Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 545: True and False Memories (Second Change)

Due to the recent recruitment/hospitalization of many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the Stark Corporation has become the stronghold of the Avengers. Except for Agent Maria Hill who needs to go to Washington to assist in the investigation from time to time, this place seems to have become the second S.H.I.E.L.D., and most everyone is immersed in a joyful atmosphere, as if no matter what happens next, they will not be able to trouble them. This natural self-confidence also stunned Tony Stark's mind. He has begun to transform his suit, inviting Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye to generate machine learning algorithms for his steel suit. He is full of enthusiasm for updating equipment for the Avengers' companions - including but not limited to Captain America's magnetic shield and straps; Black Widow's new tights made of carbide-derived carbon (CDC), with insulation and supercapacitors, can freely adjust the voltage. Even work on restoring the super-soldier serum is underway without anyone knowing.

If Salomon had known about it, he would have told Stark not to waste his efforts. Behind the super soldier serum is the handwriting of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, especially Howard Stark. He seems not at all surprised by this serum that can be used to edit genes with ionizing radiation and obtain synthetic proteins. With his scientific knowledge, it is impossible not to know that without a new genome, the super soldier serum will definitely not be able to improve the limit of the user.

The question, then, is whose genes are used in the super soldier serum?

Salomon believes that Stephanie has found the answer in the old papers of the Brotherhood of the Shield.

"I might be able to be Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Stark said triumphantly to Pepper Potts. "Honestly, it's not difficult at all."

He definitely didn't think what kind of future would be waiting for him, and he wouldn't have guessed that the current Salomon was cultivating the opponents he would meet in the future. Of course, the future opponents of the Avengers are now digging in the ocean of knowledge. In Salomon's eyes, they are not yet considered spellcasters who can be put on the table. It must be said that Salomon's requirements are very strict. After all, in the history of magic, very few people would explore the scientific mysteries behind magic - Salomon is now writing a few words on the whiteboard. Draw a simple brain model and explain to Wanda Maximoff scientifically how her powers affect the human brain.

"The cortex, the target of enchantment spells." Next to Salomon, there was a huge white human skull, which was far larger than a human being, at a full 40 inches in size. Under the command of the pointer, the skull gradually disintegrated, revealing a section of the brain, with blood flowing in the fresh blood vessels. If it weren't for this strange sight and the special surrounding environment, it would look like a neuroscience lecture site at University College London. Given the size of the course, Salomon can only tentatively teach neurobiology, cognitive neurology, and neuropsychology. "The brain is an extremely complex system," he said. "If you really want to make a breakthrough in the spiritual illusion, you must know how the enchantment system works. This is the most important knowledge for a spellcaster, not the most powerful magic. With this knowledge, you can create the most suitable magic for you."

Wanda nodded helplessly, and Pietro yawned quietly. He regretted very much now, why did he take an undue interest in his sister's courses, which were much more difficult than mathematics and physics.

"We can compare transcranial stimulation technology, AKA, to TMS technology. In clinical applications, Dr. Ian Cook of the Simmel School of Neurology and Human Behavior at UCLA uses TMS technology to induce neuron reorganization to treat depression." A few small lightning bolts were released from the tip of the pointer, stimulating the cortex of the brain model. He used electric currents to simulate the propagation of electrical signals.

"Not only that, but this technology can also relieve chronic pain, migraine and anxiety, and regulate emotions and emotions. The same is true for enchantment spells, which are more precise and instant, and can even change people's moral judgments. Of course, this is still a little difficult for you." Salomon said, "But we can try something relatively simple and crude. That is memory erasure and memory implantation." He turned the huge brain model, "frontal lobe and temporal lobe. The secondary cascade of stress hormones and dopamine can directly overwhelm the subject's synapses, leading to permanent changes in brain cognitive function. This is the underlying logic of implanting memory."

"It's like when you recall what happened when you were a child, Wanda." He gave a cruel example, "As long as Stark is mentioned, you will think of bombs. The neural network in your brain begins to integrate, and the memory continues to strengthen. But this memory enhancement is not necessarily prepared."

He stared into Wanda's eyes. "Your memory is not necessarily complete, the brain will deceive itself."

"You don't believe me?" Wanda felt the anger rushing from the soles of her feet to her brain in an instant. She couldn't accept the question from Salomon at all, she couldn't do it. Although they didn't get along for a long time, Salomon was already one of her most trusted people. Betrayal by someone closest to you is the most painful. "You'd rather believe that damn rich man! Just because he's your companion? My family..."

Pietro was taken aback by his sister's sudden anger. He was completely awake, but he couldn't understand the situation at all. When he saw his sister complaining loudly in a crying voice, his emotions almost collapsed.

"Wanda, it's not that I don't believe you." Salomon put his hands on her shoulders very gently, "You were still too young at that time, and your brain will continue to add memories as you grow up, and those added memory details will continue to deepen as you grow older. I need you to recall..."

However, the collapsed Wanda didn't accept it at all.

"Listen to me!" Salomon's words were magical, "Calm down, Wanda! I don't think that Stark Group bomb is a dud!"

"What does this mean?" Pietro also stood up, "Are we all ghosts?"

"From a multiverse perspective, yes." Salomon turned to Pietro, looking serious. "When the opposition party supported by the U.S. government launched a coup, the bombs that were supposed to be sent to the Middle East were sent here." He said, "I checked the production number of that bomb, and the quality control of that batch of bombs is very good. In other words, the possibility of that bomb being a dud is extremely low, and I have high-quality ammunition."

"Then why..."

"Because the Mind Stone just awakens your power, not empowers you." Salomon put his hand on Wanda's shoulder. Her sobbing was getting quieter, it was obvious that she was attracted by Salomon's words. "You have the power you have now when you were young, but Wanda's power is special. I think it is the magic in her subconscious that suppressed the explosion of the bomb. Remember what I said in the past, magic is not a talent, but a bill. I want to find out the bills that Wanda owed in the past."

"And then?" Wanda asked with tears in her eyes, putting down her hands covering her face.

Salomon melted the haze in her heart with a hearty smile, and Wanda suddenly felt that her behavior of emotional breakdown was very embarrassing. "To beat the creditor, if I can!" said he, "and I'm going to laugh at your creditor!"

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