Laura sat on the ground, holding the manuscript of the Kitezh Chronicle in despondency.

The book was one of many in the collection of her father, Richard Crawford, who, while collecting the world's vast mysteries, had followed news of the great city of Kitezh, known as "Russia's Atlantis." And then there's Lapkins. In view of the oath that Salomon asked her to swear, she couldn't explain to Jonah the real basis for the existence of mysterious power in this world, otherwise she would definitely take out the small gift from Salomon to show Jonah the power of magic.

The peaceful manor was unusually quiet, and Laura didn't turn on the lights. She couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in, but she was sure that neither she nor her father was wrong. If she found the "sacred source", she was sure to persuade Salomon to let her announce the existence of that thing.

"Jonah?" The surface of the bronze utensils that fell on the ground shimmered, and the old wooden floor creaked. Laura asked tentatively, but received no response. Her adrenaline was secreted in a large amount, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and tremors swept through her body. Laura Crawford, the top of the Dragon Triangle Force and the blaster of the Prophet's Tomb, has accumulated enough experience, and she has transformed from a female college student in the Department of Archeology to a legendary adventurer. The thick oak door opened slowly, its ill-lubricated hinges groaning in agony, and the icy breeze that crept into the room from the corridor irritated Laura's nerves. She smelled the bushes on the estate. It was the smell of sap oozing from broken leaves, and the old housekeeper had just pruned the bushes not long ago-according to him, gardening itself is a reward, and there is no need to pay more for it. Even though she is also British, Laura still can't understand the old butler's dedication to gardening and afternoon tea scones.

Her heart was beating so fast that the speeding time slowed down before her eyes.

The instant she sensed something was wrong, Laura reached out and took hold of the emerald-shaded lamp in front of her.

This is her instinct to live in the purgatory on earth in the Dragon Triangle, her intuition. She didn't care about the preciousness of the few remaining original Emeralite Desk Lamps in the world. She turned around and swung the lampshade hard on the face of the killer who sneaked into the Croft Manor with light steps. In the next moment, she smashed the killer's pistol with the thick "Kitezh Chronicle Manuscript" with copper-clad corners in her hand, and solved the most threatening weapon. However, she was immediately strangled by a well-trained killer, and the sudden difficulty in breathing covered Laura's eyes with a light black curtain. Her lungs expanded vigorously, but she couldn't absorb a trace of air. Relying on the muscle memory she had learned to fight, Laura slammed her palm on the killer's temple, twisted her arms around the enemy's neck, and smashed his head against the ledge, buying herself time to breathe.

The agent who was monitoring the Crawford Manor heard the gunshots and immediately reported this information to his superiors.

This piece of encrypted information traveled all the way over the earth through a secretly launched spy satellite. The lonely radio wave shouted, and was finally embraced by a synchronous satellite over Rome, and launched to the signal tower established after the end of the war in the last century. Immediately afterwards, the document containing this information was encrypted again and sent to an aircraft carrier cruising near the Faroe Islands. Agent Victoria Hand, the current head of the intelligence department of the Immortal City, received a message from the intelligence staff on the aircraft carrier that the target of concern that Salomon ordered was attacked.

She immediately contacted the agent with the provisional number C-A1 to inquire about the latest developments in the incident.

"The other party's agent has escaped from the Crawford Manor. The light is too dark to see whether they are injured." The intelligence officer who used to be a SHIELD agent is very professional. He told Agent Hand that he had confirmed Laura Crawford's status by phone - he pretended to be the wrong caller, and his stammer convinced Laura to believe him. Lara Croft was not injured and did not require emergency medical assistance. And he, let's call him C-A1, had left his car and followed the killer on foot into the unique tropical vegetation of Surrey. His nostrils were filled with the fresh jungle air of summer nights, but not far behind were the mud and mosquitoes bred in the humidity and heat.

He resisted the urge to slap himself.

It seems unbelievable that economic globalization has given Britain mosquitoes. Although the native British mosquito does not bite, it is the size of a heavy bomber in the insect world. And it's already May, only foreign mosquitoes will bite people at this time.

"The direction is Woking Town in the south of Abingdon, and it is very likely that it will be transferred again." C-A1 said, "The other party may have vehicle support and armed forces. I need to mobilize the traffic lights. I know we do not have authority. Maybe we need to communicate with the authorities..."

"No need." As soon as Agent Hand finished speaking, an APP appeared on C-A1's mobile phone. The simple traffic light signs explained the functions and uses of this app. The spy satellite also sent him satellite imagery of his current location, allowing him to mark the fleeing target for follow-up.

"This is new, SHIELD didn't have this before." C-A1 muttered. He had received the target's details, and he even knew what the killer had eaten that morning.

The English breakfast is quite rich, maybe I should try it, anyway, with so much money, it's worth it. C-A1 thought to himself.

"Report to the mission in 15 minutes, and the Quinjet fighter has already departed." Agent Hand said with a cold face. She issued an order that a Quinjet fighter on the deck of the aircraft carrier would take off within three minutes and arrive at the destination to provide support. "Also, watch your accent. I can't understand a Cockney."

"Got it." Agent C-A1 shrugged, making a slight metal rubbing sound. He opened the safety of the pistol, activated the powered exoskeleton hidden under his clothes, and quickened his pace to follow. This technology was born out of the high-level cyber technology that the Immortal City had just captured not long ago. The project called "Death Warrior" allowed the Immortal City to lower the cost of powered exoskeletons, which can be used by the most elite agents. C-A1 participated in that operation. He knew the origin of "Death Warrior" or "Centipede Warrior", but he didn't know the current situation of Agent Coulson. He only knew that Agent Hand seemed to have broken up with Agent Coulson and was now working with the military's General Talbot to arrest Coulson's team.

He was an agent personally recruited by Agent Victoria Hand. In that rebellion, his information was also placed in front of Congress, but Agent Hand helped him escape from prison and changed his name. The method was the same as when she was in S.H.I.E.L.D., and the resources mobilized may even be more.

He may need to make a few phone calls.

Laura, on the other hand, at Crawford Manor in Surrey, was not panicked by the attack. She knew who sent the killer, and she also knew that Holy Trinity would not give up.

But how did they know that there was a copy of the "Kitezh Chronicle Transcript" at Croft Park? Laura didn't have time to think about this question, she immediately decided to set off to find the so-called holy source before Holy Trinity found the clue. Jonah also agreed with this idea-whether the holy source is in Kit City or not, hurry up and set off now, there is nothing worse than Holy Trinity to get the holy source.

Ask for a ticket!

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