Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 602: Bad Boy, Bad Woman (Part 1)

"The magician has a problem with his mind." Agent Natasha Romanov said confidently.

"What's going on?" Clint asked with a sense of foreboding.

As the audience, he looked around.

He had already heard some of Salomon's bad reputation, such as magic barbarian, don't use too many words. He seemed worried that the magician Natasha was talking about would hear these bad words, and then jump out of the corner waving a big wooden stick, and hit him and Natasha hard. He was amused by his own thoughts, but Clint quickly put his thoughts aside and focused on what Natasha had said.

The matter must have been private, or Natasha would not have confided in him alone.

He is the only one in the Avengers who knows the secrets of Natasha's past. Those dark, bloody and cruel pasts have not disappeared with Natasha's joining the Avengers, and countless brilliance cannot make up for her past. Natasha once said that more than once in the quiet and dark midnight, she heard those past events slowly approaching with staggering footsteps and the stench of corruption, "creaking and creaking" stepped on the smooth wooden floor of the red house The groan made her wake up from her deep sleep, covered in cold sweat.

"He said he was going to give me a baby!" She couldn't help raising her voice.

Clint raised an eyebrow, looking interested.

He knew what kind of sterilization operation Natasha had undergone, which was enough to break down the psychological defense of normal women, because he had visited the concentration camps on the US-Mexico border in the United States. If Salomon can use magic to solve this problem, it may not be a good thing, he is very happy to see his friend realize his dream.

Agent Romanov wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingers, and changed back to the look of an agent who has hidden many secrets.

Long-term training allowed her to quickly adjust her emotions, but just like Salomon's evaluation of her in the past, she was a poor person with a broken mind, and she didn't know what her real emotions were. The reason she was able to fool the lie detector was because she fooled her own mind first.

"He ran over excitedly," Natasha said flatly, "and left after taking the blood sample. I thought..."

Years of getting along made Clint feel suspicious, he had to say some nonsense to appease his seemingly calm but manic friend, "He's only nineteen years old, if you're expecting that kind of thing, there might be some too early."

"My uterus and ovaries disappeared a long time ago. I thought he would use magic to make them grow back." Agent Romanov seemed to have completely stabilized her emotions. She said half-jokingly, "It doesn't matter if it hurts. He He's a handsome lad, I've seen his body, and I'm single, I don't mind what happens."

"It's a bit difficult, Xiaona." Hawkeye spread his hands, shrugged, and he also laughed. He knew that Natasha was also talking nonsense, but at least it showed that she had stepped out of her emotions and was no longer indulging in those nightmares of the past.

"It's both," Hawkeye added.

"Clint~" Natasha laughed twice, and took the cold beer from Hawkeye. The laughter seemed genuine rather than forced, but even Hawkeye couldn't penetrate so far into her mind to tell if it was real or not. "This is not what I want." She said with a smile, "This agreement was made many years ago, I can't tell you the details, Clint, it involves a magical secret... Although he didn't tell me clearly He can repair organs, but his subtext is what it is."

"Even a clone can't rely on a bottle of blood, why did he do that?"

"I don't know. When I thought about asking him, I found that he didn't appear anywhere except Oxford." Natasha shook her head and said slowly, "Including when he came to collect blood, at that time He's in class."

Hawkeye suddenly felt his scalp go numb. "Xiaona, is this a ghost story?"

"It's a magical story. Don't be a little boy scared of the monster under the bed, Clint." Agent Romanoff rolled his eyes. But from Hawkeye's point of view, his friend seemed to be even more angry, "The one who came to collect blood was just an ice and snow statue he made for himself, which was specially used to perform simple tasks when he couldn't get away. He assured me that it was necessary The detection method, and then hung up the phone."

"Okay...he's a bad boy, isn't he?" Even though he was married, Clint still couldn't figure out what was going on in the woman's mind. He could only follow Natasha Romanoff's thoughts, and he also patted his chest and promised that he would go to the bad boy to settle the score. This childish behavior finally made Natasha Romanoff happy again.

"Thank you for listening, Clint."

"It's okay, we're friends. Is yours really okay, Cortana?"

"I will settle the score with him personally." Natasha Romanov said with a smile, "That adolescent boy will know why women are not easy to mess with."

Women are difficult to mess with, this is a fact that Salomon knows firsthand.

He made this judgment when Natasha Romanoff broke into the library past the security guards and plucked him out of the sea of ​​knowledge. She was wearing a windbreaker and sunglasses that looked extremely unfavorable, and no one knew what weapons were hidden under her clothes—he was sure that there was at least a pistol, because the muzzle of the gun was staring at his waist. And the woman with the gun was clinging to him, blocking the view of others. "Tell me, kid." She lowered her voice, not attracting the attention of other people who were reading, "Why did you hang up on me?"

Salomon looked at her incredulously.

"Are you crazy? Because of this?" His eyes widened, trying to keep his voice down so that no one else could hear their conversation. The library was very quiet, and Salomon didn't even bring the spell-casting materials into the library, so it was impossible to block the sound transmission with spells. "Didn't I make it very clear on the phone? That is a necessary detection method!"

"I want to see your results!" Agent Romanov's voice did not change, but her tone suddenly became bright and lively. A white-haired old professor passing by glanced here, then shook his head with contempt. Obviously, the spy's professionalism made her subconsciously pay attention to the surrounding situation and make reasonable preparations for her actions. "Assuming the promise you made in the bathtub worked, it's been years now." She kept smiling. "I'm getting older and less fit to conceive. I'm in a hurry, Salomon."

"As I said before, restoring internal organs is an extremely difficult technique, involving a lot of black magic..."

"As long as you can do it, it's not impossible for me to conceive your child."


"Hush!" The professor who was reading in front turned his head and asked Salomon to lower his volume very angrily. Salomon stood up, bowed and apologized with embarrassment. He took the Bodleian Oath, which is the reader code of the Bodleian Library. This oath is to Oxford students what the Hippocratic Oath is to doctors. If he violates his promise, he will not be expelled. So simple, every professor would not want to teach him again, because it would be too embarrassing. When he sat down again, he found that Natasha Romanov was smiling, as if nothing had happened.

He glared viciously, but still couldn't change Natasha Romanov's relaxed demeanor.

"How about it, have you thought about it? Getting a beautiful woman pregnant is an irresistible temptation for male genes, and you are the same." She whispered in the ear of the mystic with a slightly hoarse voice, "You only have one chance, bad boy."

Ask for a ticket!

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