Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 61 Similar Women

Over the past twenty years, Enzo has paid Beunita gemstones instead of cash. It was not until recently that Beunita realized that her subconscious collection of gems was entirely due to the attraction of the "left eye" to the "right eye".

So far, how can a witch who pursues her own life experience endure the desire to find out the truth?

Even though Salomon urged him in every possible way, the witch still thought it was his too gentle verbiage. Although Beunita enjoyed the feeling of being cared for, she had her own ideas. If Salomon hadn't mentioned the Supreme Mage, she even wanted to solve this matter by herself. After all, it was about her memory, and Bayonetta thought it was her own business.

But now, more and more inferences are pointing to the recovery of Jubilus, the creator. No matter how powerful Beunita is, she cannot solve that thing alone. However, the witch still planned to go to Vigrid to investigate secretly first, trying not to attract the attention of others. She wanted to see if she could collect any clues—clues about her life experience.

The first step to get to Vigelid is by train. This train is a special train to Vigrid, and it is an express train developed by Yizaweier Group. If you want to board this train, you must have a pass from Vigrid. Of course, Bayonetta didn't have these things, but she still boarded this train by entering the purgatory world, that is to say, she evaded the fare.

This train passed through the snowy peaks of the Alps, and most of the passengers on the train were Ragnar pilgrims who went to Vigrid for a pilgrimage. The decoration of the carriage is extremely luxurious, the floor is covered with a light green wool carpet, and the carpet has a pattern woven with dark green and white wool; the seat is a wooden armchair, and the thick blue cushion is embroidered with a golden sun symbol; Even the luggage racks are made of brass.

Beunita was sitting by the window, watching the orange-red afterglow dye the black rocks red, the white mountain tops reflected bright light, and the shadows below were gradually rising, devouring the last rays of light one by one Exhausted. It seems that there is no one in this carriage, but in fact it is all because the witch is in the world of purgatory, and the projection of ordinary people in this world is just a layer of illusory and transparent phantom.

She intends to go to Vigrid from Purgatory, as long as she doesn't meet Baldr who has the "right eye", no one will be able to discover her existence. Well, maybe the average person will feel that something is passing by, but it's not a big deal.

The long journey made Bayunita drowsy, and she had a dream. In the dream, a husky male voice spoke to her, saying, "Wake up, my daughter."

Beunita felt as if she was in an empty room. In front of her was a huge golden ring with golden ripples, and a black figure appeared in the golden ring.

"Daddy?" Bayonetta found herself saying the words involuntarily.

"Yes, come here." The figure stretched out a hand, and the costume made Bayoneta feel very familiar.

Then, a slight jolt of the train woke her up. The witch turned her head and looked out the window. At this time, the night had completely enveloped the earth, and the moonlight lit up the snowy peaks along the way, and the bright white light drove away the shadows again. Bayonetta had no memory of the scene in the dream, she lowered her head and thought for a while—maybe this has something to do with her lost memory, as long as she finds clues, she will naturally recall it.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a motorcycle engine, and the sound was getting closer. The sound was transmitted into the witch's ears through the glass window, and she turned her attention to the window again.

She saw a motorcycle driving on the steep black rock wall in a way that violated gravity, and there was a bright purple spell between the motorcycle and the rock wall. Even though it was affected by a motorcycle, it was still moving rapidly in an extremely smooth manner, and even maintained a relatively static speed compared to the train.

And driving this motorcycle was a woman with short white hair in a tight red leather jacket. This woman had once appeared in Badr's office. While Bayonetta was looking out, the woman was also looking into the car. The witch pushed her glasses—this woman's spell was exactly the same as her usual one, which made Bayonetta intrigued.

She felt that coming to Wigrid was a very correct choice.

Joan twisted the accelerator, and the motorcycle accelerated again. Immediately afterwards, the motorcycle jumped up from the rock wall, turned over several times in the air, and then landed on the top of the train. She didn't hold down the brakes, but quickly rushed to the roof of the car where Bayonetta was, and took out two black pistols with white peacock feathers on the handles from behind, and shot rapidly at the target car.

The purple magic power wrapped the bullets and splashed into the carriage like a torrential rain. Joan didn't care about the meaning of the Ragnar believers. She turned a deaf ear to the screams of the Ragnar believers. Her goal was only one, and that was Bayunita.

And the witch's reaction was also extremely quick. When she dodged a bullet passing by her side, the speed around her became extremely slow. This is witch time, a unique magic of the witch family, which can enhance the senses of the subject and enable them to move at super high speed. This kind of magic usually stays on the witches, and it will be triggered automatically when they avoid attacks. Of course, it can also be triggered actively in some cases, it depends on what the caster thinks.

She put her hands on the seat, and the pistol on the high-heeled shoes fired instantly and shattered the glass. Beunita jumped out of the window, she turned a few times in the air, and then jumped onto the roof of the car steadily, standing opposite Joan of Arc. She didn't intend to talk nonsense, but directly stretched her hands behind her back, raised her magenta pistol and pointed it at the strange enemy.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Heh." The purple spell under the motorcycle lit up again, and the sound of the engine roared instantly. Beunita fired directly, but Joan dodged both bullets sideways. Joan rushed up on the motorcycle, she slammed on the brakes, causing the rear of the car to hit sideways, and Bayonetta jumped back to avoid it. Immediately afterwards, Joan of Arc drove the motorcycle to turn around again, and shot the witch horizontally with the body again, but the witch still dodged one after another.

The witch suddenly jumped up and jumped towards the rock wall, her wide sleeves were like swallows spreading their wings in the wind. The purple spells lit up under Beunita's feet, which allowed her to stay on the rock wall smoothly, and her hair and clothes seemed to be attracted by gravity in another direction, without any sign of falling down.

"You seem to have the same magical powers as I do," Bayonetta said. "I'll ask you again, who are you?"

Joan also drove a motorcycle to stay on the vertical rock face. She chuckled, "It seems that long sleep has made your brain dull."

"Do I know you? You seem to know me." Bayonetta's muzzle kept pointing at Joan of Arc, and the full moon stayed behind her, covering her black leather jacket with bright white moonlight.

"I probably know you better than you do yourself."

"You make me care more and more."

"If you beat me, I might tell you." Jeanne's way of speaking is almost exactly the same as Beunita's, and she also has the habit of raising her voice at the end of a sentence, like a hook trying to hook the other person's heart rise. She rushed to the top of the mountain on a motorcycle, and Beunita followed closely behind. As the witch jumped, the black sleeves slid forward with her like spread wings.

Jean d'Arc abandons her motorcycle, and she jumps up to meet Bayonetta. Her fighting style is exactly the same as that of Beunita. The bullets of both sides collide with each other in the air, rubbing and sparking. No matter what the moves are, the movements of the two are almost identical, and the bullets fired by the two sides at extremely close range will also be flashed by the other side in the same way.

The two jumped all the way and ran to a higher mountain top. Joan ran ahead, and then she turned suddenly and kicked Bayonetta with her high leg, and the pistol on the heel fired immediately. But such an attack was well within Bayonetta's expectations. The two fought each other several times before they separated, because even though Beunita lost her memory, her fighting instinct still existed, and she could find a way to deal with every attack of Joan of Arc.

"It's been a long time since I've felt this feeling." Jeanne pointed her gun to the sides, "How about it, did you remember anything?"

"Not really." Bayonetta pushed her glasses with a gun, and she said, "I have a feeling that I beat you once."

"You can try it, you dull bastard." Joan raised her pistol and rushed forward again. Her slender and powerful thigh kicked Bayunita back and forth, but it was a fake move. When Joan of Arc swung her pistol at the witch, she was blocked without accident.

Then the two fell into a fight again, but no matter how they attacked, they couldn't attack each other, their fists and feet were always blocked, and the fast-moving bullets always passed each other, but Beunita's pistol "Elf Knight" Cracks began to spread after many violent impacts. But as she fought with Joan of Arc, her memory began to slowly recover from the familiar scene, as if she had once fought with the person in front of her. Beunita, who moved a beat slower because of the memory, was quickly caught by Joan.

"Your strength is this level?" Jeanne's tone was frivolous. She and Beunita were standing on the side of a huge stone pillar, but they did not continue to attack.

"Who knows? If you do it a few more times, you might be able to find out." Bayonetta's tone was the same as usual, deeply covering up her desire for that memory.

Joan replied with a chuckle, "With that kind of toy, what can you show."

"I will, because I think you haven't played enough." Beunita suddenly jumped towards Joan, and she fired again, but the round green gemstone inlaid on the "Elf Knight" was inlaid with the round pink gem. The gem suddenly shattered, and the magenta pistol emitted thick smoke and electric current.

"That's stupid." Joan jumped aside and fell off the stone pillar. "You're not ready," she said.

"Hmph!" Beunita watched Joan of Arc disappear before her eyes, and the magenta "Elf Knight" in her hand was completely destroyed. On this ancient ruins covered with huge stone pillars, only white snow and moonlight are left.

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