Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 517: The Situation Is Not Good (Second Change)

Now that Bastet decided to take back the blessing to T'Chaka, Salomon promised not to pursue the matter any further. The black panther that has lost its blessing will not live for too long. The reason why the heart-shaped grass can work depends on Bastet's divine power. This is a problem that Wakanda's advanced medicine cannot solve.

Although Salomon was persuading and threatening in the temple, this did not prevent Salomon and Bastet from reaching a consensus. On the contrary, it shows that there is more room for cooperation after the bottom line, and the little black cat, as a tool that can convey Bastet's will at any time, has become a gift for the two parties to reach a true cooperative relationship.

This is a kitten that will never grow up, and Salomon believes that this cat can reflect Bastet's current situation. The Egyptian pantheon, a pantheon that relies on faith to survive, took away a group of slaves as a source of faith before leaving the earth, and now they dare not come back at all, for fear that the Supreme Mage will kill them to settle accounts. Only a wandering god like Bastet needs to form a legal force and gather faith.

However, the Wakanda people do not deviate from the Black Panther God, but they are not too religious. Only the royal family is the real source of belief, so the kitten as a container will never grow up. Wakanda’s sparse population believes in Bastet and has to share with the gods of other tribes, because those are not easy to mess with. The gorilla god of the White Ape tribe is the son of the voodoo god Bruku, the god of judgment Ghekre; the lion god is Sekhmet, the god of war in Upper Egypt;

[Note: Bast is the god of war in Lower Egypt, but both Sekhmet and Bast are androgynous. 】

Salomon suspected that the cat's intelligence seemed to be affected by Bastet's divine power. Not only did it look silly, it always forgot to retract its tongue, and it couldn't use the litter box. After licking a pot of milk, it had a swollen belly, and risked spitting up milk, climbed to Salomon's lap to sleep, leaving a series of white footprints behind it. Perhaps in its eyes, Salomon's knee is a towering rock standing on the flat grassland, only there can it feel safe.

"Do you know?" the mystic said helplessly, "I think you may have seen Disney's The Lion King. But you are a leopard, not a lion. Get up, you stupid cat, I have to save someone else!"

The only answer was a milky burp. Salomon patted the table helplessly, because the stupid cat was spitting up again.

That's why Su Rui smelled a bad smell on him.

"You bloody cat!"


When Salomon arrived at the scene of the accident, the unlucky guy had no bones left.

Audrey Nathan collapsed on the stage in a panic, and the magical stage light that Fitz debugged, which can make the wavelength close to gamma rays, was also smashed. Five androids stood in front of Audrey, holding heavy bolters and pouring firepower at Marcus Daniel crazily. Every second, there would be several small explosions trying to repel the monsters crawling towards Audrey. Even the Hydra special forces members kept shooting at the wriggling black shadow that occupied half of the theater.

It's just that ordinary bullets are not of much use to that monster, only the constantly exploding bolt ammunition can hurt it. The metal storm of the Sisterhood is accompanied by Marcus Daniel's screams, which are not human-like, with this foul whisper and repeated screams, which keep drilling into people's brains.

From time to time, tentacles made of shadows rolled up a special operator and dragged him into his belly.

"There's a problem, sir." Agent Hand habitually used the past address when performing tasks. She called Salomon Sir, not Lord like Stephanie. "Leopold said that Marcus Daniel's powers were enhanced." She spoke rapidly, her voice rising involuntarily. If you use a normal volume, no one can hear what she is saying. The gunfire here is too loud. "Although the strong light from the stage lights can suppress him, he still absorbed the electric pulse..."

Salomon nodded, indicating that he knew what happened here. He looked down at the target below the amphitheatre—almost twenty feet of auditorium seats had melted into a large pit, the charred wooden seats and woolen carpets gave off a terrible smell, sporadic flames drifted erratically in the gust of gunfire, and thick and choking smoke piled up on the theater ceiling like a dark cloud. Fitz's stage light isn't a foolproof strategy, and it might even make Daniel more powerful. Coupled with the huge amount of energy when the plasma weapon exploded, it jointly created this out-of-control monster.

This thing is resistant to blunt blows, punctures, and slashes caused by non-magic attacks. Whether it is acid, ice, fire, electricity, or sound waves, it has a resistance that exceeds that of conventional creatures. The darker the environment, the stronger the creature. For the biological laboratory, such Marcus Daniel is the best research object. It is indeed rare to see creatures on the main material plane who are integrated with the shadow plane to such an extent.

"It's not a big problem, I'll solve it." His voice was transmitted directly to Agent Hand's ears through magic, even in a soft voice, it was very clear, "Don't tell anyone that I've been here. I mean, the Special Forces."

Agent Hand glanced at Salomon who was wearing pajamas with the black cat in his pocket, and silently agreed to Salomon's suggestion. This kind of image is indeed not suitable to appear in front of subordinates, especially when the boss still has a bad smell. Through the earphones, she commanded the special forces to alternately cover and retreat, and the sisters continued to use fire suppression. After ordinary people were evacuated from the casting path, Salomon connected to the communication channel of the Sisterhood.

"Girls, Daddy's about to cast a spell."

The artificial people quickly took out the folding shield and stood on the ground.

First a blinding light hit the monster, and then he spilled a pinch of brimstone.

Accompanied by a majestic sound that seemed to come from heaven, a vertical column of platinum flames pierced through the ceiling of the theater, roaring and blasting on the monster that was originally Marcus Daniel. Shadows within 20 feet sizzled and melted like snowballs thrown into flames. Flame and light, this is the five-ring spell Flame Strike, which was modified by Salomon to become a directional spell [Visandi's Wrath]. Audrey Nathan was covered by the artificial people and could not see what was happening in front of her. She only felt the beam of light and the loud noise that almost blinded her eyes, and the whispers that had been haunting her suddenly disappeared, which made her greatly relieved.

She wanted to stand up and look out, but Catherine held her shoulder. She smelled a hot metal oxidation, and the air around her became hot.

"What happened?" She asked nervously, "Do you still have support from S.H.I.E.L.D.? It says on TV that you have disbanded."

"Shut up." Catherine's voice entered Audrey's ears through the helmet's loudspeaker. With a little noise, she sounded like a robot. Audrey didn't dare to continue talking, because Catherine's fingers were holding her tightly like iron pliers, and it would be a bruise tomorrow, and even the skin where she accidentally touched the muzzle of the gun was scalded and peeled off, and quickly became red and swollen with blisters.

Salomon changed the spell and increased the output energy. The Sisterhood also pokes out the muzzle of the gun from the middle of the hot red shield during his casting intervals and continues to shoot, buying time for the mystic to cast spells. The one-level evocation spell [Light Guided Arrow] was upgraded to the fifth level by him, and it was like a leather whip slamming on Marcus Daniel.

Salomon confessed a few words to the man-made people, and then handed over the command to Victoria Hand.

He must increase the production capacity of alchemy products and mysterious technology, and the ammunition in the hands of the artificial man must be updated.

Ask for a ticket!

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