Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 533: All Betrayed (Second)

Stephanie performed 100 percent of the function of the secretary. She silently listened to the secrets discussed at the dinner table, recorded key information in her heart, and never looked into the eyes of others. If it wasn't for Salomon's need, she would never say a word, just like the playmate of a noble boy in the court. She knew that this represented an opportunity to enter the heart of Salomon's world, and she cherished the importance Salomon gave him.

She heard Asgard's heavenly father revealing many secrets, telling stories and anecdotes tens of thousands of years ago, as if he was talking about the family routine of the juniors; the Queen of Heaven gave pointers and comments on Salomon's magic skills, especially the alchemy items recently made by Salomon, and the Queen of Heaven was even more generous in her praise. The look in Tianhou's eyes made Stephanie hairy all over, and she quickly stepped aside, no longer appearing in Tianhou's sight. She has a keen sense of the hidden reefs under the water, but she doesn't know the motivation behind these conversations, nor why the King of Asgard appeared on Earth. She looks forward to Salomon showing her more.

Salomon once promised her that he would give her a completely different world and take her to explore the other side of the star sea and the endless abyss. Now this promise is being fulfilled little by little. She has seen aliens that most people on Earth have never seen in their lifetime, and she has also seen various civilizations in the universe, but this is not the end.

"Our destiny is to stand on the top of the Milky Way, Stephanie." Salomon's tone is gentle, but full of unquestionable taste, "This goal will take many, many years to achieve. When unimaginable disasters come, we will be the bottom line for the continuation of human civilization. This is what Kama Taj has always been doing. We are the guardians of humanity."

This noble sense of mission is what Stephanie has always pursued.

The reason why she is a loyal supporter of Hydra belief is that this kind of martyr psychology is also a means of cohesive belief within Hydra conservatives, and the belief is strengthened through lofty missions and sacrifices. It's just that after Salomon showed her a larger world, the sense of lofty mission and sacrifice that had nowhere to vent prompted her to switch to Salomon's camp, not completely succumbing to violence.

Secrets, too many secrets. Secrets excite her.

Odin commented on Salomon's martial arts while eating the meat. The mystic could only listen with his head down, patted the two big dogs begging for food from time to time, and occasionally tore off a piece of meat to feed the crow swaggering on the table. The cane covered in black ash was leaning on the side, and those who didn't know it would never have guessed that it was the famous Gungnir.

"Young people nowadays like unconventional weapons." The young people in Odin's mouth are younger than two thousand years old. "Sol likes to use a hammer, and Loki likes to use a knife." The father of the gods was very dissatisfied with his two children, "Only those who use axes, long knives and long spears are manly."

Frigga rolled her eyes, she knew that Odin was talking nonsense again.

The hammer was obviously given to Thor by him. Of course, as long as this matter is mentioned, Odin will sigh and talk about his disobedient daughter.

If it weren't for the shackles of responsibility, Odin would rather be an interstellar pirate, leading Asgard's warriors to jump gangs and plunder enemy ships. It's just that the responsibility of the Lord of the Nine Realms bound him firmly to the throne, and that kind of casual life would never be possible. There is such a person in front of him. If Sol still has a happy time of self-willedness, then Salomon can be said to be too sensible, bound by responsibilities by nature, and never willing to do things out of line.

If only Thor and Loki were this cute. Odin sighed, because he knew that this kind of responsibility was too cruel for a person. He once went to seek the prophecy, but the result was not very good. Salomon and Sol will face a terrible future in the future, sweeping the catastrophe of the Nine Realms. Odin doesn't know how these two young people (under two thousand years old) will save the world. He had prepared a lot for this, but now it seemed that it was not enough - the souls of the warriors he scavenged were forged into heroic warriors. Those warriors were hidden in the Land of the Dead, not Valhalla. When he sent his daughter to Helheim, he also prepared some backup for her.

The old and cunning Odin never put all his eggs in one basket.

No matter who the ultimate winner is, Asgard will always stand in the world.

"Motherfuck!!" Nick Fury, who received Natasha Romanoff's report, jumped out of the tattered bedding angrily. Now he finally knows where the resources that Salomon looted are hidden, but he also knows that he has no good way to get Salomon to hand over those things. According to Agent Romanov's description, Salomon seems to have a construction factory, where something that looks bigger than a sky carrier is being built. The problem now is that he is worried that Salomon will launch an attack on the secular government. The mysterious magic and the high-tech of unknown origin are enough for Salomon to crush the Avengers—he still remembers how Salomon dealt with the Hulk.

Stabilizing Salomon's mood became the top priority.

Nick Fury looked around and found that the poisonous bugs were either sleeping or high. He retracted back into his dirty cup, sending a command through a secret route.

Natasha Romanov took the computer and showed the instruction to Salomon.

"That's it?" Salomon raised his eyebrows, "Is this what Nick Fury is capable of?"

"I don't know what order he gave Agent Hill, but I'm sure he will never tell me the whole truth." Natasha sniffed the fragrance on Salomon's body. Frigga's lunch was too rich. There was not only stewed bear meat, but also grilled steak. It was like a Christmas family dinner. The aroma of the stew lingered on Salomon.

"And roast chicken, where did you go to eat? What kind of animal hair is this?"

"A wolf, or a dog." He turned to Princess Su Rui, "Can you track the source of the signal?"

"I can't, Wakanda's communication protocol is completely different from the outside world." Su Rui pointed to another computer, "But they can."

"Don't let the AI ​​touch the military satellites, at least not yet." Salomon closed the laptop and turned off the screen, ignoring the conversation between the machine and the Samaritan. He is extremely vigilant against artificial intelligence, because this thing is extremely easy to be tampered with and become a knife in the hands of others. This thing has no loyalty at all, and it judges completely according to logic. Before the hardware is updated and the software is programmed, Salomon doesn't want to let the artificial intelligence take over too much work.

"I want to find Nick Fury." Salomon stood behind the desk and gave an order. "I will use the divination spell to predict the area where Nick Fury is in an hour later, and artificial intelligence can use facial recognition to find him." He said, "I know what Nick Fury has in mind in the future, but I won't allow it because he wants to put those disgusting green-skinned amoebas into the earth!"

Ask for a ticket!

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