Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 493 I am the Hydra (5)

It was an unregistered S.H.I.E.L.D. facility masquerading as a small hydroelectric power plant, and it smelled of damp, but it wasn't just the smell of spring. The water flow is almost dry, and only shallow rainwater is still lying in the channel. A raised concrete floor in the canal stands quietly like an isolated island in the water. Weeds rise from the road surface, luxuriant, and cluster into a whispering green family.

When they arrived, it seemed that it had just rained. The concrete geometric building was infiltrated into mottled black. The rusted railings and abandoned water pipes left a blood-like rust color on the surface of the building with years of rain. When Agent Maria Hill opened the fence door that was not intended to be locked at all, they walked in and found that the smell of damp was even stronger, and the aged pipes extended all the way to the illuminated interior, but no amount of light could dispel the large rust stains on the iron wall.

He thought again of the person he met not long ago who should have died. For some reason, when he thinks of that person, he often paints the picture in his mind with a yellowish color, just like the rust outside the hydropower station.

Everything is rusted, including himself, Steve Rogers thought sadly.

"She's been shot!" said Maria Hill to the doctor running towards her. "A pint of blood, or two."

"Leave it to me." The doctor took the patient from Sam. When Agent Maria Hill led them to a room in the base, they saw Nick Fury, who was supposed to die, and Salomon Damonette, who had been waiting here for a long time. Even Natasha Romanov, who was bleeding to the point of unconsciousness, stared wide-eyed.

Steve Rogers looked at the two ulterior motives in front of him and seemed to want to ask something, but he was blocked by Nick Fury. He kept his mouth shut, trusting that he could get a correct explanation.

The doctor raised an eyebrow at Salomon. The mystic stood up, took the place where the doctor should have been sitting, and took over his next work. The doctor had already seen how Salomon used a scalpel. It was based on Nick Fury's trust that he let the young man who had no medical qualifications do it. This time he wanted to teach the young man how to use medicine.

"As you know, I promise there will be no scars and they will heal quickly." Salomon put on latex gloves. Natasha Romanov glanced at him, forced a smile, and let go of the wound. After just one day, she looked much gaunter, her face pale and her lips chapped with thirst. After the doctor determined the amount of anesthesia, Salomon began this textbook-like quick operation.

"Your ability to predict is very strong." Agent Romanov whispered, "We did figure out what it was."

"Prophecy is not omnipotent." Even though his hands were busy, Salomon still had the energy to answer. "Kama Taj specializes in prophecy and protection, and what we see is possibility." He said, "The possibility of parallel universes, but no matter where you are, you can complete your mission."

"Did you predict that I was injured?" Agent Natasha Romanov asked meaningfully. Salomon didn't answer either. It took a while before he put down the special ultra-fine hemostatic forceps and began to take out the medicine from the dimension bag.

"Yes, I know," he said. "Drink this, you've had a few bottles in the past. You've got a broken rib, and if you don't fix it, you'll be out of breath in a few years."

"Spine injury, sternum fracture, clavicle comminuted fracture, liver perforation plus a terrible headache." Lying on the hospital bed, Nick Fury announced his condition to everyone while explaining the latest progress to them. Although he said he had suffered so many serious injuries, he seemed to be alive and well, and Natasha's bleeding symptoms were worse than his.

Nick Fury looks like he could jump out of bed at any moment.

"Don't forget, there is also collapsed lung tissue," added the doctor who had checked the progress of Salomon's work.

"Yes, don't forget this, everything else is fine."

"They opened you up and your heart stopped!" Natasha Romanov said in disbelief. After treatment, her face quickly became rosy, and her hematopoietic function began to run at full speed, and positive energy replaced part of the nutrition to participate in cell operation. She turned her attention to Salomon, who was cleaning up medical waste, and she suspected that Nick Fury would contact the magician before she did.

"That's later, this guy made me stand up. Don't rush to thank him, I gave the gold." Nick Fury said, "I use Tetrodotoxin B, which can reduce your pulse to one per minute. Banner developed it to relieve stress. Although it didn't work for him, we found other uses for it."

"Why keep it a secret?" Steve asked, "Why didn't you tell us?"

"To make the assassination attempt on the director look like a success," Agent Hill said.

"You can't kill a dead person. What's more, I don't trust many people. In this situation, I can't be sure who is trustworthy."


"You already knew!" Steve Rogers called Salomon aside. In this barely dry tunnel, Steve felt like there was metal dust and fungal spores in every breath he took. The feeling of being huddled in a ratty, dank cabin was back, and with it came memories of his past escapes.

"You showed me that video, you already know who the Winter Soldier is." He stared at Salomon. The passage is not very high, and the white light above the head fills Salomon's eyes with incandescent incandescence, making him look very different from humans. Steve Rogers stared at the boy who was now taller than himself, and he wanted to know an answer.

"Yes, I know." Salomon's tone was very cold, even with these hints of ridicule, "but after I tell you, can you do anything? I know what you think, Rogers, he is your only living friend. Hey, Sam!"

"I just came to see if you were all right." Sam put his hands in his trouser pockets. He found that Steve Rogers had a rather bad face when he asked Salomon to go out, so he came out to have a look under the reminder of Agent Hill, so as to avoid a dispute between the two. And it happened that he also heard about the "Winter Soldier"-the Winter Soldier and a group of plainclothes militants attacked them on Virginia Avenue. Sam still can't believe that someone would use a Gatling gun on the street.

They are really lucky to be alive.

Steve shook his head and walked into the room. It seems that he doesn't want to talk about that topic anymore.

"Hey, buddy!" Sam patted Salomon's arm familiarly, "Are you a doctor?"

"Maybe." The mystic said kindly, "Let's go, I believe Nick Fury will definitely not be idle. He has a task for you."

"He rejected the Nobel Peace Prize..." Before Nick Fury could say a few words, his words were interrupted by Salomon's laughter. The originally serious meeting atmosphere was broken, and Nick Fury rolled his eyes angrily. If it weren't for the pain all over his body now, he would definitely be the first to jump up and beat Salomon.

"Okay, skip. I know what you want to say, little bastard." Nick Fury said, "Let's get to the point, about the content of the Insight Project. Steve, I know you don't agree with all the crime predictions..."

"This kind of plan has been implemented a long time ago, and it's running now." Salomon smiled triumphantly. "A genius programmer and algorithm engineer completed such work ahead of time. He turned that program into a black box and donated it to the National Security Agency. In the face of national-level terrorist incidents, that program will notify in advance, and there are many similar programs running at the same time. This is nothing new."

"But there are no weapons installed in those programs." Nick Fury said, "I know about the Polaris team, SHIELD has also performed those missions. But now that program is invalid, SHIELD wants a new one."

"Very good." The expression on the mystic's face remained unchanged, "I have."

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