Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 577 Minor Protection Law (Second Change)

Even if Salomon went to the edge of the galaxy, the system of the Immortal City would still be able to function normally, this is entirely due to Stephanie's personal contribution. This stable system is also what Salomon wants. The conscientious Daughter of Hydra completed the tasks assigned by Salomon to perfection. The gradually expanding monitoring network brought great convenience to the field personnel, allowing Victoria Hand to always keep the gray team in Congress under wraps. The skins carry out tasks to continuously obtain funds, intelligence and facilities for the Immortal City. Salomon doesn't want to build a kingdom in ruins, so Agent Victoria Hand's mission is critical.

Thanks to the unlimited expansion of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the early years, many Hydra agents are still on the run. Since the United States is the largest benefactor of S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. is to some extent also an intelligence agency of the United States. Therefore, no one knows what kind of secrets those fleeing Hydra agents are holding. Agent Hand now needs to compete with the U.S. military for time, and then use the name of the Congress Lord to grab benefits for the Immortal City and raise the giant beast crawling in the shadows. Therefore, as soon as the mission in Siberia was over, she returned to the aircraft carrier with her team and continued to search for the secrets left by Nick Fury.

The news of Salomon's return was quickly known by members of the Avengers. He was openly active at Oxford University and had no intention of hiding his tracks. This brought him to the attention of the Avengers, who had been tracking the remnants of HYDRA.

Stark was very curious about where Salomon had gone, but Natasha Romanoff kept her oath and did not tell others about the whereabouts of the mystic. Salomon's return also caused some debate among the Avengers members. Some people think -- mostly Steve Rogers. He believes that Salomon should study hard now, find a good job, and then consider whether to join the Avengers. This old-school view made Tony Stark quite disdainful.

He focused on Salomon's IQ and ability. He believed that Salomon didn't need to find a job, and the Stark Group could afford a magician. Dr. Banner also has the same idea, but he thinks that Salomon should publish a few more papers and have a few good inventions, so Stark Group must hire him with the same level of salary as the CEO of an industrial group.

"I still have his patent on the chemical analyzer!" Stark mentioned an old incident, and he looked at Agent Romanov, because she was the only person who might know. "It's the one displayed at the EU Young Scientists Conference! The technology of that thing is quite advanced, and the experimental equipment made by the Stark Group uses that technology. I guarantee that he has given permission, and in the background, he personally allowed me to use it That technology. The Stark Corporation is paying him every second now, but he never came to claim it."

"Ahem! I only have one question!" Clint, who had been unable to get into the topic, raised his hand. "Isn't Salomon a member of the Avengers?"

"Of course not! How old was he at the time of the Battle of New York? 15? 16?" Tony Stark shook his head hastily, "Under the age of 18, he still falls under the legal definition of a child. Maybe when he met Nick Fury Even before Thor arrived on Earth, but I think Nick Fury at the time should not have planned to recruit 14-year-old children into the Avengers. Children are too immature. Well, Salomon is a Freak, he's an exception."

"Watch your words!"

"All right, old man."

"I partly agree with this statement." Captain Rogers said, "Too young, should be in school at that age."

Stark touched Captain Rogers's with his beer bottle. This is the beer he specially found, just to give Steve Rogers the taste of the past. After all, even Coke doesn't taste the same now, but Stark can't afford to add cocaine to Coke. What he didn't know, however, was that Steve Rogers couldn't afford Abbey beer at the time.

"But he's a magician. He has no adoption records, and it's not difficult to forge a birth certificate." Clint spread his hands, "Maybe he just looks like a minor, but in fact he has lived for more than a hundred years ?”

Agent Romanov looked at his old friend helplessly. At first Nick Fury also had this idea, but it wasn't until she found the church where Salomon was born and then disappeared, and communicated with the priest that she determined Salomon's date of birth. After all, in most people's minds, magicians are a group of hunchbacked old women, lame old men, and dirty tramps with rotten teeth, leaning on a wooden box with bones, metal, and dead birds hanging crookedly. Staff, the fleas on the body are more lethal than the mysterious atmosphere.

Clint's speculation was despised by everyone, and he could only wave his hands and admit defeat.

"He's very rich, and Eton's tuition is not cheap." Agent Romanov said, "Based on past S.H.I.E.L.D. investigations, Salomon has a lot of property under his name. It's better to worry about the Internal Revenue Service than Hydra." Will go to him first, those people are not easy to mess with. Have you paid taxes on his patents, Stark?"

The information she revealed was before SHIELD was destroyed, and she didn't say a single piece of information after that. Clint didn't talk too much, acquiescing to the Romanov agent's behavior of retaining information.

Tony Stark pursed his lips and shook his head. He didn't bother to transfer Salomon's patent fees to charitable funds, or leather bag companies in the Cayman Islands. The tax avoidance methods commonly used by these rich people are all ways to escape the supervision of the Internal Revenue Service, and Stark himself often use.

Of course, it depends on which party is in power that year.

"So we don't have to worry about what Hydra will do to his life. In fact, he once killed a Hydra team that was still a S.H.I.E.L.D. team in high school. You can imagine Nick at the time. How angry Fury is. But I'm fair to say that magicians can read minds, maybe he found something before he chose to do it."

"That's fair enough, Agent Romanov," Stark said, "so why didn't he tell Nick Fury then?"

"Why did he say that? S.H.I.E.L.D. is just a stranger who disturbs his life. Magicians are a bunch of eccentric people. According to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigation, that may not be the first time Salomon has killed people..."

"This is a very serious problem, why didn't I know it in the past?" Steve Rogers frowned, "Even in wartime, there were no soldiers under the age of 14. No one told me about Salomon Your own situation? Nick Fury must know, he definitely didn't tell us about it for Salomon's help. Romanov, you are also responsible for this matter."

"Okay then, let's ask the party what he thinks."

"A bunch of naive ghosts." Salomon hung up the phone with a look of disdain. He doesn't have time to worry about legal issues, he has a lot of other things to do. After asking for leave, there are many courses that should be taken up. Coupled with Salomon's interdisciplinary nature, he had to cycle around the major libraries in Oxford in one afternoon, relying on his relationship with the professor to borrow some some books. Some books have never been printed after publication, some are simply manuscripts, and no one has tried to sort them out and publish them. This situation is particularly serious in history. He was lucky today, and he didn't need to go to other universities or ask Laura to borrow books. The ghost knows how the professor designated those off-the-wall books—except for political and economics majors, the book list for college students has not changed for more than a hundred years, right?

Ask for a ticket!

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