Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 526 Proceed as planned (first update)

The title of Hawkeye did not come for no reason. His hearing and vision are unusually strong, and his physical coordination far beyond ordinary people also makes his shooting skills exaggerated. He can hit a flipped coin with a bow and arrow, and he always hits heads. But Clint is certainly so unremarkable among the billionaires, legendary fighters, super-spy and self-proclaimed gods in the Avengers that people often forget that there is a bow-drawing guy.

Who told him not to lose his shield, not have a steel battle suit, and not be able to summon thunder and lightning? Human beings always focus on things that can emit light, fly and make loud noises.

Because of this, Clint can use the thinking of ordinary people to observe the problems in the Avengers, instead of being blinded by other things. Or money, or reputation, he has nothing. He's had conversations with Agent Romanoff, and both of them have a pretty solid view of the Avengers' prospects. Although he is currently receiving the salary of the Stark Group, he always feels that this job will not last long.

"You know, I'm about to retire. The Avengers is my last mission." Clint didn't expect that the Romanov guild would find Salomon. This guy didn't communicate much with the Avengers, even less with him, so he didn't know what to say for a while. "I always feel that Nick Fury is not dead. He still has his own plans." He thought for a while and expressed his conclusion. Salomon glanced at Agent Romanov. He didn't expect that Agent Natasha and Agent Hill didn't tell Hawkeye the news, "But even if he is still alive, the Avengers can't continue. Congress will take action sooner or later, and we will become fugitives sooner or later."

"You want to find a way out?" Salomon asked.

This time it was Natasha's turn to look at Clint. "You make your own decision, and I've made my decision."

He hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth.

"Nick Fury made arrangements for me a long time ago. No one knows except Natasha, and now you know too." He pried off the cap of the beer bottle and drank half of the bottle in one go. "The location of my family has not been revealed yet, so I think Nick Fury is not dead. He is helping us cover up some important information. Natasha, I know your intentions are good, but I really don't need it."

"Clint, I'm a spy, and I'm used to making various preparations." Agent Romanov said with a smile, "Salomon has a secret stronghold. If you need it, he will allow your family to move in. I went there to see it. It's a high-tech city with a large area. It's just a bit troublesome to get in and out. You need to go through the portal, and I don't know if it's on Earth."

"Really?" Clint raised his eyebrows at Salomon.

"Yes, I need an experienced agent to help me train field personnel, or act as a consultant to command field operations. I have many armed forces now, but I need someone to use them." Salomon could see the confusion on Hawkeye's face, but he did not explain, "It can also provide a new identity for your family when necessary. I can guarantee that Congress will never find them."

"Then we have reached a consensus temporarily? Although I don't know you well, since Natasha trusts you, I trust you too. Cheers..." Clint opened two bottles of beer and handed them to Agent Romanov and Salomon respectively. The three drank a bottle of cold beer in one go, and Salomon hiccupped very appropriately. "Who else are you going to give asylum to?" he asked. "Is there no one else I know?"

"Agent Victoria Hand is working for me now. She is busy hunting down Hydra. She will join the battle when the sky carrier is refurbished." The mystic said, "It's a pity that Gonzalez is unwilling to work for me. He is too loyal."

"Hand? Impossible! She is..." Clint couldn't believe what he heard. Agent Victoria Hand has a bad reputation within SHIELD. She is a standard agent, unscrupulous and ruthless, but she is an extremely loyal person. Clint originally thought she had died during the HYDRA rebellion.

"She died, and then she came back to life," said Salomon. "My men found her body."

"So, magic!" said Hawkeye, "you can bring the dead back to life?"

"It is possible for a limited time. If the soul enters the outer plane, it will not be easy to get it back." The mystic concealed some key information, such as he predicted the death time of Agent Hand, and pulled her back before her soul returned to hell. "Now she still has a few nuclear bombs in her hand." Salomon smiled mischievously. "My army snatched back things when fighting Hydra, as well as several aircraft carriers, many Quin-jet fighter jets, and several formations of F22 Raptor fighter jets. There are not enough S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who have joined me, and I need manpower."

Salomon once took Natasha to count the weapons and equipment in the Immortal City. The equipment looted during the Hydra rebellion could almost conquer a small country (or India). The operation efficiency of the Sisterhood is amazing, and with the help of Wakanda, Salomon is reverse-engineering the equipment technology of the US military, and then extracting key technologies to redesign the future equipment of the Immortal City-Wakanda's technology is not bad, but too good, almost all technologies need to rely on vibration gold. This is completely unnecessary for Salomon, Salomon doesn't want to use vibranium on every piece of equipment, and Wakanda will not be generous enough to provide vibranium for all of Salomon's industries.

Hawkeye was choking on the beer and was almost out of breath. He coughed violently.

"Are you wanted?"

"Not yet. This is a little secret between us, isn't it?" Salomon picked up a golf club bag from his feet and put it on the table. "This is a gift for you, Clint. You will need this thing."

Since the Hydra rebellion, Salomon has continued to embezzle the apparent assets of S.H.I.E.L.D. and instigate agents. So far, Nick Fury has been unable to come up with effective countermeasures. This long-distance fight with Nick Fury is just a small adjustment. While he was sitting on the sofa in the Stark Building, his other plans were still going on - the two artificial intelligences were clamping down on each other, the anti-vibration gold veins had been found, but the body of the god was temporarily missing. Salomon needs that Celestial body for research, and he won't share all of his technology with Wakanda.

Now the king of Wakanda is T'Chaka, and Salomon doesn't trust him because he is too smart. Only after his death will Salomon strengthen his partnership with the next king. But he was in no hurry, because someone would help him kill T'Chaka.

Although Salomon was single-handedly contributing to T'Chaka's death, he did not show any abnormalities when communicating with T'Chaka's son and daughter. T'Chaka didn't realize that he had lost Bastet's blessing, he just felt that he was old and his limbs were weak, it was more and more difficult to get up every morning, and he always went to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

"He doesn't think he's fit to be a king anymore," T'Challa said to Salomon. "If I say he's still young, I can't beat him by arm wrestling now!"

"I don't know the human body after taking heart-shaped grass, but I believe that Wakanda's medical level is enough to solve this problem." He said, "Please bring me blessings."

"Of course." T'Challa patted Salomon's shoulder proudly. He felt that this little brother was very good at talking. "We have conquered cancer and AIDS. Nothing can beat Wakanda."

"Of course." Salomon said with a smile. His smile masks everything else, so that T'Challa is completely oblivious to the shadow of evil looming over Wakanda.

Ask for a ticket!

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