Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 481 Psychology Experiment and Physiology Experiment (Second)

"Good evening, Lorelei." Salomon will never forget the witch he locked in the basement. His occasional cruel and sometimes benevolent behavior made Lorelai's Stockholm syndrome worse. Coupled with the basement protection and limited skin contact that she could never escape, she would feel that every breath she took was tolerance given by Salomon.

Manipulating the mind is not an easy task, and Salomon practiced it as he learned it.

If he wants the witch to become a loyal subordinate, he must domesticate her, so that even if she returns to Asgard, she will still spare no effort to work for him. When the target has information contact with the outside world, the Stockholm syndrome will be greatly reduced. The dramatic conflict and sudden tenderness stimulate the pleasure substance in her brain, which is not much different from dopamine and is highly addictive.

Now the experiment has come to the second stage. When Salomon deliberately keeps a distance from Lorelai, her brain will secrete oxytocin, which further craves dopamine. The external manifestation is that Lorelai asked the mystic very nervously. She didn’t understand what she did wrong. This twisted and profound emotion is Lorelai's collar, and the chain has been held in Salomon's hand.

But Lorelei was a clever witch, and Salomon didn't even dare to think that was her true feelings.

Maybe she's just looking for a chance to escape, who knows?

So the mystic would continue to try psychological methods on her, and his work would not be complete until Lorelai's psychological safety was confirmed to be completely destroyed. Like taming a wild horse, Lorelei is Salomon's first wild horse on the grassland of psychology. His work in this area will be of great help to the psychological adjustment of the superhuman warriors built in the future. A witch with a high attainment in charm spells is the best experiment. Repeated psychological reconstruction, repeated destruction of the established psychological defense, until Lorelei can no longer leave him.

This kind of behavior is extremely bad in human society, but Salomon is not so tolerant of Asgardians.

Now that Asgard is ruled by Loki, the god of intrigue, there's no better opportunity to steal technology. Lorelai must succeed. Only by combining Asgardian technology can the technological level of the Immortal City be greatly improved, reaching a level where it can engage in space naval battles with aliens—not all races are able to ride longships in space gang battles like the Asgardians. Nature has given the optimal solution, and Salomon only needs to imitate it. As the beneficiaries of the divine power left by Atum and the descendants of giants, their physiques are too exaggerated, and the biological experiment conducted by Salomon is an imitation of this process.

Of course, doing so would require a large amount of Asgardian biological material for experiments, and Lorelai happened to be the provider of the research material. The reverse analysis of Asgardian DNA will provide Salomon with a clear planning path for building super fighters in the future, and the fighters Salomon wants to create are even far stronger than ordinary Asgardians.

What he wanted to create was a demigod warrior, like the mythical Hercules.

Only such a warrior can go to hell with him, fight on the battlefield full of magma and poisonous gas, survive the most tragic battlefield and kill the enemy. The armor has been cast, now it's up to the user. Not everyone can match part of Salomon's genes and the genes of historical celebrities, and the experimental subjects are at most used to confirm whether genetically engineered organs are feasible.

The genetic alchemy technique has worked on the experimental products sent by the Malik family more than once. Their lungs and hearts are the product of genetic engineering. Special organs stimulate muscle growth again, and muscle fibers are broken and rebuilt. The bone develops again, and the molecular structure is adjusted, making the bone stronger. The liver was also strengthened, once again exerting a strong hematopoietic function like a newborn, and producing a greater number of Kupffer cells to fight against external particulate antigens.

But in most cases, the growth speed and growth direction of the experimental products that have not undergone whole-body genetic adjustments are still uncontrollable after the genetic alchemy is over. Even with outside intervention, the test subject would turn into a misshapen pile of rotting flesh. An autopsy reveals enlarged kidneys and livers, and muscle compression of viscera and blood vessels leading to ischemia and edema.

He needs more special organs.

This made Salomon very dissatisfied, but he also knew that his knowledge in this area could only be accumulated step by step. Shab Nicholas, the Goddess of Darkness and Plenty, provided the theoretical basis, but the practice of those theoretical knowledge required experimental support. He asked for another batch of experimental products from Gideon Malik. Anyway, there are enough death row inmates in Baltimore. In the United States, a country with a high crime rate, it is really nothing to kill a few felons.

If the reverse analysis of Asgardian DNA fails, Lorelei will provide Asgardian stem cells as a mother to strengthen the experimental product by transcribing DNA and RNA. However, this method is full of technological black boxes for Salomon, and he doesn't like this method buried in the fog.

But he still has the ultimate solution, and this solution needs Merlin's help.

He is going to meet Gaia, the goddess of the earth.


Stephanie Malek went straight to work as soon as she came out of her vacation.

She found that the current Immortal City is really inseparable from an efficient administrative system. After obtaining Salomon's consent, Stephanie recruited a group of office staff from the Malik family. To say what is the difference between Hydra and the staff of S.H.I.E.L.D., the staff of Hydra will never desert, and work overtime to fulfill their duties and never complain. After all, not everyone who joins S.H.I.E.L.D. has lofty ideals. Most of them are to support their families and avoid unemployment after graduation. And the opportunity to join S.H.I.E.L.D. is right in front of you. With medical insurance and high salary, you can also satisfy your inner dream of being an agent. Who wouldn’t like a job at S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Hydra agents have been trained and screened since childhood, and even a civilian staff understands their mission and tasks. They didn't show much surprise or commotion when they were told they had a new boss. Under Stephanie's arrangement, they quickly joined the work and began to help her reduce the administrative burden.

Now there are accountants, actuaries, and auditors in the Immortal City. Under Stephanie's arrangement, these people were divided into two ends of the Immortal City, and they had no connection with each other except for documents. This is her self-consciousness as Salomon's personal secretary. She understands that her power rests on Salomon, and there is no need to develop her own power.

After finishing the backlog of documents, Stephanie sneaked into Salomon's office without anyone noticing.

"What are you here for?" Salomon looked up from the document, and then continued to process the document. All important documents need his signature to run, and most of these documents are equipment improvements and food purchases. The Immortal City, located beneath Rome, has yet to recover its food self-sufficiency. He still needs to go to the ground to buy food.

In addition, there are daily reports submitted by Tita, most of which are documents, and only Salomon has the authority to process them. Salomon was very satisfied with the results of those girls' training, and he planned to produce another hundred sets of force feedback power armor as a backup.

Tita, known to the girls as "Stern Lady", is very responsible and Salomon is very satisfied with her work.

"You said you wanted to see the tan." Stephanie said happily.


Ask for a ticket! !

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