Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 53 Beloved Angel

"You are a wizard?!" The man behind Salomon screamed again.

"I said, be quiet!"

Although the "purgatory world" and the life in the real world cannot contact each other, inanimate objects can still affect each other. No one knows whether those angels will throw something to take this person's life.

So although Salomon was tired of this noisy guy, he still kept him behind. This is his role, and it has always been Karma Taj's purpose to exclude ordinary people from events they should not be exposed to.

Salomon didn't need to worry too much about the battle situation. Wearing a close-fitting white nun costume did not interfere with Beunita's activities. She still used a Texas back throw and smashed the Angel of Affinity holding a spear on the altar.

It's just that those friendly angels holding horns and floating in the air made the witch feel a little tricky. She could only dodge the energy attacks flying from the horns, and couldn't fight back at all. In ambush, he deliberately unloaded his pistol. Ordinary people who couldn't see the world of purgatory could only see the marble floor of the church burst out of thin air, but they didn't understand what happened.

Bayonetta stepped on the side of the church's load-bearing pillars, stretched her long legs and jumped vigorously, jumping towards the angels of affinity who were still floating in the air. Although she escaped the spear attack, the white nun's dress was also cut by the sharp spear, revealing the fair skin under the clothes.

This woman is wearing nothing but this nun dress! The mystic could only cover his eyes a little bit, it wasn't his fault that he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

"You guys are really in a hurry to make good clothes like this!" Although she passed by the danger, the witch didn't panic at all. Her black bun began to extend, and the hair flowed against her body to form a tight black dress. leather jacket. Beunita's clothes are naturally not made of hair, and the hair just represents her magic power. She used magic power to weave this dress, including the clock on the chest, which is also a manifestation of Beunita's magic power.

There was a crisp clicking sound, and the witch landed on the brass pipe of the organ. Only at this time did Salomon know the real purpose of Rodin's visit—he was here to send Beunita her "knight".

A dark purple magic circle appeared in front of Rodin, and four magenta pistols were deployed in the magic circle.

"Elfin Knight!" Rodin said proudly, this is his proud work, "this is a gun worthy of the name of a knight."

When the four pistols flew towards Beunita, the witch reached out to catch two pistols. At the same time, she raised her legs, and the other two pistols followed the flight path and were automatically buckled on the heels of her high-heeled shoes. Beunita kissed the barrel of the gun to celebrate the birth of her new partner, she winked at the angel, "The fun is just beginning now!"

Bayonetta jumped up and fired several shots while hanging upside down in the air. The dark purple magic power instead of the gun flame spewed out from the muzzle of the gun. Every bullet of the witch has her magic power. These magic powers are like poisonous to creatures like angels. It only needs one bullet to hit the vital point. The Affinity Angels of the three teams will explode into golden light spots and return to the most primitive positive energy.

The power of the new weapons is much greater than the ordinary firearms used by Bayonetta before. Rodin's superb casting technology not only allows these pistols to carry Bayonetta's magic power, but also converts the witch's power into physical bullets. As long as Bayunita's magic power is sufficient, she can shoot continuously without worrying about ammunition. The barrage formed by the four firearms in both hands and feet in turn cannot be avoided by those angels.

The witch stepped on the wall of the church and escaped the angel's long-range attack. She jumped up suddenly and kicked the angel's red visor. The seemingly solid red visor shattered, and the pistol on Beunita's heel also made a sound. With a sound, a rain of blood was splashed.

Salomon didn't bother to continue watching. If Beunita would be injured at the hands of these lower-level angels, then it would be impossible for her to have the title of witch. And from Salomon's point of view, Beunita's action this time was not so much a hunt as a show of skill. She seemed to tell the angels that it was far from enough to use these weak angels to deal with her.

"I want to send you out now." Salomon dispersed the energy in his hands, "What's your name?"

"Luka!" the man asked, "what the hell are those things?"

"It seems that you don't know how to give up." Salomon pushed Luka to the stairs, "The pursuit of these dangerous things may cost you your life."

"My father has already paid!" Although Luca couldn't resist Salomon's strength and had to stagger and move his feet, his mouth still didn't stop, "Me too, even if there are dangers ahead, even if you want to Pay the price with your life! Also, I didn't come up from here!"

Salomon really didn't know what to say. There is an old saying that good words are hard to persuade a damned ghost. Faced with such a person, Salomon had no way of doing anything. He could only sigh, and grabbed Luka's arm with more strength, desperately dragging this death-seeking guy to the outside of the church gate.

"We work so hard to push ordinary people out of this world, and you want to jump in. Those things you can't see can kill you at any time." Salomon said, "I will save you this time, Luca , Listen well, there will be no next time. Next time, even if you die in front of me, I will not take action, because you asked for it."

"I must know..."

"Okay, okay, I know what you think." The mystic impatiently snapped away Luca's fingers that were tightly gripping the stair railing, and dragged him down forcefully, "Don't force me to clean your memory."

"Clean memory?"

"Using a physical method. It's just that I can't handle the strength well, and I may have a concussion."

Before Salomon could bring Luca outside the church, a huge golden ax with great force split open the stained glass window on the second floor. The golden ax blade was deeply embedded in the stone corridor with flying smoke and dust. The crisp and dense sound of glass shattering and impact instantly covered the sound of the witch's gunfire, and scattered pieces of colored glass fell from the sky like a torrential rain.

Although he couldn't see the thing, Luca could still feel the church as if it had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. Luca, who had just stood still, wobbled again and almost fell down the stairs.

Salomon didn't wait for Luka to stand still, he grabbed him and ran out. As for Luka Gaosheng shouting "what is that", Salomon turned a deaf ear to it. When he dragged Luca all the way out of the church gate, he found a huge guy standing beside the church.

This guy is all white, with a mark that emits white light on his head. Its face is inlaid with a marble-carved face. Below this face is a hollow that resembles a mouth. There is a golden ring around the head and neck, and several golden twisted points in the shape of sun rays extend from the ring. prick. There are golden claws on the thick hands and feet, golden rings on the limbs, and green stripes on the rings. This thing was even higher than the second floor of the church. When it descended, a heavy bell rang from nowhere, and white feathers fell from the sky along with the golden light.

This is the Beloved Angel. But what this angel brings is never the gospel, but the killing.

It pulled the giant ax out of the church, raised it high, and swung it down again. There seemed to be a violent explosion in the church, the whole building was shaking non-stop, and the stone brick floor on the square was even more dusty.

When Salomon saw it, he dragged Luca out without stopping. Staying here now is courting death. And Luca, who had spoken bold words, didn't even need Salomon's urging, and ignored the pain when he was dragged, turned around and ran with Salomon.

Rhetoric is ideal, action is reality, these two things never conflict. He didn't want to die in ignorance.

slipped away.

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