Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 586 Golden Armored Forbidden Army (Part 1)

The assault transport boat landed slowly on the square paved with exquisite red, black, black, and three-color marble in front of the chamber of souls. Jacob smiled and walked down from the lowered hydraulic hatch. He looked at the bullet holes and corpses all over the floor, and sighed quietly, no one noticed. The soldiers of these undead legions had protected him and his followers many times, but due to his mistakes, the souls of the soldiers were all swallowed by the [Holy Source]. What burns forever is the soul and mind, and if you lose your mind, you will lose your humanity. It can be said that the tragedy of Kit City for a thousand years comes from this. From the moment the legions of the undead blasted the iceberg with Greek fire, killing thousands of innocent people, Jacob's plans to build his dream kingdom of God on earth came to an end.

But [Sacred Source] is not the biggest secret hidden in Kit City, and the function of [Sacred Source] is not only to maintain the life of him and the undead army. That's just a means, not an end. Everything, including himself, exists for a purpose. "As you can see, I'm still a little sentimental." Jacob said with a smile. He was not surprised that his emotions were noticed by Salomon, he knew Salomon's ability. "I think this is a gift from fate. They can finally be freed. Death makes life meaningful. I only wanted to understand this after I died once."

"If you disappeared from the tomb after being resurrected, and then suddenly appeared in front of the first person who came to visit you, it is my guidance..."

"Then you really guessed right, all of this is your guidance." Jacob shrugged, "Amazing bad taste meets a not-so-pious country boy. My lord, your sense of humor is more than that. "

"It seems that I have protected my sense of humor very well." Salomon stepped out of the crowd of the combat team and stood beside Jacob. The smell of gunpowder smoke in the air has not yet dissipated, and even the violent snowstorm on the mountain cannot completely take away all the soot and burnt smell. They stood side by side on the edge of the square, with the abyss below them. They overlooked the snow-covered mountains in the east, watched the sun shining on the winding ridges, illuminating the dark mountain streams, and the permafrost and glaciers that never melted. Glittering in the bright sunlight, like a string of diamond necklaces covering the earth. No matter how the world's story happened, those glaciers stood there, growing, melting, and growing again. Regardless of death or survival, only the glacier is eternal.

"It's a beautiful sight." The mystic sighed, "Have you decided?"

"Yes, my lord, I will die when this thing is completed. A thousand years of waiting is for today, and I have nothing to hesitate." Jacob said with a smile, "Sophia can understand my approach, she is My daughter. Now that you have given her a new mission, she will continue to serve you, just like me in the past. I am sorry that I cannot tell you all about the past. After all, those things will have to be done by you in the future It takes experience."

[Holy Source] is kept in the center of the hall of the Chamber of Souls. It is a crystal that constantly shines with dazzling light. Jacob wrapped it with a special cloth to block the imitation of the Philosopher’s Stone as much as possible. Product energy leakage. "I need people to open the floor below." Jacob pointed to the marble cross-shaped floor where the [Sacred Source] was placed, "The really important things are hidden here. Maybe it was built here The craftsmen in the world knew that I built the darkroom under the chamber of souls, but they either died from the swords and guns of the Mongols or the Holy Trinity, or died from the avalanches and floods caused by the undead legion, so even the undead legion didn’t know. source]’s real use.”

According to Jacob's instructions, the engineering team who came later quickly built the lifting equipment and cut a circular stone cover with a diameter of 40 feet with a laser. The project took several hours for the engineering team. As the project was completed, the expansion nails and steel cables that were driven into the densely packed marble floor made a toothsome groan, the diesel-burning motor roared, and the makeshift crane trembling slightly. Due to the slow progress of the work, some soldiers of the Undead Legion were reborn around [Holy Source], but fortunately no casualties were caused. Those who want to get their hands on the 【Holy Source】.

As Salomon uttered the spell, the marble became much lighter.

The engineering team quickly moved the stone cover aside, and then directed the drone to fly down towards the dark hole. After preliminary investigation, there is no danger below. Salomon nodded towards Jacob, and then jumped down neatly.

He never thought that his future self would give such a great gift to his present self.

According to Stephanie's later statistics, Salomon harvested thousands of high-tech hard drives from the Lost City. According to the analysis of the science and technology department, many of them were technical templates related to the construction of space battleships and genetic experiments. In addition, there are ecological bases and construction plans for automated factories, which just fill in the gaps in the technology project of the Mars Foundry.

However, these are not the most important.

Lara Croft finally sees what the angel in golden armor is all about.

It was a giant lying in a high-tech coffin, and a huge halberd stood beside the high-tech coffin, and various pipes that Laura couldn't identify were connected to the armor and his flesh. In the darkness, the computer next to the golden-armored giant kept running at the lowest power level, and an extremely calm radio wave was displayed on the dark blue screen. Even with superficial medical knowledge, Laura can tell what the values ​​and indicators displayed on the computer mean. Heartbeat, blood pressure, various hormone levels, blood circulation, muscle condition, transplanted organ conditions, etc., among which there are many special terms that she does not know, which seem to be coined words of ancient Latin. Even though it was pitch black, Laura could still feel the unparalleled power of this giant. It seemed that he might wake up at any time and take up a weapon to attack anyone.

But that's pretty much impossible, at least for now.

A huge bloody wound cut across the abdomen cut through the gorgeous golden armor, the breath of death lingered on his face, and the deep red armor lining robe was stained with dried blood. This wound is taking his life, and the high-tech and witchcraft coffin has stopped the footsteps of death. The golden armor was covered with craters and scratches, the inlaid rubies were shattered, the giant shoulder armor was severely deformed, the roaring eagle on the breastplate was cut in half, and the beautifully carved pensive figure on the knee pads was covered with blood. .

Most of the energy of [Divine Source] was used to heal him. Although a thousand years have passed, the wound is still horribly serious. Even after a thousand years, the people standing by can still hear his roar before he died, and the flames of war and gunpowder blowing towards his face.

Salomon looked at the people lying inside with a sad face. Reminders from the soul and genetic level told him that he recognized this person, and he also recognized this armor. This is the crystallization of high technology from the dwarves and the Immortal City, combining the products of many black technologies. There are a hundred such armors made of Uru metal, fine gold and vibrating gold stored in the basement warehouse of the Immortal City. He couldn't imagine what a terrible battle this soldier had gone through. From the perspective of his soul and genes, he has experienced the project that the biological laboratory is still researching--Maya Hansen will rely on Salomon's knowledge of life, use technological means and genetic alchemy to create An extremely loyal genetically modified fighter, who serves as Salomon's bodyguard.

The initial quota is tentatively set at 100 people, and there is no upper limit for subsequent expansion.

The production capacity of the Immortal City is not enough to support too many Guards, after all, Salomon has given all the black technology to this army.

"He woke up once, when my followers couldn't hold off the Holy Trinity's pursuers. For some reason, no one reminded him, and no one could communicate with him, but he always Wake up in times of crisis." Standing beside the high-tech coffin, Jacob said in a deep voice, "He killed thousands of pursuers by himself, and then continued to sleep in this coffin. In order to conceal his origin, I tell my followers that there is a golden angel protecting us. In a sense, that is true."


"You delivered him to me in Byzantium, my lord."

Ask for a ticket!

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