Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 551: The Next Stop (Second Update)

The alloy hatch fell, blocking Salomon's plan to continue to gaze at the stars. The ship was passing through the asteroid field, and he heard the crash of asteroid debris hitting the hull like heavy rain hitting a metal roof. He couldn't smell the smell of rain seeping into the ground, just the burnt smell of leaking fuel and old pipes, the lingering stench of recirculated air and the charred motor oil of smugglers' modified corpses. The skeleton of the entire ship made a tooth-piercing, imperceptible groan, as if it might be broken into two by the gravity of a distant planet in the next second—it was a world suffering from industrial pollution, and the poisonous atmosphere filled the entire planet. The Xandar government had abandoned the planet and sold it to a casino tycoon after mining all its resources, including water and magma. Now there is a dead planet, no wind, no geothermal heat, no ocean, only the neon lights passing through the dirty atmosphere, slowly beckoning to the ships sailing in the universe.

There are also bionic robot whores.

This was something new, and Salomon couldn't wait to take one away and take it back to Earth for disassembly.

This planet is the next stop of the spacecraft, a legal casino in the universe. Salomon has no interest in knowing the name of this planet, nor is he interested in replacing smugglers and doing business with those weird-looking aliens. But he needs sailors to pilot the ship. When they boarded the boat, the smuggler wanted to be a human trafficker and sell them to the casino owner, so all the smuggler's assets belonged to Salomon. It stands to reason that the current crew all want to rebel against themselves and become the boss, but after Salomon executed a few disobedient guys, everyone settled down. These rats, which are dirtier than predators, surrendered to the new captain. Salomon promised them that as long as they sailed according to their reservations, they would all get the wages that the guy lying on the floor bleeding profusely said.

And it can be several times higher. Anyway, it's all digital currency, unlocked with genes.

So the crew offered some expensive hallucinogenic drug to Salomon as a token of loyalty.

To be honest, that thing is not bad, it will make him "high" for a few minutes.

The body beyond common sense allows him to quickly metabolize those drugs, and the poisons that are extremely effective for ordinary people can almost be ignored by Salomon. The old guy Merlin took all the medicines away, and he said that this thing would help Dave who had just woken up—probably it could make him fall into hallucinations and forget his nightmares. Even though several airlocks were separated, Salomon could feel the signs of Dave's awakening. Only the caster can feel it, and no one else on board can perceive the aether wave and the foul malice that comes with it.

This is the first phase of the trial that Merlin gave Dave. Constantly seek demon possession, and then expel it autonomously until resistance is formed. En-Gala cannot tolerate weak spellcasters. All the offspring of the spellcasters living there, when they are three to four years old, will be accompanied by their parents to look directly at Sithorn's dark fortress and bear the madness from the great shadow. Parents will instill in their children the idea of ​​sacrificing their lives for the Great Enemy of Sealing. If a child shows signs of corruption, no matter how reluctant they are, they must kill the child with their own hands, so as not to add followers to the Great Shadow.

Dave still doesn't know the cruelty of N-Gala.

The earth and even the entire universe are piled up with the flesh and blood of generations of spellcasters. Whether it is Kama Taj or the Merlin Wizards, they have given their lives where ordinary people can't see. There is no end to this tragic sacrifice, and some children don't even know why they are dying. Dave had to be strong, he had to take responsibility, he had to make endless sacrifices to buy time for the next disaster.

This is quite difficult for an ordinary college student. Even if Dave is willing to take on the responsibility of the Merlin School, the burden now is something he never imagined—who the hell would know that the future of the universe will fall on a few young people, and he doesn't even know that he is also a responsible member. This is simply a vulgar plot in the fucking old manga! One of the things he would dream about when he went to bed before elementary school! He's not Harry Potter, and he doesn't have a lightning scar on his forehead! And he had already defeated the Dark Lord, and he hadn't heard that Voldemort had another one!

He's finding his courage back with Merlin's help.

This required more courage than when he stood up against Morgan Le Fay's clone. He needed to face the dizzying sea of ​​stars and the most terrifying and craziest existence in the world. Salomon did not show Dave the silver key, for fear that the dark and deep thing would penetrate his rational bottom line. As Merlin said, take your time, they still have time, and there is still hope in this world.

Cheap hope is the most precious thing in the dark future. Merlin showed him the future, and he had to be ready.


"Where is Salomon?" Natasha Romanov didn't know that Salomon didn't say goodbye at all. In fact, none of the members of the Avengers know where Salomon is now. When she knew about Salomon's leave, she didn't take it to heart. It wasn't until Salomon's vacation was horribly long that Agent Romanov realized something was wrong.

However, Stephanie who received her did not give her a good face.

"It's classified," she said. Stephanie is very busy, busy coordinating the relationship between Wakanda and the Immortal City. This restless ally, under the command of the old King T'Chaka, who was weakening in health, took advantage of Salomon's departure from the earth to launch a comprehensive exploration of the immortal city. Stephanie had to invoke Salomon's decree to limit Wakanda's scientists to a fixed range under the pretext of an attack by parallel universe criminals, and at the same time arrange for the Sisters to patrol near the R\u0026D department in full gear. On the surface, they are scientists protecting Wakanda, but in fact they are monitoring them, lest Wakanda spy on Salomon's secrets hidden in the Immortal City.

She has lost patience with Wakanda, and she is now desperate to get this resolved as soon as possible.

Salomon, however, said he had already dealt with T'Chaka and just had to wait. So Stephanie transferred some administrative staff from within the Malik family, including those Hydra families that had surrendered. She didn't mean to be soft on these people at all. When they entered the Immortal City through the portal, Stephanie, with the help of the sisterhood, confiscated the communication tools of these people and executed several restless spies on the spot.

The Malik family took the opportunity to swallow another huge profit. The lord of the Malik family, this behavior is equivalent to taking back the fief, and there are legitimate reasons. None of Gideon Malik's smugglers can object, and none of the smugglers wants to provoke the Malik family who is now in charge of the State Council.

"I need to know where Salomon is." Agent Romanov said not to be outdone, "I have an agreement with him, he can't disappear out of thin air like this. I must understand this matter on behalf of the Avengers—is there any huge crisis waiting for us?"

"No." Stephanie curled her lips, trying to drive Agent Romanov out of the interior office. There are too many secrets here, it would be bad if they were taken away by this cunning woman. She didn't want her to show poor transactional skills in Salomon, she knew that for Salomon, useful talents deserved attention.

Ask for a ticket!

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