Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 597 Brain-computer interface (second update)

"Hey, Boy! Why did you suddenly come to see Uncle Tony today?"

Perhaps it was because they hadn't seen each other for too long, but Tony Stark was a little enthusiastic about Salomon's sudden visit. Although the way Salomon came to Stark Tower was still so sudden, Stark was used to the uninvited arrival of the mystic. As far as he knew, Salomon used the portal to commute between London and New York every day, so it was quite reasonable to use the portal from London to Manhattan.

For a period of time before this, Stark only met managers and some executives under the Salomon industry. Most of these people were connected with Pepper Potts, and they had no relationship with Tony Stark, who was in charge of technology research and development. Too much intersection. So he still doesn't know the name of the girl with short blond hair who came here to discuss business, and he doesn't bother to remember the names of those who come and go, he only knows that the girl is in charge of all of Salomon's invest. In addition, after the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark, who relied on lobbying funds and political forces to shield many agents, claimed to be the successor of S.H.I.E.L.D. Most of his energy was devoted to eliminating Hydra and developing new technologies speed is greatly slowed down.

Salomon rolled his eyes.

"Miss Potts has signed a brain-computer interface technology exchange agreement, Stark." With a cold face, he took the drink from the stupid robot named Xiaodai in Stark's laboratory . "I know what you've been up to lately," he said, "but the combination of virtual reality technology and brain-computer interface technology is..."

"My God! How old are you, and you have become exactly like the old guy on the board!"

Stark looked Salomon up and down. For some reason, he felt the temperament of Salomon, which was completely different from that of Americans. Under the guidance of Eton College and Athena, Salomon learned how to dress, how to discipline himself, how to talk like a gentleman, and looked like Old Money in New York in the 1920s. He looked again and again, and it was true that it was because of the British suit, striped tie and somewhat inconspicuous ruby ​​brooch on Salomon, which made Salomon look like an Oxford political and economics major. Students, like the Jazz Age bourgeoisie in The Great Gatsby he read in high school.

This makes Stark, who has many luxury cars in his garage, look like an upstart. The facts are indeed true, the Stark family indeed belongs to New Money, even Howard Stark has been said to be an upstart more than once.

"And that brain-computer interface technology is actually yours? When did you do research in brain science? Is this also magic? Why didn't I know about it?" Stark was surprised at first, and then immediately put on a face He poured himself a glass of wine with an unhappy expression.

"What do you want this technology for?" He asked pretending to be indifferent, "Even I can see that the combination of this technology has no advantage in popularization. After all, not everyone can make up their minds to do brain-computer interface surgery. This kind of The technology is too advanced and will not be accepted by the market, and the Stark Group is only for technical reserves and will not put it into production immediately."

"I need this technology, Stark. I'm not short of money, and I'm not here to make money. On the scale of the galaxy, gold mines and diamond mines are everywhere. The financial game on Earth means nothing to me. Technology and resources are the real valuable things." Salomon didn't go around the corner anymore, "Infuse signals from the outside to the brain to strengthen some neural connections, so that you can learn certain knowledge quickly. This is the real purpose of the brain-computer interface , to assist learning."

This is the purpose of Stephanie coming to the Stark Group, the auxiliary learning function of the brain-computer interface. Ordinary people can't learn to drive a space battleship several kilometers long after ten years of education, so Salomon needs this kind of thing to instill a lot of knowledge about driving a battleship into a person's mind. Of course, the brains of ordinary people cannot handle such a huge amount of data, so the results of the brain science department of the biology laboratory are added, and the brain-computer interface is used to connect external machines to assist thinking.

"Who are you going to use it for, yourself? And don't you worry about burning your brain?" Stark couldn't believe Salomon's words.

"The people who use this technology are not humans, at least not 100% humans, Stark. If you are willing to carry out research and development, I can open up some of my technical reserves to you, the kind that transforms magic technology into modern technology."

Stark smacked his lips, he couldn't understand the meaning of Salomon's words.

What does it mean to be not 100% human, and how many percent of human beings are there?

He didn't want to ask that question right now, however, he was interested in the bait Salomon threw.

"Like your chemical composition analyzer? That's also transformed by magic technology, right?" Tony Stark suddenly became interested. "After you authorized that patent to me, I conducted research on your chemical analyzer. Some key components still need to be produced by the Stark Group. I really don't understand how you made those things when you were in junior high school of."

"Just take out your wand and wave it." The mystic shrugged.

"You are joking?"

"No, it's true."

People who are new to the magic world often have a misunderstanding. They always think that powerful magic is the kind of spell that can create explosions, cause earthquakes, and collapse walls. However, truly powerful spells are only manifested in some tiny and inconspicuous places. Creating a semiconductor that temporarily doesn't exist on the Material Plane is much more difficult than creating a fireball. What a fireball can do, a grenade can do, and it can even be higher, and creating technological products that don't exist requires not only extremely high theoretical magic attainments, but also knowledge of many disciplines.

The elevator rang crisply, and Maria Hill, who was wearing a business suit, came out of the elevator holding a document. She saw Tony Stark and Salomon standing face to face at a glance.

"Stark, here is a document that needs your signature." She walked over and gently pushed away the mechanical arm that Xiaodai extended over courtingly, without looking at Salomon. She tried to avoid eye contact with Salomon, which was the rule set by Nick Fury when he was still leading S.H.I.E.L.D. Except for Natasha Romanov, no other agents above level 8 could look at Salomon in order to avoid information leakage.

"Miss Potts asked me to bring the letter of consent for the transformation of the Avengers' supersonic Quin-jet fighter."

"Oh! The old guy can't help it?" Stark took the pen, glanced at it casually, and signed it. He had heard that Steve Rogers was eager to hunt down the remnants of Hydra, but at that time the White House had not yet allowed the Avengers to operate, so many things could only be done secretly. "Want to join?" He raised his head and glanced at Salomon who was standing aside, "I know that young people always want to go to places where they can display their strength..."

"No, thank you." The mystic shook his head indifferently, "I'm not interested in fighting between mortals."

"Ha! 'Mortal'?" Stark shoved the file back to Maria Hill. "You sound like Thor now. No, it should be more like Loki, the horned golden bastard."

"I have my responsibilities, Stark. Kama Taj doesn't care about petty fights between mortals, as long as the human race survives, whatever. If Hitler can fend off aliens, do you think Kama Taj Will Ji support him?"

Ask for a ticket!

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