this apartment, and woke up once in the middle, spraying vomit without any scruples.

If he hadn't summoned the invisible servants to clean up the room, when Jane Foster came back, he might really have punched Darcy. On the table in front of him was a bottle of potion that could clean up excess alcohol in the body. The toxicity of this potion was acceptable to ordinary humans, and it could be completely metabolized within an hour.

It's just that he doesn't plan to pour the potion into Daxi now, because he doesn't want others to know the information he is receiving now.

"Tita has found the nuclear warhead." Dinah's report was very calm, without any worry about the sisterhood. The reason why she had such information was nothing else but because Salomon had given them an order of zero casualties on our side. As long as it was an order from the Creator, the Sisterhood would definitely obey it unconditionally. And the thought hidden deep in her heart is because she thinks that Salomon's order is the truth, as long as he says that the sisterhood will have zero casualties, then the reality will happen like this.

"Christina is blocking and supporting the U.S. troops, and Ola's support team is ready to dispatch." Dinah reported the situation on the battlefield at this time. She reported all the data on the command terminal to Salomon in detail, including the remaining energy backpacks and ammunition of each sisterhood member, as well as the location of each combat member, for Salomon to make on-the-spot adjustments.

Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to tell people what to do in the field, so he ignored the power he had.

"Also, there is one more thing." After a lengthy report, Dinah told Salomon the news that didn't seem to raise her eyes. "A steel battle armor similar in shape to Tony Stark appeared on the scene. It is preliminarily speculated that the user is Colonel Rhodes, AKA War Machine." She said in a flat tone, as if she was commenting on an ant. "Now that the battlefield EMP has been dropped, this person is already under the control of the sisterhood."

"As long as it doesn't become disabled, everything else is fine. This person will still be useful in the future. In addition, the use of the scroll is authorized." Salomon put down the teacup, waved his finger and opened the window. It was raining lightly outside the window, and London during tea time was shrouded in a melancholy gray veil, and the damp and rain-smelling air crept into the window sill bit by bit. When he waved his finger, the air in the room was rolled out of the window together with the cheap curtains, and the air in the living room was much fresher.

For Colonel Rhodes, Salomon didn't have any good solutions. At the current point in time, this person can still play a good role in defending the world as a product of the military and the Stark Group's cooperation, and he is also a rare talent as an experienced soldier.

Try not to let him die, but there is nothing you can do if you accidentally die.

Each team leader has a scroll box and potion bag, which contain the evocation spells copied by Salomon that can be used on the battlefield and the alchemy potions they make themselves. Although they are both constructs, unlike the golems made by Kabbalah, each android has extremely high intelligence, and they have the ability to use scrolls-so they are taught by Salomon how to use scrolls, and the taught androids will pass this knowledge to other sisters. And because the scrolls copied by Salomon are very targeted, coupled with the innate alchemy talents of the artificial people, they can use magic on the battlefield.

"Drink the three-ring [bulletproof shield] potion!" In the last order before the charge, Christina gave orders to all members, and she herself drank another special potion. When the soldiers in the base were still trying to use communication devices to communicate and yelled at each other to pass orders, the deafening roars overwhelmed all human shouts. They only felt the ground tremble slightly under their feet, and their eardrums were filled with the coming pressure.

Amid such inexplicable fear, a four-meter-long crimson giant roared and rushed over. Christina deliberately stepped over Colonel Rhodes, who was lying on the ground and could not move, and rushed straight to the soldiers hiding behind the armored vehicle. Her sharp claws left deep scratches on the armored vehicle, and the bullets could only leave a flash of sparks on her scales.

Surprisingly, the dragon didn't tear open the armored vehicle or pounce on the soldiers who shot her in the eyes. When she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, it seemed that all the surrounding air had been evacuated, but before the soldiers could react, hot flames poured in from the windows of the armored vehicle.

The strong smell of sulfur exploded in the air along with the high temperature, and the fuel tank of the armored vehicle also exploded in the raging fire. The crimson dragon roared and rushed towards the next target. Christina is going to destroy all heavy vehicles, including the tank that was paralyzed by the EMP.

[Dragon Form] potion, due to the scarcity of potion materials, only a small number of people can equip it. Salomonte intended that the potions brought by all team leaders be used for breakthroughs on the battlefield in critical situations. It's just that Christina is also one of the more fanatical androids. She firmly believes that only the blood of the enemy can reflect the glory of the ruler on the battlefield.

Coke would work too, she believed her master would gladly accept such an offering.

The following members of the Sisterhood used bolt guns to destroy the tires and fire output windows of the vehicle, and sometimes they captured several armored vehicles painted in desert colors to build fortifications. At the same time, they installed remote-controlled bombs on all vehicles to prevent the enemy from recapturing the vehicles.

Immediately afterwards, they would draw the battle into brutal hand-to-hand combat, where bolters and vibranium swords were bloody at close quarters, leaving not a single body intact in the path of the Sisterhood. On the concrete floor, the blood that had been dried by the flames and the newly flowed blood piled up repeatedly, forming a thick layer of dark red, almost black, slippery lichen.

"For the glory of my lord!" Christina, who had returned to her human form, swung her long sword and cut the soldier in front of her in two with a rifle. She didn't mind the blood spattering on her armor and robes, and the crimson tinted lenses made her look demonic.

"Destroy all the enemies here!" She raised her bolt gun, stepped on the thick blood dripping down the car body, and shot the enemies hiding behind the bunker. "Everyone, cover Ms. Tina's team to deliver the nuclear bomb! Clear the landing site for the support team!" She ordered in the team communication, "Except for that Iron Man. Don't let him get up. If he resists, cut off his limbs."

"Got it, Ms. Christina!"


"Why am I here?" Daxi rolled under the sofa just as she was about to stretch, she blinked helplessly, showing an expression of extreme pain. "Didn't I go to the Royal Opera House with you?" Darcy clicked her lips, "What did I drink?"

"Potion." Salomon pointed to the empty medicine bottle and a cup of hot tea on the table. According to Dinah's report, all the members of the sisterhood have already boarded the aircraft and are flying towards the Immortal City of Rome, along with the scientific researchers responsible for maintaining the nuclear warheads.

"Have something to drink, Jane will be back soon." Salomon said with a smile, "I'm going to pick up my girlfriend too."

Ask for a ticket!

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