Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 599 Whispering (Second)

Sophia's face was gloomy, her arms folded, her spine supported by the light bulletproof armor and exoskeleton under the black leather trench coat, making her look directly at the increasingly impatient Stephanie. The gorgeous silver vine ruby ​​crown looks dazzling under the light of the desk lamp, coupled with the special costumes of the internal affairs personnel of the Immortal City, it makes Stephanie look like a gorgeous dragon that chooses and devours in the shadows .

"I am loyal to the monarch because my father is loyal to him." After a while, Sophia spoke again, breaking the silence in the office. "I will stick to the destiny my father gave to our people," she said, "but my father has paid too much to keep that secret, even a monarch can't ask for more."

Sophia snorted, like the muffled sound of a bowstring. "They have already regarded your monarch as a god, you should see the performance of my people."

"You know this is something that is not allowed to happen, Sophia. The monarch hates superstition, and he agreed with your people to keep the faith not so that you can worship him as a god, but because of the request of the prophet."

Stephanie took off the bracelet on her wrist irritably, so as not to let the constant display of blood pressure and heart rate disturb the various data in her memory. This civilian technology from Wakanda can monitor her physical condition and use it to ensure her health to support the effective operation of the Immortal City and its huge industries. These few days were her ovulation period, and she was uncontrollably irritable, but Stephanie still took a deep breath and faced Sophia with a cold and professional attitude.

Sometimes she thinks of the small gifts that Salomon gives every month, and looks forward to this month's gifts like a little girl.

"Also, it is our monarch, pay attention to your words. You are not your father, and your people are not. You and your people should remember that your survival is based on your father's thousand years of dedication. "She said, "You should thank the monarch for his tolerance. After knowing such a big secret, he didn't cleanse you. I don't know why the monarch trusts your father so much, but it turns out that his vision is right. They are all for the same Those who strive for the goal, all are preparing for the same war."

"He hopes that you can continue your father's mission, and don't let the monarch and your father down, Sophia. There is no room for human kindness in the cruel and dark future. The monarch does not want you to become victims, and neither do I."

After Sophia left, the office returned to silence, only the melodious sound of friction between the papers continued.

"What do you think of all this, Mr. Whitehall." Stephanie turned her head and looked at the simulated face on the computer monitor. Dr. Whitehall's expression was still gentle. Even without his body, Whitehall's brain is still functioning. He is not only a consultant for the biological laboratory, but also a consultant for the internal affairs department where Stephanie works. Except for a few specific people, Whitehall cannot be contacted by anyone, and he can only be awakened at a specific time-the idea of ​​​​using brain-computer interface to instill knowledge comes from him. That's a common brainwashing method used by Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., but now the same principle is being used elsewhere.

As the head of the hydra that has survived to this day, Whitehall's methods are extremely anti-human, but his wisdom is real. Stephanie also tried to use Whitehall's brain to learn the operation and management methods of Hydra in the past. This matter was approved by Salomon, but he repeatedly warned Stephanie not to trust that brain too much, and not to agree to any of his conditions. Compared with the devil in hell, Whitehall is more cunning as a human being.

"Why did you try so hard to help that man, Stephanie?" Dr. Whitehall said gently in English with a German accent, "I heard about the birth of Gideon's daughter in prison, and I saw you But what I don't know is that you also have emotions that women would have, do you think you should adjust some hormone secretion levels?"

"I did not do all this out of love, Whitehall. The Lord gave me ideals."

"Forgive my prejudices and stereotypes, ma'am. I know how hard it is to learn something new when you're dead, especially now that my soul is gone. I'm just a collection of consciousnesses , isn’t it? It’s been an interesting experience.” Hydra’s brain said, “Your hormone levels tell me that you have a deep affection for him, and he has given you all the trust and power. Body I won't lie. I don't know how he won your father, but what I learned in the training tank tells me that your monarch is a person with extremely ambitious goals. Such a person will not have Emotional, Stephanie, is he threatening death?"

"What do you want to say?" Stephanie stopped the pen in her hand and looked at the computer screen. The vigilance in her heart was suddenly raised. The intellect heightened by the delicate tiara gave Stephanie a clue, and she was ready to hear what Whitehall had to say.

Whitehall smiled. In other words, his brain sends the signal to smile, which is then programmed to express it.

"You're the daughter of a Hydra, aren't you?" he said with a smile, "Standard Hydra."

"The past is."

"And now. You want to bear him, don't you?" Whitehall blinked. "He's a very attractive gentleman, and it's perfectly normal for you to think so."

"What does it matter?"

"But you are a Hydra, Stephanie, and your desire for power is inseparable from your lust. You are a Hydra, and you are a Hydra, even if you are one of those superstitious old-fashioned Hydras of conservatives. Whenever you sit in this position, you get psychological satisfaction."

Stephanie was silent. Whitehall was telling the truth that, of all her fantasies, only this office, this ottoman and Salomon would not change. It was her most secret and shady secret passion, stealing her mind like a damp summer midnight.

"If you don't mind, I can give my advice. Don't worry, your loyalty will not change, and you think so, don't you?" Whitehall said softly, "Of course, you just need to listen .The choice is always yours. You always have the choice.”

"Are you so relieved to hand over your power to that Hydra girl, Boya?" Beunita, wearing big sunglasses, attracted many eyes, and her perfect figure was even more dizzying. It's just that the witch sitting in the auditorium didn't pay attention to the wild bull and the gorgeously dressed matador below, but the face of the same tall boy sitting beside her. Facing Bayunita's inquiry, Salomon just smiled.

This is the traditional festival of the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, ​​the capital of the autonomous region of Navarra, Spain. Salomonte deliberately found tickets for the Madrid Bullring, and brought the witch to feel the enthusiasm of the bullfight. It's just that bullfighting isn't as interesting now as it used to be, and the real bloodshed part of the sacrifice has been canceled due to the intervention of stupid animal protectionists.

For this festival, Bayonetta specially put on a red one-piece mermaid dress with lace trim. It's just that when she wears this outfit that shows off her figure, she looks even more attractive than a bullfight.

"Give Stephanie some more trust." He said, "The Hydra family is the real Old Money. Stephanie has received a good education, and she has a degree from a business school. My subordinates are either scientific research talents or combat talents, There are not many people who can actually be in charge of the administration.”

"Is it really just like that?" Before Salomon could answer, Bayonetta glanced at the manic bull rushing towards the bullfighter waving his cape in the bullring. Just when the matador in the red tights was wondering why the bull had turned its direction, the bull rushed towards her row with the extremely fierce knight.

The mystic shook his head helplessly.

He stood up unhurriedly, stretched out his hands, grabbed the horns of the rushing bull, and pinned the enraged bull to the sand.

"Good job, Boya~" Bayunita laughed. Her slender and beautiful legs under her skirt curled up, and then she blew a kiss to Salomon, "Can you be so energetic tonight?"

Ask for a ticket!

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