Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 594: Manpower Problem (Part 1)

Stephanie was a little puzzled by the sudden order. She didn't understand why her monarch began to collect lesson plans and cases of naval warfare during World War II, and invited veterans to write combat manuals, especially battleship tactics and dreadnought tactics. Today's naval battles are basically beyond-visual-range operations. The doctrine of large ships and giant artillery has been replaced by a wide variety of missiles. The era of giant artillery bombardment has passed. However, as Salomon's most intimate secretary (self-proclaimed), Stephanie carried out the monarch's order without hesitation, without asking why.

Her next task is to promote the U.S. Department of Defense's tactical research on future space and naval warfare. NASA, funded by the Malik family, also logically joined this project. Although the armed satellites of the United States are almost useless now, the "Star Wars" plan during the Cold War has actually been put on the agenda again after the Battle of New York. The United States, China, and Russia have focused on the development of aerospace technology in recent years, but they are still far away from the goal of protecting the entire solar system and attacking spacecraft outside the atmosphere.

Gideon Malik's family doctor finally announced that he is healthy enough to return to the State Department to lead NASA's space naval tactical research program. This plan is not impressive in the face of a series of rhetoric from Lunar Express, Space Exploration Technologies, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic. Many politicians believe that Gideon Malik is considering retirement. Li Ke made the last political capital, otherwise he would not have joined such an indispensable project that was so far away that almost no results could be seen.

It may not be long before the US State Department will welcome a beautiful Malik, so Stephanie Malik's marriage is also on the agenda, anyone can see that the old political family Malik will continue Brilliant down. This matter is also acquiesced by Gideon Malik, who needs Stephanie to give birth to the heir of the Malik family, because Stephanie is an only child.

If Stephanie was still the same, Gideon wouldn't worry about that at all. But now his only daughter is running around with Salomon, and has no intention of falling in love at all, which makes him very anxious.

As the person involved, Stephanie had no idea what kind of vortex she had fallen into. Even if she knew, she would have no room to think about these things. When Salomon returned to the Immortal City, he showed Stephanie the warships parked in the inner plane for the first time. The giant cannon of the big ship is the most shocking, especially when standing in front of the muzzle of the towering cannon, the fear from the depths of the genes instantly overwhelmed the reason. Stephanie's psychological quality is not as good as that of Salomon. She was supported by Salomon and sat on the sofa. With the help of hot black tea and cookies, it took her a long time to recover.

"Those are all ours?" Stephanie's hands and feet were still cold and her body was shaking. She kept leaning on Salomon, as if she could regain her courage in this way.

"Yes, it's absolutely true. We will have more warships in the future, and this is just the tip of the iceberg."

"My lord, what kind of enemy are we facing?" She suddenly thought of a question. This question made her fall into an ice cave, and completely woke her up, "What kind of tragic battles will there be in the future, so that you in the future want to send those things to the present?"

"Our first opponent is the Crazy Titan that has destroyed countless civilizations in the universe." Although the enemy is still outside the solar system, Salomon has already felt the pressure brought by the Crazy Titan. According to the strange and inconspicuous rumors among the interstellar pirates, the crazy titan Thanos has extremely powerful genetic modification technology and the biochemical mechanical technology of the Chitauri, which can be used to create extremely powerful and fearless war monsters. When the battleship of the crazy Titan Thanos descends, the endless biochemical monsters will overwhelm all the troops on the ground.

Under such terrifying power, capitulationism will inevitably appear on the earth. This has nothing to do with ideology, political considerations, or even overall national power, but an objective fact that the governments of all countries on Earth are powerless to resist the warlords from space, and even if they resist, they cannot last long. As for Asgard, Salomon didn't expect them to have an organized army after Ragnarok, so he didn't tell anyone about it before, even the Avengers didn't know the enemy was coming The information——on the tragic battlefield, no matter how powerful the Avengers are, they will not be useful.

First? That is to say, there are still many enemies in the future?

"I will immediately implement the follow-up plan of the Mars Foundry." Stephanie took a deep breath, "But is there enough time? When will our enemies come? Also, will this matter be caused by Wakanda? Anyone know? I think those warships will deter them and keep the king of Wakanda in peace."

The mystic nodded.

"I've made arrangements, and now I'm waiting for the progress of brain science. Ordinary people can't just rely on learning to drive a battleship. The amount of data is too huge." Salomon said, "You can apply for brain-computer Interface and auxiliary thinking loop support. I can't equip everyone with a magic equipment, that is very, very unrealistic."

"The Samaritan and the AI!"

"No, no. There is no artificial intelligence on those ships, and we don't have time to modify all the ships." Salomon always had mistrust of artificial intelligence in his heart. This cannot be blamed on him, after all, the level of artificial intelligence he has come into contact with is very high, the kind that almost has its own emotions.

"We need to find people now, secretly learn the driving skills in those hard drives, and then start the smallest battleship. In this way, the Mars Foundry plan will be completely in our hands, and the Wakanda people can no longer meddle in it You go to Sophia's people to choose, except for the boy marked by the biological laboratory, you can assign the Sophia people in the Immortal City and the Lost City at will, and they will be under your command from now on. Don't worry, I will tell Sophia this For one thing, they need to join the Immortal City to avoid the hunting of the Holy Trinity. It is their wish to completely merge into the Immortal City. All plans must be kept secret from the Wakanda people, and they cannot be touched by the Wakanda people. A little information."

"You also told me about the girl who is about to join the Immortal City. Is that girl the mystic of Kama Taj, your subordinate?"

"Kama Taj doesn't belong to me now, Stephanie. That girl is my student, and I personally teach her spells. It's just that she still has her own things to do, so she can't come here for the time being." Mystic Order the invisible servant to bring a cup of tea. He also needs to relax. Faced with Salomon's invitation, the Maximov siblings readily agreed. In their view, the success of their revenge is a certainty, and they also need to find a place to live after the revenge is over. Since it was an olive branch extended by my teacher, there is no need to think too much, just join.

What's more, Wanda also wanted to help her teacher and share some responsibilities. The responsibility on Salomon seemed to her to be unbelievably heavy, and she wondered what kind of person could have imposed such a cruel fate on a human being rather than a civilization. But no matter what, she hopes to play some role in future battles.

"Is this your student, Boya?" The witch first grabbed Salomon's cheek, and then continued to look through his phone album. "He's in good shape." Bayonetta commented bluntly. "Are you intrigued, my little stallion?"

Ask for a ticket!

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