Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 523 Prey and Hunter (Second Change)

Dinah waited for a long time in the cafe. After receiving the signal, she left a document on the desktop and left the cafe. The waiter at the cafe collected the tip, the untouched food, and the file and took them into the back kitchen, then handed the file over to today's garbage collector. The garbage disposal truck was driving north of the city with documents and personnel. When passing the "Three Little Stars" flower shop on Burke Avenue in the East Bronx, the garbage collector rolled down the window and looked at the black Mercedes-Benz S500 next to the garbage disposal truck.

ROOT rolled down the car window, smiled and stretched out his hand to hand over a bill, and took the file. She pulls down her sunglasses and winks at the garbage collector. She accepted the file from Salomon on behalf of the machine. Here in the surveillance shadows of New York City, no camera could see her. Coupled with the help of that machine, the signal base station on Burke Avenue temporarily stopped working, and none of the mobile phone cameras could connect to the network—accepting the artificial intelligence of the Samaritan does not mean that Salomon and the machine have completely broken off, on the contrary, it adds to the weight of the machine. Only artificial intelligence can fight against artificial intelligence. Just like driving a violent wild horse, you must use the reins. That machine is the reins and driving locks that Salomon tied to the Samaritan.

The money in Salomon’s account was earned by the Samaritans by manipulating the stock market, and it was all legal and compliant money. That’s why Maria Hill couldn’t find the source of Salomon’s funds, and even the IRS couldn’t trouble Salomon—he had already hired an accounting company to do the accounts for him, and even illegal money would become legal. It hadn't been long since the last time Salomon captured the Samaritans through the Sisterhood and a heavy tank in Brooklyn, and Agent Hill couldn't connect the two events at all.

The intelligence organization called Desima, which originally had Samaritans, is now trying to find trouble with Salomon. They want to figure out who transported a group of high-tech soldiers and a heavy tank to the city last time, which is not something everyone can do. Anyone who walks will leave traces, but Salomon didn't use walking, he used jumping, so Decima's investigation made no progress for a while.

They dare not tell Congress about the theft of the Samaritans, because the US government has given the Samaritans permission to listen and monitor everything on the Internet. If someone finds out about the theft of such important national treasures, it will be more than one congressman who will be unlucky. What's more, the Congress is now in turmoil, and the aftermath of the Hydra chaos is expanding. The congressmen are overwhelmed. Even some of the congressmen who asked Romanov agents about the S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now, they are not the only hunters hiding in the shadows.

(o\u0026amp;amp;gt;ε(o\u0026amp;amp;gt;u(≧∩≦)~ Congratulations on getting this information!

Ms. Groves

"Oh! Polite sweetheart!" ROOT tore off the sticky note and opened the file. She raised her eyebrows, obviously surprised by the information in the file. But she quickly giggled and folded the file and put it in her purse. She is also a hunter, and the best hunters only appear as prey. The blockage on the information disappeared, ROOT started the vehicle and crossed the intersection of Eastchester Road, and dialed the phone.

"Hello, Xiao!" she said into the phone, "I know you're listening, please come find me, we have a big operation. You know where I am, honey."

Killing people with a knife is not too difficult a plan for Salomon, the difficulty is how to avoid the Samaritans. He wouldn't trust the Samaritan completely, any more than he would ever trust the machine.

Dinah, who was hiding in the alley, witnessed all this happening.

Everything was going according to plan, and Salomon even invited Agent Romanov, who had temporarily ended his pursuit of Hydra, to come to the Immortal City for a vacation—in fact, he just gave himself a vacation in the name of a vacation and left the affairs to Stephanie. The Trinity semester is coming soon, but he has just opened the book list emails sent by professors of various disciplines, which means that Salomon has to spend a few days studying dozens of books across different disciplines from beginning to end.

[Scholar's Touch] This spell can only make him read the book, not let him learn knowledge. So while he was helping Agent Romanov apply sunscreen, there was also a book in the shade of the parasol.

"It doesn't fit at all, Salomon." Romanov savored the sunshine. Salomon helped her get rid of the small scar on her abdomen, so that she could put on the black bikini that Salomon chose again, which showed a huge area. This is an employee benefit. As long as she can teach those girls fighting skills, she can have a zero-delay vacation experience around the world, and even go to an alien vacation.

"You're too nerdy," Natasha narrowed her eyes. "Don't you know that you shouldn't read old books from a hundred years ago when you're sunbathing with girls? Don't even wear a suit, it's very moody!"

"I think tropical fruit soda is enough." Salomon picked up the juice and took a sip. He donned the sunglasses very appropriately, and never took his eyes off Agent Romanov's perfect figure. There was something odd about their relationship, and there was something taboo about it, because Agent Romanov had in a way watched him grow up and felt like he could occupy a category on the yellow-and-black website.

"This is the second time I've used this magic. The last time was at the South Pole." He brazenly revealed the information in front of Agent Romanov, "Enjoy the hard-won sunshine, Natasha, the highest temperature in London is only 13 degrees Celsius. Last time I suggested you go to China with me to eat Malatang, but you didn't want to go. Do you regret it now?"

"Why don't we go to eat Japanese food? I really want to eat tempura."

"I can assure you that your knowledge in food can never surpass mine. I can tell you that Japanese food is definitely not as good as Malatang." Salomon said, "I dare to swear by the souls of one hundred and twenty-two Xandar snails! Although they are slimy and look quite disgusting, they are still the most precious ingredients in the universe. So my oath is quite weighty."

"Cute little boy, why don't you gain weight?" She stretched out on the beach chair, sweat glistening on her smooth skin. This body seems to have been blessed by Priapus, and has a completely different aesthetic feeling from that of a witch. She guides Salomon's genes to manipulate his organism, wielding the scepter of desire. "Do you want to get closer?"

"Let's do it next time." Salomon smiled shyly, "You are sweating all over now."

"You shouldn't read books, you should learn how to get along with girls."

"Maybe." Salomon raised his eyebrows, "How do you know I can't?"

"Did you do it on purpose?" Agent Romanov said in feigned surprise, taking off his sunglasses.


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