Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 484 Information Anxiety Syndrome (Part 1)

"Oh! Beloved little girl!" Ekaterina has beautiful dark blue eyes, but her voice is completely broken, and every word she speaks has a hoarse background noise, just like in a fairy tale old hag. When she placed the blunt training sword around Tatyana's neck, her voice was enough to scare a child into tears.

Yekaterin's face was not damaged, but her back hidden under the training clothes was covered with deep welts. Her long dark hair, like Tatiana's, was braided in a thick braid and hung over her shoulders. She was the second student in this class, and she was almost the same as Tatyana in terms of shooting and melee results, but Ekaterina's life situation was not as lucky as her. The abuse suffered by this girl from Hungary was so severe that she once received ten guests at the same time in one night, her throat was completely destroyed, and she once fell into a suffocation faint.

Yekaterin lost her fertility and her limbs were broken due to cruel abuse.

Not only will she be toyed with by humans, dogs and horses have also been driven by villains to taste her flesh.

After that night, the flames of vengeance ignited in her heart, and just before she was about to be sent to shoot hard porn (meow) porn, the artificial people rescued her from the cage of vicious dogs. The arrival of the Sisterhood added fuel to the flames, and the blazing flames of vengeance sustained her as she trained. Wakanda's medical technology cured the disease that nearly corrupted her, and the alchemy potion completely restored her health and strength. Her limbs were repaired, her wounds were stitched up, and she was the most fervently trained and the most devout of all the trainees.

God hadn't saved her, the sorority had saved her, her god had sent an angel with steel wings to save her.

She didn't like Tatyana, who was aloof. Ekaterina thought that if she hadn't suffered too much abuse and couldn't compare with Tatiana in physical fitness, the first place should belong to her. The deeper reason is Ekaterina's jealousy towards Tatyana and her inferiority complex when facing a pure person.

She thinks that she is a filthy person who must do her best to qualify to serve Him. And that girl is lucky enough, because she is pure enough, she thinks that the suffering of this girl is not enough to be favored, and this emotion drives her to challenge Tatiana constantly. This time, Ekaterina succeeded.

Ekaterina took advantage of Tatiana's training sword being blocked, and hit the blond girl's face sideways with the hilt as a weapon, and kicked her hard on the side of the abdomen. Tatyana immediately fell to the ground, and a bruise appeared on the girl's face immediately. She clutched her abdomen and curled up in pain, but her other hand still did not let go of the long sword.

"This is your humiliation to me during the CQB training." Ekaterina held a sword flower, and she said softly, "I don't need you to remind me, I can do it myself."

Tatiana clutched her stomach and got up from the ground with the support of the training sword.

"Bah! Really?" Tatiana spat bloodshot saliva. Her mouth was bruised, and the pain that reached the nerve immediately overwhelmed the discomfort in her abdomen. Full of anger, she took a step forward and launched a counterattack. She was annoyed at her carelessness. What happened this morning occupied most of her thoughts, because she couldn't remember what the person she met this morning looked like. Before she could go to Vera to make sure the same happened, Ms. Tita's presentation was over, and Tatyana realized she was definitely missing something.

Tita watched all this with cold eyes and did not stop her. After each day's training, the girls are given potions to heal injuries. Therefore, as long as the training movements do not cause disability and death, they are allowed in the training ground. What's more, new members need competition. They won't undergo too many transformation operations. The electronic muscle bundles built into the power armor can't replace their reaction speed. This kind of subconscious response to combat can only be practiced in the training ground.

But all competition can only be confined to the training ground and on paper. Tita didn't understand why her master asked the girls to learn Shakespeare and build a library for them, but this did not prevent her from understanding that only those who are good enough are qualified to wear power armor and hold a long sword to serve the monarch.

Salomon would certainly not say that he wanted to catch up with the study progress of the classics major, and he still had room for learning some irrelevant subjects in the process of studying physics. In order to gain the approval of two professors of different majors, Salomonte used extremely complicated and artificial vocabulary in the article to show that he really has this ability.

In fact, before he rashly applied to join this professional course, he already had a certain reserve of knowledge of classical literature. Received the most authoritative education since childhood. When the Jewish elders taught Jesus, Jesus not only taught them in turn, so did Salomon in the field of classics.

To what extent is it authoritative? There is no one in the world who can teach more authoritatively than the gods of Olympus.

Athena laughed when she heard Salomon's complaints. She thought that Salomon's breaking into the classical literature major was like a buffalo looking for a rich pasture. After several professors reached a consensus, Salomon took advantage of the vacation to take a private joint exam. This exam involved classical literature, physics, mathematics, politics, economics, philosophy, and linguistics. The entire exam lasted for three full days, and the exam location was the entire floor of the Ritz Hotel under Salomon's wallet.

Champagne and good food are enough, or the professors will not agree. The consumption of the Ritz Hotel is extremely high, but Salomon spent a lot of money.

After being tested, each professor changed his opinion on Salomon. They think that Salomon's brain is like a huge brilliant machine, absorbing all kinds of knowledge endlessly, and they can really feel a hunger for knowledge. At the same time, he is also an article printing machine, using paper to carry his endless thoughts. After that, Salomon had the right to talk to almost all PEE professors.

They didn't know that Salomon learned the knowledge there, why would such a person be unknown when he was a child? Someone even invited Salomon to have an MRI because they thought Salomon's brain was definitely very special.


Salomon, who had just finished teaching, packed up his small blackboard and books. He patted the chalk dust on his arm, and planned to have a feast as the meal time approached. To his left is a beautiful English teapot, and both Wanda and Pietro have teacups and trays in front of them. Salomon would not abuse his students. Even if the student's level is indeed not very good, afternoon tea is still worth drinking. There are also plenty of English desserts to make up for the rigors of the course.

Wanda was obviously overwhelmed by the amount of information in class, and Salomon looked at her sympathetically, including Pietro, who also had this symptom. This phenomenon is very common, especially among students majoring in mathematics. Knowledge of one-time overdose often causes dizziness and vomiting. Salomon also had personal experience, but his condition was more serious at that time, and the psychological damage was enough to drive people crazy, and ordinary people may not survive such physical damage.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has been taught everything from equations to linear algebra after a few hours. Pietro used his superpowers to learn, and Wanda was asked by Salomon to face the magic ball he gave and understand the mathematical principles of that spell.

"In the past, I deliberately slowed down my learning speed to hide the difference between me and my surroundings. But now, I don't need to hide, so you don't need to either." The mystic said, "I just took out the magic that I learned. You have a lot to learn, so try to keep up. Oh! Pietro, I know what you're trying to say."

Salomon pointed at Pietro's finger and shook it. "I don't doubt that your revenge will be successful, but I also have to plan for your future."

Salomon, who is wearing a robe, really looks no different from a conscientious university professor, and it is easy for people to overlook his too young appearance. "Get into a good university, get a scholarship, don't worry about tuition fees." He said, "Revenge is not everything, and I think your parents will be happy to see your future achievements. Pietro, have some tea, that can Be well. Wanda, study hard, because you have to study magic and science at the same time."

Ask for a ticket!

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