Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 519: Danger itself (second update)

Instead of Stephanie, Salomon intended for Tita to go to the Stark Corporation to talk to Agent Hill. It is inconvenient for Agent Victoria Hand to show up because she is still on the death list. If someone finds out that she is not dead, she will be wanted by Congress. S.H.I.E.L.D. is all Hydra, this view is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people along with the news, Salomon uses Stephanie to see clearly the vested interests under the whole farce.

In the future, the status of the US intelligence agency will be greatly improved, and Stephanie also persuaded Salomon not to touch the cake of the CIA for the time being. Jumping out now is the target of public criticism. Anyway, Immortal City has already occupied many SHIELD mobile assets, many aircraft carriers and Quin-type fighters, and has also blamed Hydra. There's no need to fight politicians and intelligence agencies for superficial things, because the real treasure has long been buried by Nick Fury, and no one knows where it is.

He took Tita to the Stark Group. The target was not Stark, but Agent Maria Hill, who was currently serving in the Stark Group. She accepted Stark's asylum, and under the combined effect of the capitalist's financial ability and her status as an agent directly appointed by the World Security Council, the investigation into her was quickly concluded. It's just that she has to go to Washington to assist in the investigation from time to time, and she can no longer do intelligence work for life-of course, this is not a big problem for a society that can speak with money. The real job of Agent Maria Hill now is to coordinate the relationship between the Avengers.

Here the Mystic meets Dr. Bruce Banner.

Stark provided him with a complete laboratory, allowing Dr. Banner to calm down and conduct research here. Fighting and killing matters are not very attractive to Dr. Banner. He is also one of the few people who can chat with Salomon on an academic level. The two research subjects overlap. He didn't have much contact with Salomon, and all he knew was Salomon's academic achievements. Dr. Banner first thanked Salomon for the magic item that could suppress emotions. He made a full analysis of the item, but he didn't come to any conclusions.

It was a magic item, and he couldn't do anything other than detect it from the spectrum. The item failed during the disassembly process. This made Dr. Banner very embarrassed and determined not to mention the matter again.

While waiting for Agent Maria Hill to handle official duties, Banner persuaded Salomon not to waste time in his undergraduate studies, and that early access to high-end scientific research projects would be more beneficial to Salomon's future path. He suggested that Salomon graduate as soon as possible and get a PhD degree, try his best to publish papers, become famous, and then get a research budget. This is the experience of a scientific researcher.

"This world has very low tolerance for aliens, Bruce." Salomon meant something, which made Dr. Banner smile a little embarrassedly. If it weren't for the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bruce Banner would still be chased to the ends of the earth by General Ross after the New York and Abomination battle—he not only made his father-in-law lose his rank, but now he plans to stay in the laboratory forever.

"I'm already special enough, there's no need to make a big splash in some small things." The mystic said, "I'm just an ordinary college student now, and no one knows my real identity. There's nothing wrong with that. I hate being famous, and I hate being a cash cow for gossip newspapers even more."

Bruce Banner nodded in agreement.

He told Salomon that he now lives and eats in the Stark Group, and rarely even goes downstairs to buy food. The laboratory is his home.

After the Battle of New York, almost all Avengers received huge traffic. Except for Hasbro, many products of other manufacturers have launched joint models without authorization. It’s just that no one cares about this. After all, it is impossible for Iron Man to wear a steel suit and rush to the ice stall on the streets of New York to demand the copyright fee. And to be honest, Iron Man’s strawberry-flavored ice cream is not as delicious as Hulk’s matcha almond flavor. Black Widow and Captain America have blueberry, Hawkeye has cranberry, Thor has peppermint, and Loki has banana.

As New York's leading ice cream taster Lorna Jr. provided an authoritative analysis, Salomon agreed with this report very much.

Dr. Banner glanced at the androids in women's suits standing at the side of the conference room, and cast a questioning look at Salomon.

"You don't know?" asked the mystic, "Don't you know what happened after S.H.I.E.L.D. disbanded?"

Dr. Banner hesitated, and he admitted that he knew nothing beyond what the news said.

"Oh, then you need to make up your lessons, doctor." Salomon looked at Agent Hill who strode into the conference room from the corner of his eye. He patted Dr. Banner on the shoulder and stood up from his chair. "Ma'am." Salomon's performance was very polite, but Agent Hill still put on an indifferent expression - she knew that the aircraft carrier and Quinjet fighter jets lost by SHIELD were in Salomon's hands, and she also knew that Salomon was also responsible for the disbandment of SHIELD. Now Salomon is blatantly coming to seek cooperation. This kind of brazenness that only politicians can have opened her eyes. She didn't expect this kind of behavior to appear in a college student.

Not an ordinary college student, but a magician college student.

Maria Hill rolled her eyes.

No matter how dissatisfied Agent Hill was, Nick Fury still left instructions to seek cooperation with Salomon. Coulson's team needs Salomon's help. Since Salomon is sure that Coulson's team will save the world in the future, when they are in crisis, Salomon has to help.

"How is Agent Hand?" When Dr. Banner returned to the laboratory, Agent Hill spoke first, confirming his intelligence advantage. It's just that Salomon didn't pay too much attention to it. Nick Fury would know what Coulson's agent team knew, so it's normal for Agent Hill to know that Victoria Hand is not dead.

"Very good, I've never seen her so happy," he said. "She's getting ready for work, hunting Hydra! She also wants to recruit Gonzalez, but the stubborn old man refuses. Have you contacted them? Those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are having a hard time hiding now."

"Then when will we talk about your containment of Hydra agents?" Agent Hill in a business suit crossed his arms, "And the sky carrier."

"They are just honest people who want to get money, Agent Hill. What they agree with is not Hydra but money." Salomon said, "As for the sky carrier... who said that the sky carrier is in my hands? Do you have evidence?" He knocked on the table, and Tita walked over from the other side of the conference room and sat opposite Agent Hill.

"What about you? You should know that you are a dangerous target. If there is no surveillance, many people will not be able to sleep."

"I'm not a dangerous target, I'm the danger itself. Many people can't sleep when I'm alive, but they don't have the guts to shoot at me." Salomon said, "I'm busy, and there are a lot of contraband in the mess left by your S.H.I.E.L.D. I have to wipe your ass. I know what the slingshot project is, and it's a scam. Remember the Berserker's cane? That thing is in the freezer, and now it was breached by Hydra, and I'm going to help you recover those things."

Ask for a ticket!

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