Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 580 Exploring Kit City (Part 2) (Part 1)

The drones projecting strong light swarmed into the mountain, and the dim lost city seemed to be lit up with countless lights. Perhaps this was Jacob's original idea. He planned to let all his followers live in this city and isolate them from the world so that he could guard the secret with peace of mind. The construction concept of this city is the same as that of a Catholic church. It awes believers with magnificent buildings and towering domes. Coupled with Jacob's personal charm and eloquence, he is confident that he can attract enough followers to fill every corner of the city. A house makes this place a real kingdom of God on earth.

But from the beginning to the end, there has never been a crucifix in all the relevant historical sites.

This is a very huge doubt. It can be seen that [Holy Source] is not the biggest secret of the lost city, but the undead prophet refused to reveal the reason to anyone other than Salomon.

Here's what Jacob told Laura about the problem.

"Who has seen a god? Who has seen a miracle?" He spread his hands and said, "I was resurrected from the dead because of magic. This magic didn't come from the sky. Why should I believe in things in the sky? I was just a Ordinary people, but if someone told you at that time that he could revive you and float you, would you think he was a demon believer or a god? Not to mention those shining eyes, even if it was the Pope of Rome You must also admit his identity."

Since the advent of Thor, the god of thunder, there has been an argument on earth. That is, the gods of the past were actually aliens, just like Asgard. This kind of argument has risen together with alien saviorism, especially in Japan and South Korea, many organizations in the cloak of Christianity and aliens have emerged as the times require, which are variants of alien savior cults-advocating contact of the third kind, Advocating that the end is coming, and only those who believe in aliens can survive. At that time, the Holy See of Rome, who was still Benedict XVI, refuted the theory of God and aliens, and the few European countries that still had constitutional monarchy were also very dissatisfied, because this fundamentally weakened the sanctity of the kingship and made it abolished. The voices of the dispensable royal family are getting louder and louder.

Laura looked at the Prophet sympathetically. In her eyes, the belief of the prophet Jacob is really a bit ridiculous. After all, Salomon is a human being, not a god. Worshiping a deified person is the most ignorant place of blind faith. As an archaeologist, she is not a very devout believer, and even the supernatural experience later did not change her mind, so she accepted this statement logically.

But Salomon said that there is no need for the Roman Church to worry about such stupid things, let alone the Queen of England.

After all, there are so many people in this world who believe that the earth is flat, and have a world view that can be justified. Those idiots will believe in God wholeheartedly and continue to believe in creationism. The Saxons in the Middle Ages used religion to fool the people, and the modern Saxons still use religion to fool the people. They refused to change even a comma. They are extremely lazy. When leaving that day, Salomon asked Sofia mischievously if he thought the earth was a plane, but Jacob gave him a blank stare. Sophia jumped out of the room in embarrassment.

"I knew the earth was round since I was born! Bastard!" she yelled, pumping her fists.

"Your sense of humor is astonishing, my lord," said Jacob resignedly. He had never seen such a young Salomon, and he never imagined that a mystic at this age could be so lively. "It was you who took me to see the earth. You have to know how shocking it is for a country youth to look down on the earth. Of course, this also caused difficulties for my missionary work. After all, not every country bumpkin has the opportunity Fly into the sky."

"I'm sure, the reason why I did this is because you said this now. The damn time loop, I'm getting more and more worried about the future." Salomon shook his head, trying to make a relaxed and happy expression, "I understand that you use religion to unite people, but now you don't need this kind of power. The Immortal City is their only place to go, and keeping them here is equivalent to death. But I will not tolerate ignorant people joining the Immortal City , get them into education, I know I shouldn't be too eager - tell Sofia she's won. I give them time and they give me answers, I believe studying science can make them smarter."

"Yes, my lord." Jacob said with a smile.

It is impossible for all the villagers to give up their beliefs immediately, unless Salomon opens the stigmata and directly influences them with that incomparable charm. But obviously Salomon didn't have this idea, he was low-key like an ordinary person now, and the magic that enveloped his body prevented ordinary people from noticing him. According to him, this is a protective measure for the aesthetic threshold of women around.

Salomon's inhumanity did not surprise Jacob, but Salomon's change of attitude was also within Jacob's speculation. Now Salomon has more or less shown a tough leadership style, and he is capable of making such decisions. But at the same time, he is a smart person who knows when to make what kind of decision to get the best results, so he compromised-after all, this belief has been flowing in the blood of the local people for more than a thousand years , has almost become a part of their body, and the pain is not something everyone is willing to try.

"Have some beer?"

"Of course, my lord," Jacob said, "it's too cold here to brew beer. We used to be able to sell furs, but in recent decades there hasn't even been a fur collector. If you Come later, and you'll only see wildlings in furs."

The high-speed rotating chain saw cut through the ancient iron armor with ease, and the undead who were tortured into mummies by the flames of life could not resist this excellent alloy that appeared only a thousand years later. The flames of life in the body sprayed into brilliant sparks, Dry muscles and bones were twisted in two under the humming chainsword. Impatiently, Catherine made up the final blow with the heel of her black steel high-heeled boots, completely extinguishing the light blue flame in the undead man's head. In front of her lay dozens of undead people without blood, thanks to the bolter. There were almost no complete corpses in front of Catherine, and the withered limbs were scattered all over the floor.

Can't wait for Lara Croft to take Sophia around the Lost City. Although she can't directly enter the fortress at the other end of the city, the historical sites all over the city are enough for her to visit. Unsurprisingly, the unlucky Lara Croft encountered an army of undead, and those undead who still retained a modicum of wisdom tried to sneak up on the landing site from multiple directions-but they didn't seem to think about their own armor. Not suitable for stealth at all, the blue flames emerging from their bodies are even more eye-catching in the lost city without lights.

Maybe they also have arthritis, or else that doesn't explain the decaying sounds their dry limbs make as they move.

No one would not notice such a group of tinkling blue fireflies walking slowly in the dark. Those ancient weapons could not do any harm to the Sisterhood at all, even if they made them sprain their feet, it would be difficult for them to sprain their feet, and even the arrows could not hurt Catherine. The armor left scratches. Overall, Laura didn't get into too much trouble, and Catherine had some respect for her fighting skills.

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