Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 469 Golden Armor (Second Change)

This is a standard piece of magical armor that adapts to the size of the wearer. But Salomon was not satisfied with this, he asked the dwarf craftsman to reserve the fitting part in the armor for subsequent processing. On the premise of not affecting the performance of the armor, Salomon will install electronic muscle beams, vibrating gold bones and servo systems on the inner lining of the armor to convert the armor into a high-tech power armor.

There is a serious conflict between Salomon's aesthetics and Shu Rui's aesthetics.

Su Rui advocates the simplicity and portability brought by high technology. This is also Wakanda's aesthetic concept, which can be experienced from the decoration of Wakanda's palace. Whether it is the white floor or the simple palace wall, it shows that the Wakanda people prefer the cold and high-tech style that removes all useless decorations.

She still didn't understand the significance of the engravings on the armor, and why fragile gems were inlaid on the armor. Just as she didn't understand why Salomon wanted to improve and produce the cannons designed by the Soviet Union during World War II, the two have very different understandings of technology.

Judging from her vision, the best place for this gorgeous armor full of the meaning of the past era is a museum. The plate armor has fallen behind this era, and the high-tech woven armor can represent the progress of technology. The more high-tech something is, the simpler it looks, this is Su Rui's idea.

Salomon doesn't care whether the appearance of this technological creation is simple or not, and whether it is full of angular high-tech aesthetics. As long as the technology does its job, looks don't matter much, as he does with Soviet-designed cannons. Since those giant cannons can become powerful battlefield machines after solving the key problems, it doesn't matter whether the cannon looks good or not, just produce it.

Even if your Wakanda cape can release high-tech shields, hundreds of macro guns still count on the battlefield.

"Since you are pursuing efficiency, why is there such a big eagle on the shoulder armor! And there are two sides! There are also gems! Also, please tell me what is the function of those portraits, is it just for good looks?!" Su Rui was about to go crazy, "Do you think this is the Middle Ages? Do you know that this armor is not convenient at all, I think you even need a mechanical arm to help you wear the armor! Look at Tony Stark's integrated armor, and then look at yours, that is high technology!"

"This is the armor designed by the Holy Shield Brotherhood. I just extracted a part of it for modification and combination. The symbol of the Holy Shield Brotherhood is the eagle. And the designer of this armor is the greatest artist in history. In a sense, this armor gathers the wisdom of all the wise men of mankind." Salomon said, "Its value far exceeds Stark's broken copper and iron. Its value lies in materials and magic, symbolic meaning and practical function. Wisdom needs to be manifested with art, and I will not bury the achievements of wise men. I don't care whether it is worn or not. Convenience, because I will not be alone. No one will be able to successfully raid when I have not put on the armor, let alone I already have a constant accident on my body. Install the latest technological achievements, and the hundred suits of armor will do the same."

"Who are you going to ask to wear those armors?" Su Rui cast a suspicious look, "You have to know, no one can grow that tall."

"I know. Do as I say." Salomon said, "Someone will wear those armors. Remember to use Wakanda's shield technology, and all armors must be equipped with electromagnetic shields. I know that Wakanda has a high level of integration of this technology, but there is no need to consider the portability of these armors, even if the power is increased. In addition, the miniaturization experiment of Asgard's decomposition force field analyzed by Stark must also be accelerated..."

"You should know that we are short of researchers, right?" Su Rui interrupted him. "Wakanda has a small population. Even if all citizens are researchers, they can't complete the work you have arranged. After all, they need to commute normally in Wakanda. There is no outside world, and there is no such thing as overtime in Wakanda."

"You are the smartest person in this base, Shu Rui." Salomon slowed down his tone. Su Rui raised his head proudly, accepting the praise of the mystic.

"I know that the research on this base is inseparable from you," said the mystic, "but what we lack most is time, because the enemy will not wait. We need vehicles, power armor, cannons, and soldiers. Just on the other side of this city, there is a group of people who endure the danger of falling into madness at any time, break through the humanitarian range that the international community can tolerate, and conduct biological experiments by combining magic and the technology of the Immortal City. Their purpose is to produce the most powerful soldiers, to produce soldiers who can fight with me."

"They know what they are going to face, Shu Rui. Wakanda has protected you very well, but you can't be naive anymore. You must know what we are going to face and why your father is cooperating with me. This is not only because of the will of the Black Panther God, but also because we carry the survival of human civilization."

"When the enemy falls from the sky, we will stand up and face those enemies that humans cannot resist. Our enemies are not only aliens from the starry sky, but also terrifying demon gods and all kinds of monsters are our enemies. We humans are born to be enemies of heaven and hell." Salomon stared into Su Rui's eyes and said, "My teacher helped humans get rid of these two, but this situation cannot last forever. The power of darkness is rising, and we must be prepared."

"I..." Su Rui hesitated, "I can work overtime, but you have to share more knowledge with me. I know that there is a lot of knowledge in the Immortal City that you haven't shared with me. The technology of the controllable nuclear fusion power station is very different from that of Wakanda. You must share that part of the technology with me."

"Deal." Salomon patted Su Rui's hand, "Let's work hard for the future of mankind!"


"My Lord, do you think it's okay to cheat such a little girl to work overtime? I remember that you will take me to dinner later, and I have already made a reservation for the restaurant. It's just the two of us, because I've already reserved the place." Stephanie, who watched the whole process, asked with a smile, "And those researchers didn't take the initiative to risk their lives to participate in the research. They didn't know what the subject of their research was. You only gave them the goal, and didn't tell the risk."

"But they did risk their lives, and that's what I admire most about them."

"You didn't get their consent when you executed them." Stephanie curled her lips, "And their death notices have already been issued. In the legal sense, they are already dead."

Stephanie certainly wasn't sorry for the lives of those researchers.

In her opinion, as long as it is to accomplish Salomon's goal and increase the weight of the Malik family in Salomon's heart, the deaths of those researchers are valuable. Unlike her, Salomon would indeed feel grief and guilt for the sacrifices of those researchers, but he insisted on doing so because he knew what those researchers had exchanged for their lives.

"I remember the names of all the experimental subjects provided by the Malik family, and I agree with those researchers to name the research results after themselves. Whether they want to or not, I will remember their sacrifices." Salomon took a document, quickly read it, and signed it. "Their names will be accompanied by those immortal warriors who fought together. Every warrior will remember their names and know their contributions well. The warriors will sing their names loudly until the end of time. They will fight with us. This is the glory they deserve."

Stephanie began to envy those experimental subjects.

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